Neymars kontrakt med Al Hilal er blevet terminert – er dette vejen tilbage til Santos? Find ud af det her!
Den brasilianske fodboldstjerne Neymar tager et vigtigt skridt i sin karriere ved at afslutte sin kontrakt med Al Hilal, et klub i Saudi Pro League. Klubben meddelte, at de har indgået en aftale om at ophæve deres kontrakt med Neymar i fællesskab. Den ofte skadede angriber, som kom til Al Hilal i 2023, måtte udgå fra holdet efter at have lidt af en knæskade, der har holdt ham ude i lang tid. Dette efterlader ham nu med kun yderligere syv måneder af sin kontrakt, og rygterne svirrer allerede omkring et muligt comeback til hans tidligere klub Santos.
Neymars tid i Saudi-Arabien var præget af skader og mildt sagt ikke den succes, han og klubben havde håbet på. Efter at have lidt en ruptur af sit forreste korsbånd tilbage i oktober 2023 var han tvunget til at sidde på sidelinjen i et helt år. Selvom han kun spillede to kampe for Al Hilal, efterlod Neymar et stort indtryk, både på banen og på tribunerne, da fansen glædede sig over muligheden for at se deres idol i aktion. Men nu ser det ud til, at den populære spiller er klar til at vende hjem.
Ifølge flere kilder er Santos i gang med at forhandle om at genforene sig med Neymar. Santos er den klub, hvor Neymar først sprang ud som superstjerne, så en tilbagevenden ville ikke bare være en følelsesmæssig rejse, men også en mulighed for at genvinde sin form og genfinde sin bølge af succes. Fansen kan derfor se frem til en spændende udvikling i den brasilianske superlig, hvor Neymar igen vil kunne vise sit store talent.
Denne situation vækker også tanker om, hvordan skader kan påvirke spillere i hele deres karriere. Neymar, som mange betragter som en af de mest talentfulde spillere i fodboldhistorien, har kæmpet en del med skader de seneste år. Det vil være interessant at se, hvordan denne overgang til Santos vil påvirke hans fremtidige præstationer. Fodboldfans verden over føler sig forbundet til spillere, der har været i stand til at overvinde modgang – og Neymars rejse kan blive et inspirerende eksempel på netop det.
Saudi Pro League club Al Hilal announced on Monday that they had reached an agreement with Neymar to terminate his contract and open the door for a return ...
The often-injured Brazilian star, who joined Al Hilal in 2023, departs the club with seven months remaining on his deal.
Saudi Arabia club Al-Hilal says it has reached an agreement with Brazilian striker Neymar to terminate his contract by mutual consent.
Brazilian club Santos are in talks to re-sign Neymar after his contract with Saudi Pro League side Al-Hilal is cancelled by mutual consent.
Brazilian soccer star Neymar is set to return to Santos FC after his contract was terminated by Al Hilal on Monday, according to multiple reports.
Just months after joining, Neymar ruptured his anterior cruciate ligament in October 2023 and was out of action until October 2024. However, he played just two ...
RIO DE JANEIRO (AP) — Saudi Arabia soccer club Al-Hilal says contract with Neymar has been terminated by mutual consent.
Neymar's contract at Saudi Pro League side Al-Hilal has been terminated by mutual consent, amid reports of a return to former club Santos.
RIO DE JANEIRO (AP) — Saudi Arabia club Al-Hilal said Monday it reached an agreement with striker Neymar to terminate his contract by mutual consent.
The former Barcelona star spent one year on the sidelines after rupturing his ACL just five games into his Al-Hilal career and he sustained more injury problems ...
Find out the facts, figures and accolades in the decorated career of Brazilian Olympic football champion Neymar Jr.
To caption a video of Neymar's history with the Sao Paulo state giant, Santos chief Marcelo Teixeira wrote on Instagram: "It seems like yesterday, time goes by ...
Neymar has parted ways with Al-Hilal by mutual consent, the Saudi Pro League champions said on Monday, after a disappointing spell at the club for Brazil's ...
RIO DE JANEIRO (AP) — Santos confirms Neymar has returned to the Brazilian club after nearly 12 years.
Neymar will return to his boyhood club Santos, the team's president announced on Tuesday, a day after he ended his disappointing stay with Saudi Pro League ...
Neymar has agreed to return to Santos nearly 12 years after he left the Brazilian team, club president Marcelo Teixeira said Tuesday.
Neymar leaves Saudi team to return to his first soccer club in Brazil · Three things to know · So what's next for Neymar? · Dive deeper with NPR.
RIO DE JANEIRO (AP) — Neymar has agreed to return to Santos nearly 12 years after he left the Brazilian team, club president Marcelo Teixeira said Tuesday.
Santos president Marcelo Teixeira confirmed Neymar's return after his Al Hilal exit, marking an emotional homecoming for the Brazilian superstar.
On Tuesday Saudi Arabian club Al-Hilal confirmed that star player Neymar would be leaving the club immediately, after both parties agreed to terminate the ...
The Brazilian legend tore his ACL and hurt his hamstring while with Al Hilal, which spent a staggering sum with little to show for it.
Neymar is set to sign a six-month contract on his return to boyhood club Santos as the Brazil international wants to return to Europe's top five leagues ...