Se hvordan Hollywoods søn håndterer både familieøjeblikke og skandaløse øjeblikke i sin nye rolle!
Patrick Schwarzenegger, søn af den berømte Arnold Schwarzenegger, har for nylig delt et hjertevarmt øjeblik med sine nærmeste. I en video, der hurtigt gik viralt, afslører han for sin familie, at han er blevet castet i den eftertragtede tredje sæson af HBO's hitserie "The White Lotus". Glæden strålede fra alle, men ingen kunne forberede sig på de vilde vendepunkter, som serien også bringer med sig.
Som en del af en velhavende familie spiller Patrick rollen som Saxon Ratliff, den ældste søn, og han er ikke alene; han har selskab af stjernerne Sarah Catherine Hook og Sam Nivola. Men ikke alt er som det skal være i Andøbergs univers - seerne er blevet foruroliget over de incestagtige temaer i sæsonen og har derfor blandede meninger om, hvad de skal tænke om deres yndlingskarakterer. Det synes ikke at gøre noget godt for den allerede kompliceredeplot.
Men det stopper ikke her! Patrick har også delt sine tanker om en ganske skandaløs scene i serien, hvor han ender med at vise sig helt nøgen. I et interview udtaler han, "Der var så meget hype omkring denne scene, men det var slet ikke så skræmmende, som folk tror. Det handler om at være tro mod karakteren og situationen." Hans åbenhed gør det klart, at han er klar til at tage den udfordring op, som den kreative proces byder på.
Afslutningsvis kan man ikke undgå at nævne rygterne om Patrick Schwarzenegger og popstjernen Taylor Swift. Der har været snak om et kortvarigt forhold mellem de to, men det er klart, at Patrick i øjeblikket koncentrerer sig fuldt ud om sin skuespilkarriere. Og her er et sjovt faktum: den første sæson af "The White Lotus" modtog hele 10 Emmy-nominerede priser og har skabt stor debat om sociale emner, der berører os alle. Webserien fanger virkelig folk og holder dem oppe om natten med spørgsmål om moral og etik!
Så mens Patrick navigerer sin nye berømmelse, kan vi se frem til, hvad han har at byde på i de kommende episoder, især når vi ved, at han er i stand til at kombinerer både rørende familieøjeblikke og næsten skandaløse scener med stil! Berømtheder i Hollywood har aldrig været så ligefrem, og vi elsker det!
Actor Patrick Schwarzenegger shared a video of the sweet moment he told his family he got cast in "The White Lotus” season three.
Schwarzenegger plays the eldest son of a wealthy family alongside siblings Sarah Catherine Hook and Sam Nivola.
In a rather well-known moment from season 1, Steve Zahn's character, Mark Mossbacher, reveals his swollen testicles. "I didn't even have to do that part," Zahn ...
Patrick Schwarzenegger's nude scene in 'The White Lotus' Season 3 Episode 1 continues the show's tradition of full-frontal male nudity.
Patrick Schwarzenegger made a splash in the first episode of the third season of HBO 's White Lotus when he appears fully nude in character as 'brash, ...
The first episode of The White Lotus just dropped and it includes a graphic nude scene, here's what Patrick Schwarzenegger said about filming it.
Patrick Schwarzenegger, who plays Saxon Ratliff in The White Lotus, looked back on the moment he told his family the news that he was cast.
Among the many rumors, one that has resurfaced is whether she ever dated Patrick Schwarzenegger, son of Hollywood icon Arnold Schwarzenegger. Their brief ...
Starring in the new season of White Lotus, Patrick Schwarzenegger's double watch flex is giving leading man energy.
HBO's The White Lotus returned with the Season 3 premiere on Sunday , and it already had fans rather creeped out by a potential gay incestuous storyline.
HBO's White Lotus is back and though it has a big Jennifer Coolidge hole in it, there's plenty of Mike White madness to get excited about.
Taylor Swift's romantic life has often been a subject of media speculation, with rumors swirling around her relationships. Among the many rumors, ...
In a joy- and tear-filled video shared to his Instagram, Patrick Schwarzenegger captured his family's reaction to his 'White Lotus' casting news.
While Patrick is yet to comment on whether he wore a front prosthetic for his nude scene, he did tell Esquire: “That's my real butt. No stand-in.”.
Schwarzenegger plays the eldest son of a wealthy family alongside siblings Sarah Catherine Hook and Sam Nivola.
The White Lotus Season 3 premiered on screens on Monday and, in line with previous seasons, it doesn't take long for one of its stars to go full frontal.
The actor shared a heartfelt video on Instagram, capturing the moment his mother, Maria Shriver, and sister, Katherine Schwarzenegger, learned about his casting ...
Patrick Schwarzenegger is reveling in the social media frenzy surrounding his jaw-dropping debut on The White Lotus. Patrick, clearly enjoying the buzz, ...
Patrick Schwarzenegger shared the reaction of his mother, Maria Shriver, and sister, Katherine Schwarzenegger after he gave them the news. | Web Series.
Patrick Schwarzenegger shared an Instagram video telling Maria Shriver and Katherine Schwarzenegger he was going to Thailand to film "The White Lotus."
Viewers said they were 'creeped out' by Schwarzenegger's character in the third season premiere on Sunday.
Patrick Schwarzenegger has opened up about getting naked in The White Lotus season 3 episode 1 and what's to come.
The location may change (this time it's Thailand), the cast may be switched up (hello, Aimee Lou Wood!), but we can always count on series creator Mike White ...
Patrick Schwarzenegger, the actor son of Arnold and Maria Shriver, is busting out as privileged, unfiltered son Saxon in "The White Lotus." Season 3.
Patrick Schwarzenegger shared an emotional video of the moment he announced to his family he was cast in 'The White Lotus.'
The 'White Lotus' Season 3 premiere included an eyebrow-raising nude scene. And Patrick Schwarzenegger is revealing just how real the moment was.