Tulsi Gabbard

2025 - 1 - 31

Tulsi Gabbard: Spion, Dukke eller Begge Dele?

Edward Snowden - konspirationsteorier - Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - Senat høring - trump administration - Tulsi Gabbard

Hvorfor er Tulsi Gabbard i centrum af kontroverser for sin mulige rolle som director af national intelligence? Læs om hendes seneste udnævnelsesadventure!

Tulsi Gabbard, den tidligere repræsentant fra Hawaii og nuværende kandidat til posten som director of national intelligence, er blevet kastet ind i en storm af politisk debat. Hendes bekræftelsesproces i Senatet har været som at danse på en knivsæg, hvor både demokrater og republikanere har præsenteret deres kritik. Ikke overraskende er der ikke skortet på skeptiske bemærkninger fra GOP, især fra senatorer som Josh Hawley, der ikke holder tilbage med at advare om, at Gabbards nominering kan være i fare. Dette har skabt en atmosfære, der ikke blot har tiltrukket mediernes opmærksomhed, men også sat fokus på hendes politiske fremtid.

Under høringen blev Gabbard udsat for en bombardement af spørgsmål, der ofte kørte ud i konspirationsteorier om vacciner og hemmelige møder med magtfulde figurer. Hvordan skulle hun håndtere beskytterne af eksisterende systemer, mens hun også forsøgte at positionere sig selv som en forandringsagent? Hendes svar var præget af en balancegang mellem at kritisere det etablerede system og samtidig vise sit eget engagement i nationens sikkerhed. Der var bruisende øjeblikke, hvor hun stolt proklamerede, "jeg nægter at være deres dukke!" – et citat, som allerede er blevet viralt i visse kredse.

Men hvad ligger der egentlig bag denne kontrovers? Gabbard er ofte blevet beskrevet som en outsider inden for det demokratiske parti, som kan tiltrække opmærksomhed fra både højre og venstre fløj i politik. Hendes unikke baggrund og tidligere kritik af USAs udenrigspolitik gør hende til en kompleks figur, der tvinger tilhængere og modstandere til at tænke kritisk. Hvorfor ville Trump vælge en person med så blandet anerkendelse til en så vigtig post som director of national intelligence? At hendes nominering er besat af politiske opgør kan være både hendes styrke og svaghed.

Som høringerne fortsætter, er det tydeligt, at Gabbard står over for en betydelig bjergebestigning for at opnå den nødvendige flertalssupport i Senatet. Skæbnen for Gabbard og hendes mednominere Kash Patel afhænger ikke kun af deres evne til at overbevise senatet, men også af den dynamik, der eksisterer mellem Det hvide hus og kongressen. Så hvad nu? Mens vi venter på den endelige afgørelse, er det værd at bemærke, at Gabbard ikke er den første kontroversielle figur, der er blevet udnævnt til en højere post i det amerikanske politiske landskab – og vil sandsynligvis ikke være den sidste.

Interesseret i, hvad mere der er på spil? Her er en sjov fakt: Gabbard var den første hindu, der blev valgt til den amerikanske kongres, og hun har brugt sin platform til at tale om Amerikanske forhold til Sydasien. Derudover kan det nævnes, at hendes navnemandskab, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., også er blandt de mest omstridte figurer i denne høringsrunde, og de sammenførte personligheder har fået journalistikken til at rulle over med dækning. Hold øje med, hvordan dette politiske drama udfolder sig – det kan blive selskab af et virkeligt reality show!

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Image courtesy of "Christian Science Monitor"

Why Republicans blasted Tulsi Gabbard and RFK Jr. – and bear ... (Christian Science Monitor)

Three of President Trump's controversial Cabinet nominees faced confirmation hearings Thursday. Tulsi Gabbard and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. look most at risk.

Sen. Mark Kelly discusses Tulsi Gabbard's confirmation hearing to ... (NPR)

NPR speaks with Democratic U.S. Sen. Mark Kelly of Arizona, a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, about the confirmation hearing for Tulsi Gabbard, ...

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Image courtesy of "The Hill"

Hawley: Gabbard nomination 'may be in jeopardy' (The Hill)

Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) signaled Thursday that former Hawaii Rep. Tulsi Gabbard's nomination for director of national intelligence could be in jeopardy ...

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Image courtesy of "Today.com"

Tulsi Gabbard, Kash Patel, RFK, Jr.: Latest confirmation vote count (Today.com)

Lawmakers are weighing the fates of some of President Trump's most controversial cabinet picks including Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Tulsi Gabbard and Kash Patel ...

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Image courtesy of "Fox News"

'Refuse to be their puppet': Top 5 moments from Tulsi Gabbard's ... (Fox News)

Tulsi Gabbard appeared before the Senate Intelligence Committee on Thursday as part of her confirmation process to serve as director of national ...

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Image courtesy of "coloradopolitics.com"

Tulsi Gabbard, Spymaster? | SLOAN (coloradopolitics.com)

The necessary and ongoing flurry of Senate confirmations of cabinet posts serves to remind us the executive branch is about more than just the issuing of ...

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Image courtesy of "Bloomberg"

Tulsi Gabbard Has Five Puppet Masters--Worry Most About the First (Bloomberg)

It was Tulsi Gabbard herself, in a surprising rhetorical feint, who during her senate hearing provided the tersest case against her nomination for director ...

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Image courtesy of "Denison Forum"

Tulsi Gabbard and Kash Patel go before Congress (Denison Forum)

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Tulsi Gabbard were always going to have the greatest difficulty in finding acceptance from Senate Republicans.

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Image courtesy of "CBS News"

Senators press Tulsi Gabbard, Kash Patel and RFK Jr. in ... (CBS News)

Confirmation hearings for some of President Trump's Cabinet and administration picks were held Thursday on Capitol Hill. Senate Democrats and some ...

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Image courtesy of "The Washington Post"

Live updates: Trump to continue flurry of executive orders before ... (The Washington Post)

Later in the day, he plans to return to his Mar-a-Lago estate in Palm Beach, Florida, for the weekend. Meanwhile, with their confirmation hearings behind them, ...

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Image courtesy of "WBAL Baltimore"

Conspiracies, espionage, an enemies list: Confirmation hearing ... (WBAL Baltimore)

Explore the tumultuous Senate hearings for Trump's Cabinet nominees, including Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Tulsi Gabbard, and Kash Patel.

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Image courtesy of "PBS NewsHour"

Miss the confirmation hearings for Patel, Gabbard, RFK Jr.? Here ... (PBS NewsHour)

WASHINGTON (AP) — Conspiracy theories about vaccines. Secret meetings with dictators. An enemies list. President Donald Trump's most controversial Cabinet ...

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Image courtesy of "Ballotpedia News"

Senate Intelligence Committee holds confirmation hearing for Tulsi ... (Ballotpedia News)

At the time the hearing ended, the committee had not scheduled a meeting to vote on her nomination. Gabbard must receive a majority approval vote in the ...

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Image courtesy of "The Nation"

Senate Democrats Are Attacking Tulsi Gabbard for the Wrong ... (The Nation)

Preferring to defend spy agencies and line up behind the hawkish consensus, the bipartisan elite ignores the Director of National Intelligence nominee's ...

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Image courtesy of "Newsweek"

Tulsi Gabbard confirmation in jeopardy as Republicans raise alarm (Newsweek)

Donald Trump's choice for director of national intelligence was grilled by GOP senators at a Thursday hearing.

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Image courtesy of "Democracy Now!"

Tulsi Gabbard, Trump's Pick for National Intel Director, Refuses to ... (Democracy Now!)

During her Senate confirmation hearing, Democrats grilled her over her refusal to label whistleblower Edward Snowden a “traitor.” We discuss Snowden's case and ...

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Image courtesy of "The Hill"

Cornyn, member of Intel panel, will vote for Gabbard (The Hill)

... Tulsi Gabbard, President Trump's pick to serve as director of national intelligence. Cornyn, who said earlier this week that he had “questions” about Gabbard's views on expanded surveillance authority under Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence ...

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Image courtesy of "KXAN.com"

Tulsi Gabbard's confirmation could face pushback in Senate (KXAN.com)

Tulsi Gabbard, President Donald Trump's nominee for director of national intelligence, faced sharp scrutiny during her confirmation hearing, ...

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Image courtesy of "DC News Now | Washington, DC"

Tulsi Gabbard's confirmation could face pushback in Senate (DC News Now | Washington, DC)

Tulsi Gabbard, President Donald Trump's nominee for director of national intelligence, faced sharp scrutiny during her confirmation hearing, ...

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Image courtesy of "KTLA"

Tulsi Gabbard's confirmation could face pushback in Senate (KTLA)

Tulsi Gabbard, President Donald Trump's nominee for director of national intelligence, faced sharp scrutiny during her confirmation hearing, ...

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Image courtesy of "The New Yorker"

The Mystery of Tulsi Gabbard (The New Yorker)

Kelefa Sanneh writes that, although the former Democrat has aligned herself with Donald Trump, who nominated her to be the director of National Intelligence ...

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Image courtesy of "CBS News"

Is Tulsi Gabbard's nomination for national intelligence director in ... (CBS News)

Lawmakers grilled former congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard at her confirmation hearings to serve as the director of national intelligence on Thursday.

Lawfare No Bull: Confirmation Hearing for Director of National ... (Lawfare)

The Committee questioned Gabbard about her views on Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, her opinion of Edward Snowden, her 2017 meeting ...

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Image courtesy of "ABC27"

Tulsi Gabbard's confirmation could face pushback in Senate (ABC27)

Tulsi Gabbard, President Donald Trump's nominee for director of national intelligence, faced sharp scrutiny during her confirmation hearing, ...

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Image courtesy of "The American Conservative"

The Real Meaning of the Fight Over Tulsi Gabbard (The American Conservative)

And true to form, yesterday morning the cowardly lions of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence roared away during former congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard's ...

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Image courtesy of "NEWS10 ABC"

Tulsi Gabbard's confirmation could face pushback in Senate (NEWS10 ABC)

Tulsi Gabbard, President Donald Trump's nominee for director of national intelligence, faced sharp scrutiny during her confirmation hearing, ...

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