
2025 - 2 - 17

Hvordan en knækket ryg og en indkøbsrace forvandlede livet for unge talenter!

Bæredygtighed - Carli Stanford - Fødevaresikkerhed - Kreative projekter - Støtte til hjemløse elever - Uddannelsesinitiativ

Mød Carli Stanford, en atlet i topform, og deltag i et sjovt indkøbsrace – hvem vinder?

**Det, der ikke dræber en, gør en stærkere**: Carli Stanford fra Lunenburg har været en inspiration for mange med sin bemærkelsesværdige rejse. Som senior på Blue Knights track team har hun overvundet en knækket ryg, som hun pådrog sig i syvende klasse. I stedet for at lade skaden holde hende tilbage, har Carli arbejdet utrætteligt på at rehabilitere sig og forbedre sine præstationer. Hendes vedholdenhed og dedikation til sporten har ikke blot givet hende personlige sejre, men også gjort hende til en vigtig del af holdet, hvor hun konstant motiverer sine medspillere.

Men det slutter ikke her! I en sjov drejning af begivenheder deltager Carli også i et spændende indkøbsrace mod sin ven Heuerman. Denne usædvanlige konkurrence finder sted i et lokalt supermarked, hvor de konkurrerer om at samle de mest nødvendige varer til Eastern Illinois Foodbank. Det lyder måske som en let opgave, men i virkeligheden kræver det hurtighed, strategi og hurtige beslutninger, når de jagter varer på hylderne.

Meteorolog Jacob Dickey fra Champaign County Farm Bureau holder også styr på vejret, mens de to unge talenter kæmper om at finde de bedste tilbud. Denne månedslange partnerskab fokuserer på at støtte det lokale fødevarebank, og det giver en sjov og lærerig indblikk i både sport og samfundssind. Deres sjove udvekslinger og den konkurrenceånd, de bringer til indkøbene, gør det hele endnu mere underholdende for seerne.

I takt med at Carli og Heuerman sætter deres færdigheder på prøve, får vi også et unikt indblik i, hvordan ungdomsapporter kan inspirere hele samfundet. Det er ikke bare en konkurrence – det handler om at bringe folk sammen, støtte hinanden og dele glæden ved sport og velgørenhed. Hvem der vinder eller taber, synes at være mindre vigtigt end værdien af det formål, de arbejder for.

**Visste du, at Carli har vundet flere medaljer i lokal træning og nu arbejder på at kompensere for tabte konkurrencer på grund af pandemien?** I mellemtiden kunne et indkøbsrace muligvis være den næste store sportsgren – hvem havde troet, at madindkøb kunne være så spændende? Der er en god chance for, at vi snart ser det som en officiel disciplin på de lokale sportsbegivenheder!

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Image courtesy of "Worcester Telegram"

'She's going to do great things': Lunenburg's Stanford excels on ... (Worcester Telegram)

Lunenburg senior Carli Stanford has put together a solid career in track for the Blue Knights. LUNENBURG — After breaking her back in seventh grade and ...

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Image courtesy of ""

Grocery Store Race: Heuerman vs. Stark | Ag in the Classroom (

Meteorologist Jacob Dickey is joined by the Champaign County Farm Bureau in their month-long partnership to support the Eastern Illinois Foodbank.

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Image courtesy of "Duncan Banner"

Beyond the classroom: How schools are getting creative to help ... (Duncan Banner)

Chalkbeat reports on how teachers are looking out for the tens of thousands of migrant and/or homeless families across New York City whose children often ...

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Image courtesy of "New York Almanack"

Americanism in the Classroom: New York's Teacher Witch-Hunt ... (New York Almanack)

The effort kicked off in Brooklyn's Commercial High School. On January 14, 1919, teacher Benjamin Glassberg opened a discussion about Bolshevism in his history ...

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Image courtesy of "Community Impact Newspaper"

Magnolia Education Foundation awards $48K in classroom grants (Community Impact Newspaper)

After reviewing 46 grant applications, the foundation's Grant Committee approved funding for 14 creative projects.

From Classroom to Green Economy: How Sustainability Secures ... (Energy Manager Today)

This shift addresses environmental challenges and presents significant economic opportunities, particularly for students in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) who ...

From Classroom to Green Economy: How Sustainability Secures ... (Energy Manager Today)

This shift addresses environmental challenges and presents significant economic opportunities, particularly for students in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) who ...

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Image courtesy of "LNP | LancasterOnline"

Pequea Valley school board approves classroom equipment ... (LNP | LancasterOnline)

What happened: The board approved spending on agricultural and STEM equipment for the new high school building and retrofitting the stadium lighting. Background ...

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Image courtesy of ""

History Comes Alive: America250PA Brings Keystone Classroom ... (

This initiative aims to provide young Pennsylvanians with an engaging learning experience showcasing the Commonwealth's history.

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Image courtesy of "The News Herald"

Panama City's Tommy Smith and Merritt Brown schools welcome ... (The News Herald)

Merritt Brown Middle School students are seen outside their new building in Panama City, Fla., Feb. 14, 2025. (Tyler Orsburn/News Herald).

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Image courtesy of "Illinois State University News"

Drs. Grace Kang and Sonia Kline share critical and humanizing ... (Illinois State University News)

Kline is an associate professor in elementary education and literacy, who studies writing as a sociocultural and sociopolitical activity. Her collaborative work ...

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Image courtesy of "N.C. State University Technician Online"

OPINION: Respect in the classroom is a two-way street (N.C. State University Technician Online)

Staff Writer Sophia Robertson criticizes the current classroom culture and suggests the need for a reformed professor-student relationship.

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Image courtesy of "Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication"

Cronkite student uses classroom skills to serve tribal communities (Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication)

After graduating from ASU in 2016 with her bachelor's degree in communication, Kennedy Satterfield took to the workforce rising through management positions ...

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Image courtesy of "Iowa Capital Dispatch"

Bill would add nutrition, natural light provisions to therapeutic ... (Iowa Capital Dispatch)

Schools could use state grant funding for therapeutic classrooms to provide access to vitamin and mineral supplementals, “minimally processed whole foods” ...

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Bulldogs meet high standards in sports, classroom (

ATHENS - Georgia Bulldogs across all sports shined in the classroom with the highest GPA in UGA Athletic Association history.

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Image courtesy of "KWTX"

Crisis in the Classroom: Local educators examine intervention ... (KWTX)

More than half of our ...

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Image courtesy of "The Chronicle of Higher Education"

Your Career: When your classroom is under a microscope (The Chronicle of Higher Education)

A visitor is coming to your classroom to watch you teach, and you're worried. The pressure to perform well in a single class period — under the watchful ...

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Image courtesy of "NBC Right Now"

Classroom Makeover: Congratulations Mrs. Fluharty! (NBC Right Now)

PASCO, Wash.- Jessica Fluharty is a first grade teacher at Whittier Elementary School. She was awarded February's Classroom Makeover from WaFd Bank.

The 2025-26 Budget: Transitional Kindergarten (Legislative Analyst's Office)

The Governor also proposes to increase funding by $746 million for school districts and charter schools to meet one‑to‑ten staffing ratios in TK classrooms, a ...

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Image courtesy of "WCCB Charlotte"

Classroom Central Launches Free Innovation Station Program For ... (WCCB Charlotte)

Classroom Central fosters equity in education by providing teachers and students with the free resources they need to succeed. Serving six school districts ...

Bill would add nutrition, natural light provisions to therapeutic ... (Ottumwacourier)

Schools could use state grant funding for therapeutic classrooms to provide access to vitamin and mineral supplementals, “minimally processed whole foods” ...

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Image courtesy of "KWTX"

Classroom Champions: McGregor's Addy Todd (KWTX)

Todd is ranked fourth ...

Education and classroom support - Department of Education (Department of Education)

AIEOs play an important role in creating culturally responsive schools and helping to provide a supportive and inclusive environment for Aboriginal students.

Low Classroom Engagement? Blame Course Registration, Not ... (Harvard Crimson)

Their diagnosis might be apt, but their reported policy proposals miss one glaring issue: Student engagement is low because students aren't taking classes that ...

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