Ashley St. Clair hævder at have født Elon Musks 13. barn! Læs om denne overraskende nyhed og mere!
Verden er blevet rystet, da den konservative influencer Ashley St. Clair for nylig annoncerede, at hun er blevet mor til Elon Musks 13. barn. Det skulle angiveligt være sket for fem måneder siden, og hun deler sin nyhed på sociale medier for at undgå "de tabloidmedier" der ville afsløre nyheden. St. Clair, der er kendt for sine politiske holdninger, har haft stor indflydelse inden for MAGA-miljøet og er nu i rampelyset af en helt ny grund - hendes forbindelse til en af verdens mest berømte milliardærer!
Musk, der har et bemærkelsesværdigt antal børn med flere kvinder, har tidligere været en centralt punkt i diskussioner om det moderne familieliv. St. Clair, 26 år gammel, gør sig klar til at indtage sin rolle som den fjerde mor i Musks lange liste af baby-mamaer. Men hvad kender vi egentlig til Ashley St. Clair? Udover at være en indflydelsesrig figur i den amerikanske politik, er hun også forfatter og lobbyist, hvilket gør hende til en interessant figur i den offentlige debat.
Det lader til, at dette nye kapitel i Ashley St. Clairs liv også vil sætte fokus på emner som forældreskab, politik og videnskab - for hvem er mere interessant end en MAGA-influent, der nu deler liv med teslaens og rumfartens mester? Musk, der kan prale af at have 12 børn med tre forskellige kvinder, er bestemt en figur der fanger opmærksomheden, og det ser ud til, at St. Clair vil være den nyeste person til at skrive sig ind i hans historiebog.
Selvfølgelig vil spørgsmålet om musisk forældreskab og det moralske kompas for dem, der kalder sig konservative, sandsynligvis dukke op i debatten. Med St. Clairs politiske baggrund, tør vi vædde på, at der vil opstå intens diskussion om, hvordan yderligere børn vil påvirke deres biler og deres karrierer. Desuden kan vi ikke lade være med at spekulere på, hvordan det vil påvirke Musks image og hans væld af virksomheder som SpaceX og Tesla.
Vidste du, at Elon Musk har været gift tre gange? Selvom han nu navigerer i et såkaldt moderne familieliv, forbliver han en af de mest imponerende videnskabsmænd og iværksættere i vores tid. Og hvis du troede, at 13 børn var mange, så er det værd at overveje, at Musk kan have flere børn i fremtiden. Mon ikke St. Clair vil sætte sit præg på Musks eftermæle på sin helt egen spektakulære måde? Hvem ved hvad fremtiden bringer for denne usædvanlige familie?
The child would be Elon Musk's 13th child overall, and St. Clair would be the fourth woman Musk has had a child with.
St. Clair, a conservative influencer and author, says she welcomed a baby with Elon Musk in 2024.
The conservative influencer said she made the announcement to prevent the baby's existence from being revealed by "tabloid media."
SpaceX and Tesla boss has had 12 children with three women.
Ashley St. Clair, a 26-year-old right-wing influencer, claimed on X that Elon Musk had fathered her child five months ago.
Ashley St. Clair, a 26-year-old conservative influencer, announced on X that she gave birth to Elon Musk's child.
The billionaire has fathered at least 13 children by four women. But who's counting? Interestingly, not MAGA Republicans.
Ashley St. Clair, a conservative author and influencer, claimed Elon Musk is the father of her baby born five months ago. St. Clair, known for her ant.
Ashley St. Clair, a conservative influencer and author, says she welcomed a baby with Elon Musk in 2024.
On Friday, Feb. 14, St. Clair wrote on X (formerly Twitter), "Five months ago, I welcomed a new baby into the world. Elon Musk is the father. I have ...
A conservative influencer who claims to have birthed Elon Musk's 13th child has been working privately with the world's richest man on how to best raise the ...
Elon Musk is now a father of 13 after allegedly welcoming his latest child with conservative author Ashley St. Clair. The influencer — known for appearing ...
Ashley St. Clair urges Elon Musk to finalise their co-parenting agreement after revealing the birth of their child five months ago.
Ashley St. Clair is a conservative political commentator known for her media presence and outspoken views.
A conservative influencer who claims to have birthed Elon Musk's 13th child has been working privately with the world's richest man on how to best raise the ...
Ashley St. Clair, the conservative influencer who claims to have given birth to Elon Musk's 13th child, spoke publicly for the first time to The Post ...
Ashley St. Clair, a conservative influencer and author, says she welcomed a baby with Elon Musk in 2024.
Ashley St Clair, a columnist and conservative author, claimed that she gave birth to Elon Musk's 13th child five months ago but kept it a secret for the ...
Ashley St. Clair, 26, the conservative influencer who claims that Elon Musk is the father to her son, issued a blistering response to the Tesla CEO after he ...
Elon Musk finally addressed rumors about having a child with the influencer Ashley St. Clair after she claimed they share a five-month-old baby, ...
A Maga influencer has claimed she gave birth to Elon Musk's 13th child five months ago.
MAGA influencer's interview of her alleged relationship with Elon Musk sparks an intense debate on X.
Ashley St. Clair, a well-known conservative political commentator, has made an explosive claim involving Elon Musk. Taking to X, she claimed to have given ...
While the billionaire has not responded to reports he has a new baby, St. Clair has urged him to "publicly acknowledge his parental role."
After announcing that she has welcomed a baby with Elon Musk, Ashley St. Clair says, through her rep, that the SpaceX CEO has not yet acknowledged their ...
SpaceX and Tesla boss has had 12 other children with three women.
MAGA influencer Ashley St. Clair who claimed she has given birth to Elon Musk's 13th child has shared messages she claimed led to the 'secret baby'.
After announcing that she has welcomed a baby with Elon Musk, Ashley St. Clair says, through her rep, that the SpaceX CEO has not yet acknowledged their ...
Right-wing MAGA influencer, Ashley St Clair claims she is the mother of billionaire Elon Musk's 13th child in a post she wrote on social media.
Author Ashley St. Clair claimed she had Elon Musk's 13th child on Friday, February 14.
Conservative influencer Ashley St. Clair claims she became pregnant with Elon Musk's 13th child and secretly gave birth to their baby five months ago.
Right-wing MAGA influencer, Ashley St Clair claims she is the mother of billionaire Elon Musk's 13th child in a post she wrote on social media.
Right-wing MAGA influencer, Ashley St Clair claims she is the mother of billionaire Elon Musk's 13th child in a post she wrote on social media.
Right-wing MAGA influencer, Ashley St Clair claims she is the mother of billionaire Elon Musk's 13th child in a post she wrote on social media.