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Santorini rystet af jordskælv – turister flygter fra den smukke ø!

græske øer - jordskælv - Santorini - seismologi - turisme - vulkanaktivitet

Jordskælv skaber kaos på Santorini – find ud af hvorfor turisterne strømmer væk, og hvad der mon venter under overfladen!

Santorini, den smukke græske ø kendt for sine hvide bygninger og storslåede solnedgange, er blevet rystet af en serie kraftige jordskælv. Siden søndag har over 200 skælv ramt øen, hvilket har fået tusindvis af både lokale og turister til at flygte til sikkerhed. Det er ikke hver dag, man skal evakuere fra en ferie, men når jorden begynder at ryste, er det bedre at være på den sikre side. Nogle modige sjæle har dog valgt at blive tilbage, og de fortæller om en underligt stille stemning midt i naturens optrin.

De første rapporter om jordskælvene begyndte at komme ind i weekenden, dog lige før den travle turistperiode. Stærkeste skælv havde en styrke på 5,3 og blev efterfulgt af hundredvis af efterbevægelser. Forskerne har underbygget, at disse tremorer ikke ser ud til at være relateret til øens vulkanske aktivitet, hvilket giver et lille håb til dem, der overvejer at returnere. Alligevel skaber det en del betænkeligheder blandt de besøgende, der ikke ønsker at risikere liv og lemmer.

I takt med at flere både og fly blev sendt fra øen, kunne man se billeder af folk, der stædigt forsøgte at forlade det idylliske paradis. Mange, der tidligere havde drømt om romantiske aftener og solnedgange, måtte nu forlade deres drømme og oplevelser og i stedet tage turen mod det kontinentale Grækenland. Skoler på øen er også blevet lukket som følge af jordskælvene, og selv om det i øjeblikket virker kaotisk, er det selvfølgelig sikkerheden, der er i fokus.

Sammenkoblingen mellem skønhed og skræmmende naturfænomener i Santorini giver en bemærkelsesværdig påmindelse om, hvor små vi kan føle os over for moder natur. Jeres næste ferie på Santorini? Sørg for at tjekke jordskævtjenesterne inden afgang, eller måske overvej en turistvenlig vulkanudflugt, som viser, hvordan øens unikke geologi bidrager til dens berømmelse! Og glem ikke, at Selvom Santorini er under pres fra undergrunden, så har øen stadig mere end 1.000 betydningsfulde år med historie at tilbyde!

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Image courtesy of "BBC News"

Thousands evacuate Santorini after earthquakes shake Greek island (BBC News)

Hundreds of earthquakes have rattled the island since Sunday, leading emergency flights to be scheduled.

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Image courtesy of "Reuters"

Hundreds flee Santorini as quakes disrupt life (Reuters)

Hundreds of people left Santorini on ferries and planes on Tuesday to reach safety in Athens as a series of quakes kept shaking the famous Greek tourist ...

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Image courtesy of "The Associated Press"

Santorini earthquakes: What we know, and state of volcanic activity (The Associated Press)

Repeated earthquakes are rattling Greece's volcanic island of Santorini. Scientists say the quakes aren't related to a slight increase in volcanic activity ...

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Image courtesy of "CNN Travel"

'The whole island has emptied:' Thousands flee Santorini as quakes ... (CNN Travel)

Thousands of people have fled the island of Santorini as hundreds of quakes continued to course through the famous Greek tourist destination.

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Image courtesy of "ABC News"

As quakes rattle Greek islands, brave tourists enjoy having Santorini ... (ABC News)

More Greek islands closed schools Tuesday as hundreds of earthquakes ratted the Aegean Sea, while a handful of hardy tourists enjoyed having Santorini's ...

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Image courtesy of "USA TODAY"

Magnitude 5.3 earthquake rattles Santorini, Greece; people flee ... (USA TODAY)

A 5.3 magnitude earthquake struck near Santorini, Greece, the latest in a series of temblors near the popular tourist destination.

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Image courtesy of ""

Greece's island of Santorini rattled by 200 earthquakes (

Thousands of locals flee the picturesque island as experts say rolling tremors 'not linked to volcanic activity'.

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Image courtesy of "PBS NewsHour"

As quakes rattle Greek islands, brave tourists have Santorini to ... (PBS NewsHour)

Thousands of residents and seasonal workers have left the Cycladic Islands as quakes up to magnitude 5 have been recorded in the volcanic region since ...

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Image courtesy of "KGET 17"

Earthquakes are rattling Greece's volcanic island of Santorini: What ... (KGET 17)

Although Greece is no stranger to earthquakes, seismic activity of such frequency and intensity without having been preceded by a major quake is unusual, ...

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Image courtesy of ""

Underwater seismographs planned to study Santorini's Kolumbo ... (

Four state-of-the-art portable underwater seismographs that will study the underwater volcano of Kolumbo in Santorini were being installed inside the ...

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Image courtesy of "ABC7 Chicago"

'The whole island has emptied:' Thousands flee Santorini as quakes ... (ABC7 Chicago)

Hundreds of earthquakes in Santorini, Greece have sent thousands of people fleeing the famous and popular tourist destination.

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Image courtesy of "The Guardian"

'Everyone is on tenterhooks': Santorini streets empty after days of ... (The Guardian)

Thousands of locals and tourists have fled Greek island amid fears of bigger earthquake or volcanic eruption.

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Image courtesy of "The Associated Press"

Earthquakes keep rattling Greece's volcanic island of Santorini ... (The Associated Press)

They have also said the seismic activity is unlikely to trigger either of the two volcanoes in the area. Southeast Aegean regional governor Giorgos Hatzimarkos ...

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Image courtesy of "Reuters"

Evacuation of Greece's Santorini island continues as tremors persist (Reuters)

Hundreds more people were expected to leave Greece's Santorini island on Wednesday as tremors shook the popular summer tourist destination for a sixth day.

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Image courtesy of "ABC News"

Earthquakes keep rattling Greece's volcanic island of Santorini ... (ABC News)

Last week, authorities said monitors had picked up increased volcanic activity within Santorini's caldera, or flooded crater, but scientists say this is ...

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Image courtesy of "Sky News"

Santorini earthquakes: What is causing 'unusual' seismic activity and ... (Sky News)

The Greek island's mayor has warned that seismic activity could continue for weeks, after earthquakes up to a magnitude of five were recorded in the region.

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Image courtesy of "CBS News"

Earthquakes rattle Santorini, driving tourist exodus from Greece's ... (CBS News)

Experts say the Greek island of Santorini has been hit by more than 1000 earthquakes, but they're not linked to the region's active volcanoes.

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Image courtesy of "Yahoo! Voices"

Hundreds of earthquakes have hit the Greek island of Santorini this ... (Yahoo! Voices)

While residents have evacuated, no formal emergency evacuation order has been issued. However, a coast guard vessel and military landing craft have arrived in ...

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Image courtesy of "WGN-TV"

Earthquakes are rattling Greece's volcanic island of Santorini: What ... (WGN-TV)

Although Greece is no stranger to earthquakes, seismic activity of such frequency and intensity without having been preceded by a major quake is unusual, ...

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Image courtesy of "BBC News"

Strong earthquake near Santorini after days of tremors (BBC News)

The quake followed two smaller tremors minutes earlier, and was recorded at 21:09 local time (19:09 GMT) as a magnitude 5.2 tremor, making it the strongest in ...

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