ASAP Rocky

2025 - 2 - 19

A$AP Rocky: Fra Skyder til Skudfri!

Rihanna -- asap rocky case A$AP Rocky - berømthed - kendiser - musik - retssag - Rihanna - skud - asap rocky case

Retten har talt, og A$AP Rocky er fri som fuglen. Læs hvordan rapperen har vundet retssagen, og hvordan han fejrede sin frihed med Rihanna!

Rapperen A$AP Rocky, hvis borgerlige navn er Rakim Mayers, har netop fået en befriende afgørelse i retten. En jury i Los Angeles har erklæret ham ikke skyldig i to alvorlige anklager om overfald med et semiautomatrifle. De latterangrebsfremkaldende 24 år i fængsel, der hang over hans hoved, er nu en saga blot, og det med god grund, da sagen var fuld af dramatik.

Sagen mod A$AP Rocky involverede påstande om, at han i 2021 skulle have skudt mod sin tidligere ven under en hændelse på gaderne i Hollywood. Den indsigt, juryen fik gennem retssagens forløb, har ført til denne lettelse, der ikke blot rammer A$AP Rocky, men også hans langvarige partner Rihanna, der har været en trofast støtte hele vejen. Da afgørelsen blev bekendtgjort, kunne man se den benhårde rapper omfavne sin stjernede kæreste i en følelsesladet scene, der fik alle til at smile.

Som med så mange kendte mennesker i retssystemet, tiltrak A$AP Rockys tilfælde en stor mængde medier og fans, der nøje fulgte med i hans skæbne. Sociale medier eksploderede, da nyheden ramte, og fansen gav i den grad udtryk for deres lettelse og jubel over dommerens afsigelse. ”Det er fantastisk, hvad retfærdighed kan gøre,” sagde en af hans entusiastiske tilhængere, og der blev hurtigt delt memes og jubelmeldinger om sejr, da musikkens verden har fået sin A$AP tilbage.

Det er vigtigt at bemærke, at dette ikke kun er en sejr for A$AP Rocky selv, men også en påmindelse om de komplekse og ofte urimelige udfordringer, som mange berømtheder står overfor i dag. Projektering af et guldbruderskab til de største bælgede alfarere kan blive kompliceret, når det er midt i en by, der danner ramme om glamourens drømme og frygten for den dybeste krise. A$AP Rocky bliver ved med at være en stemme for mange, ikke blot i musikken, men også gennem hans personlige kampe.

Vidste du, at A$AP Rocky er kendt for sin innovative tilgang til både musik og mode? Han har arbejdet med designerne Raf Simons og Gucci, hvilket gør ham til en påvirkningsfuld figur inden for modeverdenen. Desuden har han vundet adskillige priser for sin musik og blev endda nomineret til Grammy. Så selvom denne retssag er overstået, er der ingen tvivl om, at A$AP Rocky vil fortsætte med at gribe fat i både musik og mode som de sande ikoner, han er!

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Image courtesy of "BBC News"

A$AP Rocky not guilty of firearm assault on LA street (BBC News)

A jury in Los Angeles acquitted the musician, whose legal name is Rakim Mayers, on two felony assault charges that carried up to 24 years in prison. Terell ...

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Image courtesy of "NBC News"

Rapper A$AP Rocky found not guilty in gun assault trial (NBC News)

Rapper A$AP Rocky was found not guilty on two felony counts of assault with a semiautomatic firearm after he was accused of shooting at his onetime friend ...

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Image courtesy of "NPR"

Hip-hop star A$AP Rocky is found not guilty in firearm case ... (NPR)

Jurors found A$AP Rocky, a rapper and the longtime partner of Rihanna, not guilty of firing a gun at a former friend on a Hollywood street in 2021.

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Image courtesy of "Rolling Stone"

A$AP Rocky Found Not Guilty in Gun Assault Trial (Rolling Stone)

A$AP Rocky has been acquitted of all charges at his criminal gun assault trial, where he was accused of shooting former associate A$AP Relli.

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Image courtesy of "ABC7 Los Angeles"

A$AP Rocky found not guilty in felony assault trial that accused him ... (ABC7 Los Angeles)

As the not-guilty verdict was read, an emotional Rocky immediately rushed to hug his superstar partner Rihanna. The Los Angeles courtroom, full of fans of the ...

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Image courtesy of "ABC News"

Jury finds A$AP Rocky not guilty of felony assault (ABC News)

A Los Angeles jury reached a verdict in the trial of A$AP Rocky, who faces two felony charges related to an alleged 2021 shooting in Hollywood.

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Image courtesy of "CBS News"

A$AP Rocky found not guilty in assault trial in Los Angeles (CBS News)

A$AP Rocky has been found not guilty of two counts of assault with a semiautomatic firearm Tuesday following a nearly month-long trial in downtown Los ...

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Image courtesy of "The New York Times"

ASAP Rocky Found Not Guilty of Shooting Former Friend in Assault ... (The New York Times)

The rapper had faced two felony counts of assault with a firearm in connection with a 2021 altercation in Los Angeles.

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Image courtesy of "Forbes"

ASAP Rocky Found Not Guilty: The Online Reaction, Explained (Forbes)

The rapper and musician was embroiled in a felony case for two assault charges and had a potential 24 year prison sentence hanging over his head. Thankfully for ...

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Image courtesy of "The Associated Press"

A$AP Rocky dives into Rihanna's arms as not guilty verdict is read at ... (The Associated Press)

Jurors have found A$AP Rocky not guilty of firing a handgun at a former friend on a Hollywood street in 2021.

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Image courtesy of "The Associated Press"

What to know about A$AP Rocky's not guilty verdict (The Associated Press)

Rocky was charged with two felony counts of assault with a semiautomatic firearm, filed after a November 2021 incident in which a former friend said the rapper ...

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Image courtesy of "The Desert Sun"

What was ASAP Rocky on trial for? Grammy-nominated rapper ... (The Desert Sun)

Rakim Mayers, better known as A$AP Rocky, was acquitted on Tuesday. He had faced up to 24 years in prison if convicted on all charges.

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Image courtesy of "Billboard"

Ye, Nicki Minaj, 50 Cent & More React to A$AP Rocky Verdict in ... (Billboard)

Kanye West, Nicki Minaj, 50 Cent and more have reacted to ASAP Rocky's not guilty verdict. See what they said.

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Image courtesy of "Billboard"

A$AP Rocky & Rihanna Promise to Name Next Baby After Rapper's ... (Billboard)

ASAP Rocky and Rihanna apparently promised to name their next baby "Joe" after the rapper's lawyer, Joe Tacopina.

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Image courtesy of "BBC News"

A$AP Rocky's trial: Five things we learned (BBC News)

It was a trial that could have dismantled the future for one of hip-hop's hottest stars. The felony assault trial of A$AP Rocky in Los Angeles captured ...

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Image courtesy of "FOX 11 Los Angeles"

VIDEO: A$AP Rocky runs to Rihanna's arms after not-guilty verdict (FOX 11 Los Angeles)

A$AP Rocky is expected to hear the fate of the rapper's gun assault trial on Tuesday.

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Image courtesy of "CNN"

A$AP Rocky found not guilty in assault case (CNN)

A California jury has found A$AP Rocky not guilty of two felony counts of assault with a semiautomatic firearm, stemming from a 2021 shooting incident with ...

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Image courtesy of "GQ Magazine"

The Inside Story Behind A$AP Rocky's 'Comfortable' Trial Style (GQ Magazine)

Rocky's indelible personal style—and 20-some suits—defined his high-pressure legal drama.

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Image courtesy of "Billboard"

A$AP Rocky Didn't Want Rihanna at His Shooting Trial, Lawyer Says (Billboard)

Rihanna was a mainstay in A$AP Rocky's corner throughout his three-week felony shooting trial, which ended with a not guilty verdict for the Harlem native ...

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Image courtesy of "Billboard"

A$AP Relli Breaks Silence After A$AP Rocky Acquittal (Billboard)

A$AP Relli, born Terrell Ephron, has broken his silence after losing his shooting trail against his former friend A$AP Rocky and he addressed the hit his ...

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