Julian Holloway

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Carry On med Søren - Julian Holloway forlod os i en alder af 80!

Broadway - Carry On films - Doctor Who - Julian Holloway - My Fair Lady - Sophie Dahl

Legenden fra Carry On-universet, Julian Holloway, er død. Læs om hans morsomme liv og betydning!

Julian Holloway, den elskede stjerne fra de ikoniske ‘Carry On’-film, har desværre forladt denne verden i en alder af 80 år. Han døde i Royal Bournemouth Hospital, hvor han efterlod sig et væld af minder fra sin lange karriere. Holloway var en del af den britiske underholdningsindustri i næsten et halvt århundrede og var ikke kun kendt for sin komiske timing i film som ‘Carry On Camping’ og ‘Carry On Up The Khyber’, men også for sine roller i populære tv-serier som ‘Porridge’ og ‘Doctor Who’.

Julian var ikke bare en talentfuld skuespiller, men også far til den kendte model og forfatter Sophie Dahl, og hans liv var adskillige nuancer af komedie og drama. På trods af sin berømmelse nød Holloway et ret privat liv og synes aldrig at have ladet stjernen dygtighed gå til hovedet. Han mødte ofte beundrere, der delte deres gode minder om hans film, hvilket tydede på, at hans indflydelse på den britiske underholdningsindustri er dybt forankret.

Mens Holloways vægt på slapstick og humor var central i hans skuespil, havde han også en dyb respekt for sit håndværk. Hans performancer formåede at kombinere både den lette komik, som ‘Carry On’-filmene var kendt for, med mere alvorlige indhold i drame som ‘Doctor Who’, hvor han gjorde sig bemærket som Sergeant Paterson. Det var denne alsidighed, der gjorde ham til en skat i filmverdenen.

Som tributterne strømmer ind fra både berømtheder og fans, er det klart, at Holloway vil blive savnet. En sjov anekdote er, at han engang optrådte med sin far, Stanley Holloway, som også var en kendt komiker og skuespiller, og det må have været et storslået syn at se to generationer af talent på scenen. Julian’s liv var fyldt med latter, kærlighed og skuespil, og han vil altid blive husket som en af de mest farverige figurer i den britiske underholdning.

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Image courtesy of "BBC News"

Carry On film star Julian Holloway dies, aged 80 (BBC News)

Julian Holloway, who appeared in numerous films and TV series, died in Bournemouth, his agent said.

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Image courtesy of "The Guardian"

Julian Holloway, Carry On star and father of Sophie Dahl, dies aged ... (The Guardian)

The actor starred in the innuendo-laced comedy films as well as TV sitcoms including Porridge and The Likely Lads.

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Image courtesy of "The Sun"

Julian Holloway dead: Doctor Who actor who starred in 8 Carry On ... (The Sun)

ACTOR Julian Holloway, known for his roles in Doctor Who and the Carry On films, has died aged 80.Tributes have poured in for the star, praising his g.

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Image courtesy of "Evening Standard"

Julian Holloway dead: Carry On legend passes away aged 80 as ... (Evening Standard)

He also starred in Carry On Camping and Carry On Up The Khyber, as well as playing Sergeant Paterson in the Doctor Who story, Survival, in 1989.

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Image courtesy of "Telegraph.co.uk"

Carry On star Julian Holloway dies aged 80 (Telegraph.co.uk)

Actor, the father of Sophie Dahl, appeared in British TV staples including Doctor Who during 47-year career.

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Image courtesy of "Daily Mail"

Carry On legend and Doctor Who star Julian Holloway dead: Stars ... (Daily Mail)

He had a brief romance with Tessa Dahl in 1976 and the following year their daughter, the model Sophie Dahl, was born. Holloway was born into showbusiness ...

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Image courtesy of "Sky News"

Carry On actor Julian Holloway dies at 80 after brief illness (Sky News)

Tributes have been pouring in for the TV and film star, the father of former supermodel and author Sophie Dahl.

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Image courtesy of "Economic Times"

julian holloway: Who is Julian Holloway? 'Carry On' star and Sophie ... (Economic Times)

Julian Holloway passed away at the Royal Bournemouth Hospital in Dorset on Sunday. He was the son of actor-comedian Stanley Holloway, the star of My Fair ...

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Image courtesy of "Yahoo News UK"

Julian Holloway dead: Carry On legend passes away aged 80 as ... (Yahoo News UK)

He also starred in Carry On Camping and Carry On Up The Khyber, as well as playing Sergeant Paterson in the Doctor Who story, Survival, in 1989. Holloway had a ...

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Image courtesy of "Telegraph.co.uk"

Julian Holloway, actor best known for his roles in the Carry On films ... (Telegraph.co.uk)

In the 1990s he followed in the footsteps of his father Stanley when he played Alfred P Doolittle in My Fair Lady on Broadway.

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Image courtesy of "The Guardian"

Julian Holloway obituary (The Guardian)

Julian Holloway, who has died aged 80, was a prolific television actor and voice artist, and had a stage career that took him to Broadway, but he was best ...

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