Kongen besøger Auschwitz for første gang, mens vi mindes 80 år siden befrielsen – en rejse mellem fortid og nutid!
Holocaust Memorial Day markerer i år en betydningsfuld begivenhed, da den britiske konge for første gang besøger det tidligere koncentrationslejr, Auschwitz. Kongen tager del i en særlig ceremoni sammen med overlevende og verdensledere for at ære mindet om de millioner, der led i denne mørke periode af menneskehedens historie. Det forventes, at dette besøg vil sætte fokus på nødvendig refleksion over fortiden og de lektier, vi bør tage med os ind i fremtiden.
På dagen for markeringen af den 80. bemærkelsesværdige befrielse af Auschwitz af de sovjetiske tropper, tager overlevende fra lejrens brutale dage del i en rørende ceremoni. Takket være modige soldater fik omkring 7000 prisionære deres liv tilbage, efter at de i årevis havde lidt under den nazistiske regime. Selvom det er en anledning til at mindes, er det også en påmindelse om, at vi aldrig må glemme de grusomheder, der er blevet begået – både i fortidens og nutidens kontekst.
Ceremonien finder sted midt i en tid, hvor nationalisme er i vokse, og det bliver vigtigere end nogensinde at værdsætte den pluralisme og tolerance, som demokratier bygger på. I en verden med stigende intolerance og diskrimination understreger begivenheden, at vi alle har et ansvar for at beskytte rettighederne for de mest sårbare i vores samfund. Det er også en mulighed for at opfordre til håb og forsoning mellem forskellige kulturer og nationaliteter.
For omkring 80 år siden blev Auschwitz-Birkenau pludselig et symbol på ufattelige grusomheder. I denne lejr blev en betydelig del af Europas jødiske befolkning udryddet, men også mange andre minoriteter. Denne årsdag minder os om, at vi fortsat bør tale imod had og diskrimination, uanset hvor de optræder. I den anledning er det vigtigt at huske, at Auschwitz i dag ikke bare er en statisk påmindelse om fortidens trauma, men også et sted for læring og refleksion.
Visste du, at Auschwitz oprindeligt blev oprettet i 1940 som en arbejdslejr? Det var kun senere, at det tog form som en udryddelseslejr, hvor omkring 1,1 millioner mennesker, primært jøder, blev myrdet. Den absolut dominerende del af denne perverse industri var gasningsmetoder, der blev anvendt for at tilintetgøre de prisoners liv i et tragisk kapitel af menneskets historie. Det vigtigste budskab fra begivenheden er, at vi skal værne om menneskeliv og aldrig gentage fortidens fejltagelser, men i stedet kæmpe for en bedre fremtid for alle.
He will be the first British monarch to visit the former camp when he joins survivors for a service.
Auschwitz survivors will be joined by world leaders on Monday to mark the 80th anniversary of the liberation of the Nazi German death camp by Soviet troops, ...
Yet this is not a Holocaust memorial as such. Its official title is "the memorial to Soviet civilians who fell victim to the Nazi genocide". I listen to a ...
World leaders and a dwindling group of survivors are joining ceremonies to mark the 80th anniversary of the liberation of the Nazi death camp by the Red ...
Inside the Auschwitz, Soviet soldiers liberated roughly 7000 prisoners who had been brutalized by a Nazi regime hell-bent on exterminating the Jewish ...
Most of the victims were Jews killed on an industrial scale in gas chambers, but the Germans also murdered many Poles, Roma, Soviet prisoners of war, gay people ...
World leaders will be in Poland Monday to mark Holocaust Memorial Day and the 80thanniversary of the liberation of Nazi Germany's Auschwitz-Birkenau ...
Eighty years ago on January 27, 1945, soldiers from Russia's Red Army entered the gates of Auschwitz-Birkenau in Poland and were the first to discover the ...
Elderly camp survivors, some wearing striped scarves that recall their prison uniforms, walked to the the Death Wall, where prisoners were executed.
Post-war Europe looked at the horror and acknowledged the suffering. But another question about the perpetrators still needs making sense of.
The Honorable Steve Witkoff, United States Special Envoy to the Middle East and Howard Lutnick, nominee for Secretary of Commerce, will lead the delegation.
Summary · Auschwitz survivors are marking 80 years since the liberation of the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration and extermination camp · About 50 survivors have ...
In the Polish village of Harmeze, prayer intertwines with the memory of those who suffered and perished in the German Nazi concentration and ...
Survivors of the Nazi's notorious Auschwitz death camp are taking center stage at the memorial service to mark 80 years since its liberation by Soviet ...
Nazi German forces murdered some 1.1 million people at the site in southern Poland, which was under German occupation during World War II.
27 January 2025 marks the 80th anniversary of the Liberation of Auschwitz, the German Nazi concentration and extermination camp in what was ...
Monday's ceremony in Poland is regarded as the likely last major observance of Auschwitz's liberation that any notable number of survivors will be able to ...
World leaders rubbed shoulders with 56 survivors of Hitler's death camp as they marked 80 years since its liberation.
The Nazis murdered an estimated 1.1 million people at the death camp in southern Poland before its liberation on January 27, 1945.
The 80th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz by Soviet troops was marked on Monday with a ceremony at the site of the former death camp. Read More.
Today marks the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau, the Nazi concentration camp in Poland that stood at the center of the Holocaust.
On the 80th anniversary of its liberation, survivors of the Holocaust gathered at the extermination camp at Auschwitz-Birkenau in Poland.
Van Jones in Poland to commemorate Auschwitz liberation. 02:48 ; Kaitlan Collins presses Trump's border czar on possibility of raiding schools and churches. 02: ...
Tova Friedman of Highland Park knows the definition of antisemitism. She lived it as a child, and as a survivor of Auschwitz.
The event was thoughtfully organized and funded by the Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial Foundation and its Auschwitz 80 Committee. Jewish Communities Come Together ...
January 27, 2025. Today marks the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau, the Nazi concentration camp in Poland that stood at the center ...
Auschwitz survivors ...
And what can you say after watching tons of hair and shoes of Jewish prisoners, and huge pages filled with small, dense writing of millions of names of Jews who ...
The banner proclaiming “Palestine: the victory of the oppressed people over Nazi Zionism,” was prominently displayed behind Hamas terrorists as they forced ...
Since October 2023, so many Holocaust scholars have gone out of their way to protect Israel,” says historian Raz Segal.
In moving speech, Marian Turski warns that current conditions are similar to those which led to the Holocaust.
Families of Israelis held hostage by Hamas called on Monday for remembrance, rejection of antisemitism and the release of their loved ones ahead of the ...