D.E.I.jokerne står i kø, mens Trump angriber diversity programmer! Hvordan gik det helt galt?
Den amerikanske præsident Donald Trump har gjort det til sit kald at angribe DEI-programmerne (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion) i kølvandet på en tragisk luftkatastrofe, hvor en American Airlines-flyvning kolliderede med en militærhelikopter i Washington. Under en pressekonference, der begyndte med trøstesig alt, kom Trump hurtigt ind på sin yndlingsskydeskive – DEI. Han hævdede uden evidens, at de manglende sikkerhedsforanstaltninger og uheldets omstændigheder kunne tilskrives FAA's fokus på mangfoldighed og inklusion. Det er en skarp vending, og mange har undret sig over, hvordan DEI pludselig skulle bære skylden for en så alvorlig hændelse.
Mere end et dusin store amerikanske virksomheder har de seneste år trukket deres DEI-tiltag tilbage, knap nok blevet berørt af Trumps påstande. Alligevel er vridningerne i opfattelsen af disse programmer påfaldende, da mange topchefer nu ser det som en mulighed for at distancere sig fra det, de kalder "woke"-kulturen. Denne ændring kan have dybe konsekvenser for både medarbejdere og samfundet, da virksomhederne må bestemme, hvordan de vil balancere mangfoldighed med retfærdighed og effektivitet.
Trumps angreb på DEI er dog ikke kun politisk; de rejser også spørgsmål om, hvordan civilrettigheder i fremtiden vil blive tolket og anvendt. Den nye administration har vendt termene på hovedet, og hvad der tidligere blev forstået som et skridt væk fra diskrimination, nu bliver opfattet som en form for segregationsfortolkning. Den retoriske kamp om DEI har sat rammerne for en ny slags kulturkrig, som kan forandre diskussionen om racemæssig inklusion permanent.
Og mens debatten raser, er det værd at bemærke, at DEI ikke nødvendigvis er død – den står blot i en identitetskrise. Mens vi sammenligner de politiske kludser med de mere neutrale studier af inklusion, er situationen omkring DEI-jobmarkederne stadig forvirrende. Selvom det kan virke som mørke skyer hænger over DEI-feltet i øjeblikket, så er mulighederne der stadig; halvdelen af de organisationer, der arbejder med DEI, rapporterer, at deres programmer stadig har effekt, blot i en anden skala.
Bonusinformation: I en tid hvor DEI står for skud, er der faktisk virksomheder, der kæmper for at forblive inkluderende og støttende. Desuden har DEI-initiativer ofte forbedret mangfoldigheden på arbejdspladsen og skabt mere innovative og produktive miljøer. Så måske er der håb endnu for DEI? Med Trump ved roret kan det dog blive en nervøs rejse!
The president started his White House news conference as "consoler-in-chief" but then pivoted into unevidenced political blame, writes the BBC's Anthony ...
President Donald Trump speaks about the mid-air crash between American Airlines flight 5342 and a military helicopter in Washington. Roberto Schmidt/AFP/Getty ...
Jay Caspian Kang writes that Donald Trump has turned D.E.I. into an excuse for everything that goes wrong in the country in order to distract from his ...
More than a dozen major U.S. companies have made headlines for rolling back their diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) programs over the past year, ...
The new Trump administration is using the language of civil rights but flipping it on its head. If 'diversity' is now being coded as discrimination, ...
For millenia, medical students have taken the Hippocratic Oath, solemnly pledging to prioritize the well-being of patients and “abstain from whatever is ...
In a press briefing Thursday, President Donald Trump insinuated the Federal Aviation Administration's diversity efforts were to blame for Wednesday's ...
On Thursday, the President said diversity efforts were one reason for the devastating crash at Reagan National Airport.
A week after President Trump signed an executive order banning DEI programs in the federal government, some executives are privately rejoicing that it could ...
It's an uncertain time for those tasked with increasing diversity and inclusion in their companies. Still, there are ways to move forward.
Students walk to class on CU Boulder's main campus on Thursday, Nov. 21, 2024. Universities say they're trying to understand how recent Trump Administration ...
Trump falsely claimed that the FAA had sought to hire 'people with severe intellectual and psychiatric disabilities' following the DC plane crash Thursday.
Activists are calling for a nationwide boycott of Target stores following the company's decision to roll back its diversity, equity and inclusion ...
Challenges to DEI programs are at an all-time high, but it remains the law that employers are required to provide equal employment opportunity (EEO). That said, ...
Target announced last Friday that it would join competitor Walmart and a number of other prominent American brands in scaling back their DEI initiatives.
Target is scaling back its DEI efforts, which has prompted calls for a boycott. But Black business owners who sell at Target warn a boycott could hurt their ...
Students walk to class on CU Boulder's main campus on Thursday, Nov. 21, 2024. Universities say they're trying to understand how recent Trump Administration ...
President Donald Trump has made eradicating DEI policies, something Florida has also done, a priority in his second term. What is DEI?
CHARLESTON, WV – Today, Governor Patrick Morrisey released the following video statement on West Virginia University (WVU) ending the WVU Division of ...
Diversity, equity and inclusion programs, commonly referred to as DEI, have been discussed frequently in recent years. You may have heard of it at the ...
Vague federal directives have led to frantic action, and perhaps overreaction, before a Friday deadline.
Every Texan is equal under the law, including the state and federal Constitutions, both of which prohibit government discrimination based on race. That is why I ...
Initiatives aimed at expanding the workforce existed under President Trump's first term, including a program that aimed to recruit and train qualified ...
President Donald Trump on Thursday called for a staffing review among federal employees involved in aviation safety after publicly claiming DEI efforts were ...
West Virginia University is shutting down its Division of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion following Gov. Patrick Morrisey's ban on DEI.
IRS handbook containing mentions of taxpayers' 'inequity' and 'inclusion' have been wiped, WSJ reports.
As you undoubtedly have read, President Trump has ended DEI in the federal government and has revoked executive order 11246, which required affirmative action ...
Chief Community Impact and Equity Officer Kiera Fernandez cited “the importance of staying in step with the evolving external landscape.” Published Jan.
Around the United States, colleges and universities are cautiously navigating the Trump administration's crackdown on diversity, equity and inclusion ...