
2025 - 1 - 27

Alma: Hvor gammel bygning og moderne teknologi mødes!

Alma - da Vinci Xi robot - GoFundMe - New York Knicks - Revitalization and Placemaking

Få det hele fra boligprojekter til robotkirurgi i Alma – den lille by med store drømme!

I hjertet af Alma er der i øjeblikket gang i nogle spændende ændringer, der lover at forvandle det lokale boligmarked. Et stort rehabiliteringsprojekt har modtaget et kæmpe boost på over $1 million gennem et Revitalization and Placemaking grant, som sigter mod at puste liv i en langvarigt forlatt bygning. Med nye boligenheder på vej, ser fremtiden lysere ud for indbyggerne i Alma, som vil kunne nyde godt af forbedret bymiljø og nye muligheder.

Samtidig spiller MyMichigan Medical Center Alma også en rolle i развитиe af byen ved at introducere en banebrydende robotkirurgisk platform, da Vinci® Xi. Denne stat-of-the-art teknologi vil ikke bare forbedre præcisionen i operationer, men også gøre Alma til et center for avanceret medicinsk behandling. Dette tiltag understreger, hvordan teknologi kan transformere sundhedssektoren selv i mindre byer.

Desværre har ikke alt været rosenrødt i Alma. En lokal familie, kendt for deres populære forretning downtown, har lidt et stort tab efter deres hjem brændte ned til grunden. En GoFundMe-side er blevet oprettet for at hjælpe familien i deres svære tid, hvilket viser det stærke fællesskab, der eksisterer blandt Alma-borgerne. Folk kommer sammen for at støtte hinanden i krisetider, og det er lige netop den ånd, der kendetegner denne by.

Endelig har guvernør Gretchen Whitmer netop annonceret statsfinansiering til at renovere en nedslidt bygning i Detroit, som har stået siden 100 år tilbage. Dette projekt er ikke kun vigtigt for Detroit, men spejler også den tiltagende trend med at bringe liv tilbage til valgknappede områder og skabe bæredygtig udvikling i hele Michigan. Det bliver interessant at se, hvordan disse forskellige projekter vil fortsætte med at forme både Alma og dens nabolag i de kommende år.

Vidste du, at robotkirurgi kan reducere patienternes rehabiliteringstid med op til 50%? Det er imponerende, hvad fremskridt inden for teknologi kan gøre for vores sundhedspleje! Og hvad angår de renoverede bygninger, er det værd at bemærke, at hver renovering også ofte medfører betydelige jobmuligheder for lokalsamfundet, mens de skaber plads til nye nabolagsforretninger – win-win for alle!

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Image courtesy of "WILX-TV"

A rehabilitation project in downtown Alma receives a big boost of ... (WILX-TV)

LANSING, Mich. (WILX) ...

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Image courtesy of "WNEM Saginaw"

New housing units coming to Alma (WNEM Saginaw)

The long-vacant 12, ...

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Image courtesy of "WEYI"

New housing project to rehabilitate vacant storefront in Alma (WEYI)

ALMA, Mich. - ARevitalization and Placemaking grant of more than $1 million will go to revitalizng a building in Alma.

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Image courtesy of "The Morning Sun"

Medical center in Alma now offering state-of-the-art robotic surgery (The Morning Sun)

MyMichigan Medical Center Alma is advancing its surgical expertise with the arrival of the da Vinci® Xi surgical robotic platform in its surgical ...

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Image courtesy of "The Morning Sun"

GoFundMe set up for Alma family that loses home in fire (The Morning Sun)

A GoFundMe page has been established to raise money for a family who owns a popular downtown Alma business who lost their house in a fire last week.

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Image courtesy of "CBS Detroit"

Whitmer announces state funding for redevelopment of blighted ... (CBS Detroit)

State financing will support plans to turn blighted 100-year-old building on Oakland Avenue into new housing units.

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Image courtesy of "WDIV ClickOnDetroit"

100-year-old blighted Detroit building to be redeveloped into ... (WDIV ClickOnDetroit)

Gov. Gretchen Whitmer announced that a blighted hundred-year-old building in Detroit's North End will be redeveloped into residential units with the support ...

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Image courtesy of "Shreveport Times"

Here's where Evangel's Kaegan Kent will sign collegiately and why ... (Shreveport Times)

The Eagle senior recently committed to Louisiana Tech where his father, Marty, was one of the best kickers in school history. The elder Kent converted 92.9% of ...

Obituaries in York, PA | York Daily Record (York Daily Record/Sunday News)

Daughter of John J. and Connie Bogert, she was born in Bergen County, New Jersey and was married to James Connell who died two years ago. They were married for ...

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Image courtesy of "ABC News"

Orphan describes pain of returning to Gaza with no family (ABC News)

Alma Ja'arour, 12, is the sole survivor of her family after her home was bombed in December 2023 during the conflict between Israel and Hamas.


The period of probable usefulness for such purpose is 15 years; however, the bonds issued pursuant to this resolution, and any bond anticipation notes issued in ...

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Image courtesy of "Sports Illustrated"

New York Knicks Legend to Be Honored By Alma Mater (Sports Illustrated)

A former New York Knicks star will be honored by the high school that helped pave the path to his NBA success.

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Image courtesy of "Economic Times"

sunita williams: Astronaut Sunita Williams tells her alma mater from ... (Economic Times)

Sunita Williams, an astronaut, spoke to Needham High School students about her seven-month experience living in microgravity, describing the challenges of ...

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Image courtesy of "Hey Alma"

All the Big Jewish Nominees at the 2025 Grammy Awards (Hey Alma)

Gracie Abrams, Troye Sivan, the Jewish producer behind "Brat" and more are up for the Recording Academy's highest honors. By Evelyn Frick January 28, 2025.

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Image courtesy of "LJ INFOdocket"

The British Library Selects Clarivate to Provide Library Services and ... (LJ INFOdocket)

Clarivate iscovery platforms to create a more cohesive, streamlined and secure experience. The British Library will implement Alma, Primo VE and Rapido. Founded ...

Downtown Alma rehabilitation project to create new housing (Midland Daily News)

Governor Gretchen Whitmer recently announced redevelopment projects receiving support from the Revitalization and Placemaking (RAP) program, which will see ...

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Image courtesy of "The Morning Sun"

Alma redevelopment project gets boost from state funding (The Morning Sun)

The redevelopment of an historic downtown Alma building is getting a financial boost from a $1.1 million state grant.

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Image courtesy of "Hey Alma"

Queer Jews Have Always Existed (Hey Alma)

Growing up as a queer Orthodox Jew, I believed I was the only person like me. I was taught that queerness and Judaism didn't go together. From a young age, I ...

Governor Whitmer Announces More Housing, Space for Small ... (

– Today, Governor Gretchen Whitmer announced redevelopment projects receiving support from the Revitalization and Placemaking (RAP) program, which will see the ...

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Image courtesy of "The Republic"

Alma Jean Williams - The Republic News (The Republic)

Born on October 9, 1938, Alma was the daughter of Harrod and Sophia Allen Conrad. Alma worked as a warranty specialist at Fletcher Chrysler most of her career.

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