Er Trump på vej til at gøre Gaza til den nye Middelhavsriviera? Find ud af, hvad der sker, og hvorfor det er en kæmpe idé!
Donald Trump har engang igen taget verdensscenen med storm med sin seneste udtalelse om, at USA muligvis vil "tage over" Gaza og relokalisere de 2,2 millioner palæstinensere, der bor der. Udtalelsen har fået både kritikere og tilhængere til at ryste på hovedet, mens den internationale opmærksomhed er rettet mod de vanskeligheder, dette forslag vil medføre. Nogle ser det som en sjov idé om at skabe en ny Middelhavsriviera, mens andre mener, det mest af alt lyder som en dårlig joke.
Reaktionen fra verdensledere, herunder Saudi-Arabien og Hamas, har ikke ladet vente på sig. Saudi-Arabien har været klar i mælet og afvist idéen om at fordrive palæstinenserne og insisteret på behovet for en uafhængig palæstinensisk stat. Dette har sendt bølger af bekymring, ikke kun blandt det palæstinensiske folk, men også i den internationale politiske arena, hvor diplomater bider negle i frygt for mulige konsekvenser i Mellemøsten.
Hvad Trump dog ikke synes at have forstået, er at en sådan plan ikke blot kan blive en lokal folksomme historie; dette kan få skadelige konsekvenser for regionens geopolitik. Med Jordan og Egypten som mulige tilflugtssteder for de palæstinensiske flygtninge, opstår spørgsmålet: Vil de tage imod presset fra USA, eller vil de stå fast? Og hvad med de økonomiske aspekter? At skabe en "Riviera of the Middle East" kræver kapital, og der er allerede snak om at Saudi-Arabien muligvis skal betale regningen.
Det er tydeligt, at Trumps plan står over for store forhindringer. Spørgsmålet er ikke kun om praktisk implementering, men også hvordan det internationale samfund vil reagere. Kan man skabe et paradis ud af kaos, eller er det bare en drøm, der vil forblive uopnåelig? Interressant nok, trods alle de komplikationer, lader det til, at Trump stadig krediterer sig selv for sin vision. I mellemtiden vil palæstinenserne ifølge deres egne udtalelser stå fast og nægte at forlade deres hjemland.
Som en sjov faktakendsgerning, det anslås at Gaza-strippen allerede har en turismeindustri, der strækker sig med smukke strande, men det er ofte overset på grund af de politiske stridigheder. Og hvis man skal tro på rygterne, så står der angiveligt Palæstinas kældersjokolade klar til at fejre en storslået tilbagevenden til Gaza som et turistmål - vil den blive kendt som "Gaza-turismen"? Så måske er der flere lag til denne historie, end vi lige gik ud fra!
Trump says the U.S. will 'take over' Gaza and relocate its people. What does it mean? ... President Donald Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ...
They include Jordan and Egypt, countries that Trump wants to take in Gaza's Palestinians - and Saudi Arabia, which might be expected to foot the bill. Western ...
President Donald Trump's announcement that he was planning to seize control of the Gaza Strip and oust 2.2 million Palestinians, temporarily at least, ...
Trump's plan draws condemnation from Saudi Arabia and Hamas · Saudi Arabia rejects displacement of Palestinians, demands Palestinian state · Palestinians fear ...
So it is with President Donald Trump's suggestion that Washington facilitate the ethnic cleansing of the Gaza Strip and then, when that task is accomplished, ...
President Donald Trump's stunning proposal to forcibly transfer hundreds of thousands of Palestinians out of the Gaza Strip and develop it as a tourist ...
President Donald Trump wants to turn war-ravaged Gaza into the 'Riviera of the Middle East.' Here's what that means.
Palestinians are calling on Jordan and Egypt to hold out against US pressure to take in displaced Gazans.
Amid global alarm, top administration officials sought to soften elements of President Trump's proposal to force Palestinians out of the territory and take ...
Reacting to President Donald Trump's comments that the USA will “take over the Gaza Strip”, advocating again for the forcible transfer of around 2 million ...
Trump's vision of a Gaza Strip cleared of Palestinians redeveloped into a beach resort under U.S. control has revived an idea floated by his son-in-law ...
Soon before they walked out for their joint news conference on Tuesday, Mr. Trump surprised Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel by telling him he ...
Donald Trump's proposition to "take control" of Gaza has caused outrage in the Palestinian-American community.
US President Trump has called for the takeover of Gaza and for Palestinians to leave – but what do they think?
Benjamin Netanyahu and Donald Trump sit in the Oval Office, with Trump pointing to a. President Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu speak to ...
Welcome back to World Brief, where we're looking at U.S. President Donald Trump's proposal for Gaza, the impeachment of Philippine Vice President Sara ...
President Donald Trump's proposal of a U.S. takeover of Gaza that would displace Palestinians has reignited a debate among Democrats over the role the ...
The Palestinian president, Hamas and neighbouring countries condemn the idea of resettling Gazans abroad.
Donald Trump, President of the United States: The U.S. will take over the Gaza Strip. William Brangham: Standing beside Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin ...
Palestinians in the United States could not believe what they were hearing. As President Trump proposed an American “takeover” of the Gaza Strip and the ...
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has told Fox News United States President Donald Trump's “remarkable” plan for displacing Palestinians from Gaza ...
Donald Trump the president was once Donald Trump the real estate mogul, and in his new term the two roles are starting to blur.
Top US government officials have walked back on some of President Donald Trump's proposals about taking over Gaza and resettling Palestinians permanently to ...
Arab American voters in Michigan helped President Trump win the state during the presidential election. A look at how voters in Michigan feel now about ...