The Gorge

2025 - 2 - 14

Kærlighed og monstre: Er 'The Gorge' bare en overskudsfilm?

Anya Taylor-Joy - Atticus Ross - Hollow Men - Miles Teller - romantic horror - sci-fi thriller - Scott Derrickson - The Gorge - Trent Reznor

Crazy betagende snigskytter, uhygge og en hel del flirt - kan 'The Gorge' virkelig overraske?

I den nyeste sci-fi thriller 'The Gorge' præsenterer vi os for en vild blanding af kærlighed og monstre. Filmen, der har premiere på Apple TV+, har at gøre med to snigskytter, spillet af ingen ringere end Miles Teller og Anya Taylor-Joy. De to skuespillere har en kemi, der vil blæse enhver tilskuer omkuld, mens de navigerer igennem en farlig, tåget kløft fyldt med monstre, der ser ud til at være taget direkte ud af en skræmmende drøm. Men er filmen mere end bare et flot ydre?

Den første halvdel af filmen er en af de mest spændende oplevelser, hvor seeren holdes på kanten af sædet. Actionthriller-elementerne er i høj grad til stede, men når vi når til midten, begynder plottet at kaste sig ud i mere absurde retter. Trods sine strabadser lykkes det 'The Gorge' at levere en sjov oplevelse fyldt med underholdning, og hvis du er på udkig efter en blanding af action og romantik, så vil du få valuta for pengene her. Der er intet kedeligt ved at se Teller og Taylor-Joy, der runderer i et drama, som er blevet kritiseret for at være lidt for useriøst i sin tilnærmelse til genren.

Det, der virkelig står ud i filmen, er den måde, hvorpå romantikken er vævet ind i handlingen. Mens monstret lurer i skyggerne, er der en konstant gnist imellem de to hovedpersoner. Deres flirt ender med at være den katalysator, der driver filmen fremad, og sikrer at seeren ikke kun er investeret i deres overlevelse, men også deres forhold. Man kan ikke lade være med at smile ved deres interaktioner, som til tider er mere spændende end de kampe, de deltager i. Jakken af klamme monstre, der truer fra afgrunden, bliver næsten en baggrund for deres spirende forhold.

Det er også værd at bemærke, at 'The Gorge' er virkelig en genreblanding af dimensioner - fra action til romantik, horor til sci-fi. Det er, som om man har taget et udvalg af de mest populære filmgenrer og smidt dem ind i en blender. Resultatet? En ret mærkelig, men ganske underholdende cocktail, der vil efterlade publikum med mere end bare spørgsmål om filmens logik. Det er klart, at denne film gør sit bedste for at underholde, og selvom den kan falde lidt på sine plottwists, så vil fans af sci-fi og romantisk action helt sikkert finde noget at nyde.

Vidste du, at både Miles Teller og Anya Taylor-Joy har arbejdet med superheltefilm før? Teller er kendt for sin rolle i 'Fantastic Four', mens Taylor-Joy har vundet hjerter verden over i Marvel's 'The New Mutants'. Desuden er filmens instruktør Scott Derickson kendt for sin imponerende arbejde bag kameraet på 'Doctor Strange', så forvent detaljeorientering og visuelle effekter af høj kvalitet.

Uanset om du ser filmen for kærlighedshistorien eller de skræmmende elementer, så kan 'The Gorge' sikre, at du får en oplevelse, du ikke glemmer. Det er en biografrejse, der blander rettidig omhu, frygt og flirt på intelligent vis.

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Image courtesy of "The Guardian"

The Gorge review – guarding hellish monsters is aphrodisiac in silly ... (The Guardian)

Miles Teller and Anya Taylor-Joy flirt over an abyss full of creatures in a slickly made but increasingly dumb Apple mockbuster.

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Image courtesy of ""

KSL Movie Show Review: 'The Gorge' is full of action thrills (

"The Gorge" is one of those strange little movies that grabs you by the throat for the first half, then plunges you into the unknown, says KSL Movie ...

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Image courtesy of "The Guardian"

The Gorge to Compartment No 6: the seven best films to watch on ... (The Guardian)

Anya Taylor-Joy and Miles Teller have great chemistry as sexy snipers on a top-secret mountain mission, plus a first class romance set on board a train.

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Image courtesy of "USA TODAY"

Apple TV+'s 'The Gorge' mashes love, monsters for a thrilling ... (USA TODAY)

If Miles Teller and Anya Taylor-Joy's searing chemistry doesn't excite you about sci-fi thriller "The Gorge," then maybe all the unholy terrors will.

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Image courtesy of "Screen Rant"

The Gorge Ending Explained: Do Levi & Drasa Make It Out Alive? (Screen Rant)

Apple TV+'s latest sci-fi thriller movie is directed by Scott Derickson (Doctor Strange), and The Gorge's cast is led by Miles Teller (Whiplash), Anya Taylor- ...

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Image courtesy of "Sentinel Colorado"

Movie Review: 'The Gorge' is ridiculous (Sentinel Colorado)

In some northern forested wilderness sit two concrete towers, one for each side of a wide, foggy ravine encircled by sheer rock steeps. Two expert snipers – ...

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Image courtesy of "LaineyGossip"

Review: The Gorge starring Miles Teller and Anya Taylor-Joy is ... (LaineyGossip)

In the grand tradition of Road House, The Gorge is a film that is smart about the way in which it is dumb. Directed by Scott Derrickson and written by Zach ...

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Image courtesy of "Newnan Times-Herald"

The Gorge (Newnan Times-Herald)

“The Gorge” is a mechanical science fiction horror romance. The star power helps, and the effects are on par with what you'd expect from a Hollywood blockbuster ...

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Image courtesy of "Plugged In"

The Gorge (Plugged In)

The Gorge is an action-adventure-romance-mystery-drama-sci-fi-thriller all in one—and with content issues from each of those genres to boot.

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Image courtesy of "Stylist Magazine"

“If you loved Black Doves, this new romantic thriller is just as sexy ... (Stylist Magazine)

The Gorge is a gripping thriller but Stylist's Shahed Ezaydi explains why the romance and undeniable chemistry in the film is the standout aspect of the ...

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Image courtesy of "Pajiba"

Apple TV+'s 'The Gorge' Is a Chemistry-Free Unbearable Genre ... (Pajiba)

In my earlier days writing about movies, I wrote a blog post for Valentine's Day where I rounded up the best movies with no romantic subplots.

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Image courtesy of "Screen Rant"

The Gorge's Hollow Men & Mutated Creatures Explained (Screen Rant)

The mysterious Hollow Men are the antagonist monsters of 2025's The Gorge. Here's what we know about the horrifying creatures from the film.

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Image courtesy of "Stereogum"

Nine Inch Nails' Trent Reznor & Atticus Ross Release Their ... (Stereogum)

The Apple TV+ offering The Gorge comes to us from Doctor Strange/The Black Phone director Scott Derrickson, and it appears to be a action-horror-romance type of ...

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Image courtesy of ""

Trent Reznor & Atticus Ross' Score For 'The Gorge' Now Available (

Nine Inch Nails masterminds Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross provided the score for the newly premiered film 'The Gorge', which stars Miles Teller and Anna ...

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Image courtesy of "Decider"

'The Gorge' Ending Explained: What Happens in the New Anya ... (Decider)

Read on for a breakdown of The Gorge plot summary and The Gorge ending explained. Spoilers ahead, obviously! THE GORGE, from left: Anya Taylor-Joy, Miles Teller ...

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Image courtesy of "Decider"

Stream It Or Skip It: 'The Gorge' on Apple TV+, a Goofy Sci-Fi-Horror ... (Decider)

The Gist: It seems Drasa (Taylor-Joy) lives in a hole. Like, an actual hole, dug into the dirt. There's a reason for this – she patiently waits for an ...

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Image courtesy of "Daily Dead"

Review: THE GORGE is a Surprisingly Sweet Creature Feature ... (Daily Dead)

What do T.S. Eliot, Annihilation, and romantic undead tales have in common? Scott Derrickson's The Gorge. A threatening brand of military meet-cute makes ...

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Image courtesy of "ApolloHOU"

“The Gorge” Movie Review – Apple TV Shoots A Blank. (ApolloHOU)

Directed by Scott Derrickson and starring Miles Teller alongside Anya Taylor-Joy, “The Gorge” is a brand new horror romance brought to us by a little company ...

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Image courtesy of "Yahoo"

'The Gorge' Ending Explained: What Happens in the New Anya ... (Yahoo)

The Gorge plot summary: Levi (Teller) and Drasa (Taylor-Joy) are both elite snipers who take a mysterious job guarding either side of a deep gorge in an ...

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Image courtesy of "The Denver Post"

Horror-romance film “The Gorge,” with Miles Teller and Anya Taylor ... (The Denver Post)

Denver's Scott Derrickson talks "The Gorge," his new Apple TV+ movie starring Miles Teller and Anya-Taylor Joy, in time for Valentine's Day movie-watching.

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Image courtesy of "Next Best Picture"

The Next Best Picture Podcast - Interview With "The Gorge" Director ... (Next Best Picture)

Starring Miles Teller and Anya Taylor-Joy, the film has received solid reviews and is now available to stream on Apple TV+ this Valentine's Day. Director Scott ...

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Image courtesy of "The Grand Junction Daily Sentinel"

Fight over the Royal Gorge helped determine Colorado's railroad ... (The Grand Junction Daily Sentinel)

Both rail lines had reached Trinidad by the winter of 1878. The Santa Fe line came east from Kansas while William Jackson Palmer's Rio Grande line came south ...

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Image courtesy of "Screen Rant"

The Gorge: Why The Rescue Team Did THAT To JD & What It ... (Screen Rant)

One of the most horrifying moments in The Gorge sees a rescue team shoot and kill JD, and there's an important reason why. Miles Teller and Anya Taylor-Joy ...

West Columbia Gorge Humane Society switching gears for 2025 ... (The Columbian)

The West Columbia Gorge Humane Society's annual fundraiser, A Tail to Remember, is moving to a new venue in 2025 and eliminating its online silent auction.

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Image courtesy of "Mike Delaney"

A Movie Review Of The Gorge | South Lake Tablet (Mike Delaney)

This Valentine Day, a new action romance movie hits Apple TV+. Miles Teller and Anya Taylor-Joy star in this film as two elite operatives who are stationed in ...

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Image courtesy of "TheWrap"

All the Songs in Anya Taylor-Joy and Miles Teller's Horror Romance ... (TheWrap)

Here are all the songs you'll hear in Apple TV+'s new film "The Gorge," starring Miles Teller and Anya Taylor-Joy.

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Image courtesy of "Game Rant"

The Gorge Ending, Explained (Game Rant)

The Gorge offers up science-fiction, action and even romance in this Apple TV+ monster movie mashup.

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Image courtesy of "FilmSpeak"

'The Gorge' Review: A Mammoth Chasm of Missed Opportunity ... (FilmSpeak)

With films under his belt such as 'The Black Phone', 'Sinister' and 'Doctor Strange', director Scott Derrikson should be an exciting, much talked auteur.

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Image courtesy of "Screen Rant"

Anya Taylor-Joy's New Sci-Fi Horror Movie Redeems Her ... (Screen Rant)

The Gorge delivers an incredible sci-fi horror flick that also happens to serve as a redemption arc for ATJ in the wake of an earlier Marvel movie.

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