U.S. Vice President JD Vance sender bølger med sine tilføjelser om EU's sikkerhed og ytringsfrihed.
I et dramatisk optrædende ved den seneste sikkerhedskonference i München, hvor det meste af verdens sikkerhedsmæssige udfordringer blev drøftet, indtog USAs vicepræsident JD Vance scenen med en skarp kritik af europæiske ledere. Han argumenterede for, at de største trusler mod Europas sikkerhed ikke kommer fra eksterne faktorer som Kina eller Rusland, men derimod fra interne problemer som censur af ytringsfrihed og mangel på kontrol på immigration. Med både en tand for humor og alvor slog Vance fast, at EU skal se indad og løse deres egne problemer, før de kan forvente støtte fra Amerika.
Ukrainsk præsident Volodymyr Zelenskyy mødte også Vance under konferencen, og under deres samtale blev det tydeligt, at Ukraine søger stærkere sikkerhedsgarantier før enhver fremtidig fredsforhandling med Rusland. Zelenskyy understregede nødvendigheden af et fastlagt sikkerhedsstrategi, som kan sikre Ukraine mod Putins aggression. Samtidig var den spænding, der kendetegnede Vances retorik, også til stede i mødet, da han understregede, at USA besidder makroøkonomiske og militære "redskaber af påvirkning," hvis situationen i Ukraine skulle forværres.
Men vent, der er mere! Vance gjorde sig ikke populær blandt alle europæiske ledere, da han også nævnte, at han ser værd i den tyske højrefløjsparti, Alternative für Deutschland (AfD), som en medspiller politisk, hvilket fik flere til at rulle med øjnene og give ham en hård irettesættelse. Det er sjovt at se, hvordan politik kan være en række følelser og tilskyndelser - fra lukkethed til fortrolighed. Det triste ved det hele er, at Vances tale overskyggede de alvorligere emner omkring verdenssikkerhed.
Så hvordan knytter vi alle disse emner sammen? Hvordan skaber vi sjov i alvor?, Nå men det er simpelt: verdenspolitik og meme-kultur! Vance kan lige så godt udgive sin egen memesamling for at gøre sit budskab lidt sjovere. Og måske skulle han overveje, hvis han ønsker at engagerede det europæiske publikum i fremtiden, at tilføje et sketch om, hvordan man styrer en kontinent af den slags.
Visste du for øvrigt, at den typiske person, der ser sikkerhedskonferencer, også har en forkærlighed for klovne? Eller at farvandet mellem Rusland og Ukraine har været så turbulent, at man skulle tro, det var det kejserlige Rom, der udførte sine handlinger? Det er klart, at mens vi er beskæftiget med krig og politik, er der også halvfarlige, men morsomme historier, der ligger og venter på at blive fortalt!
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy says his country wants “security guarantees” before any talks to end the Ukraine-Russia war.
U.S. Vice President JD Vance accused European leaders on Friday of censoring free speech and failing to control immigration, drawing a sharp rebuke from ...
Vance lectured European governments about free speech in an appearance at the Munich Security Conference on Friday, saying that he fears that it is “in retreat” ...
U.S. vice president stunned the audience with his broadside on the way Europe is run.
US Vice President JD Vance vented at European leaders Friday, telling them that the biggest threat to their security was “from within,” rather than China ...
Vice President JD Vance meets Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky at the high-level Munich Security Conference in Germany. Follow for live updates.
Vice President JD Vance addresses free speech issues and NATO defense spending at the Munich Security Conference, focusing on Ukraine and Trump policies.
In an address to the Munich Security Conference, the US vice-president criticised the cancellation of a recent election in Romania, the prosecution of an anti- ...
US Vice President JD Vance stunned members of the audience in a speech at the Munich Security Conference Friday, by attacking Europe on its approach to ...
Vice President JD Vance warned on Thursday that the United States could send troops to Ukraine and hit Russia with further sanctions if Vladimir Putin ...
The vice-president's speech at the Munich Security Conference was denounced by several European leaders.
Vance vented at European leaders Friday, telling them that the biggest threat to their security was “from within,” rather than China and Russia. Vance used his ...
Vice President JD Vance hammered home the United States demand that the NATO alliance step up defense spending on Friday, ahead of a security meeting in ...
U.S. Vice President JD Vance on Friday backed a German far-right party as an eligible political partner in remarks rebuffed by Berlin as unwelcome ...
Vice President JD Vance publicly berated European leaders on a host of issues from free speech to security and mass migration, as simmering tensions between ...
Ukrainian president tells US vice president there must be a plan to stop Russia's Vladimir Putin and 'finish the war'.
US vice-president meets with AfD leader Alice Weidel as Trump administration courts European populist parties.
The Ukrainian president and US vice-president reiterate their hopes for enduring peace in the Ukraine war while meeting in Munich.
Here's what's on tap for the day: U.S. Vice President J.D. Vance stuns the MSC, Europeans express consternation about being sidelined from Ukraine peace deal ...
Q: So we read your speech. It's powerful stuff. It's going to be very interesting because the German chancellor is sitting in front of you and the next ...
In Munich, Vice President JD Vance met with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy to discuss ending the war in Ukraine.
The vice president met with the leaders of all four major German political parties — including Alice Weidel, leader of the far-right Alternative for ...
The US vice president calls Trump a 'new sheriff in town' as he offers harsh words for Washington's European allies.
Converts and other Catholics took issue with the celebrity priest's perceived dismissal of Vance's views based on the vice president's relative newness to ...
At the Munich Security Conference, Olaf Scholz accused the U.S. vice president of unacceptable interference in Germany's coming elections.
Germany's chancellor, Olaf Scholz, has hit back at Vice President JD Vance who had criticized European nations over free speech and their treatment of ...
Since 1963, the Munich Security Conference has seen many consequential speeches, notably Vladimir Putin announcing in 2007 that Russia would never accept a ...
Vance surprised European leaders by accusing them of suppressing free speech and refusing to work with far-right parties.
German Chancellor Olaf Scholz arrives at the 61st Munich Security Conference on Feb. 15 in. German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, pictured on Saturday at the Munich ...
Dmitry Medvedev, Russia's former president and prime minister, said the vice president "told the truth" on his trip to Europe.
Incorporating a proper understanding of genetics will be crucial to navigating the demographic shifts that will shape the 21 century, and offer a path for ...
"That is not appropriate, especially not among friends and allies," Olaf Scholz said.
Delegates packed into the conference hall and overflow rooms at the Bayerischer Hof hoping to hear U.S. Vice President JD Vance lay out some detail of the ...
Vice President JD Vance stunned European leaders in Munich this week with a speech in which he painted a picture of European politics infected by media ...