Marco Rubio

2025 - 1 - 24

Når Marco Rubio trykker på bremsen – for udenlandske midler!

Donald Trump - Internationale love - Marco Rubio - Politik - Taiwan - Udenlandshjælp - Udenrigspolitik - USA-Kina relationer

Sekretær for udenrigsanliggender Marco Rubio har lagt en stopper for næsten al udenlandshjælp i USA. Hvad betyder det for forholdet til Kina?

I en sprudlende beslutning har USA's nye sekretær for udenrigsanliggender, Marco Rubio, besluttet at sætte en stopper for næsten al udenlands hjælp fra Amerikas side. Dette kommer som resultat af en direktiv fra præsident Donald Trump, som fastsætter en pause i nye forpligtelser og udbetalinger af udenlandshjælp, som nu skal gennemgås. Dette har rystet mange blandt de ansatte i udenrigsministeriet, der er vant til, at hjælp til andre lande er en selvfølge. Men hvad betyder denne drastiske ændring for USA's diplomatiske relationer rundt om i verden?

Rubio's første samtale med Kinas udenrigsminister, Wang Yi, vækkede særlig opmærksomhed. I løbet af dette opkald fastlagde Rubio, at USA vil prioritere amerikanske interesser før alt andet, hvad der ligger i tråd med Trumps politik. Det skabte straks bølger i det politiske landskab og rejste mange spørgsmål om, hvordan dette vil påvirke forholdet til Kina, især i lyset af den allerede spændte situation omkring Taiwan. USA's klare holdning til Taiwan uddybes, når Rubio bekræfter over for Wang Yi, at Washington ikke støtter øens uafhængighed.

Men det er ikke kun udenlandshjælp, der har fået en pause; Rubio har også truffet beslutning om at suspendere ansøgninger om pas, som en del af en anti-trans direktion under Trump. Dette samlede billede af politiske tiltag skaber et tumultarisk udgangspunkt for nye forhandlinger og relationer, i hvilket Rubio skal bevise, at han kan balancere mellem at beskytte nationale interesser og opretholde internationale alliancer.

Den brede nedfrysning af udenlandshjælp har dog mødt modstand fra husets demokrater, som opfordrer Rubio til at ophæve frysen, idet de frygter, at dette vil svække USA's indflydelse på globalt plan. Udenlandske allierede, som tidligere har været afhængige af amerikansk støtte, står nu over for usikkerhed og skal jonglere med deres egne strategier for fremtiden. Det vil blive interessant at se, hvordan denne situation udvikler sig i de kommende måneder, og hvilke skjulte kort Rubio og Trump har i ærmet.

VISSTE DU? Flere lande i Afrika og Latinamerika har i høj grad været afhængige af amerikansk økonomisk støtte, et faktum der nu måske vil ændre sig drastisk. Endvidere har de diplomatiske relationer mellem USA og Kina været som en gymnastikopvisning; den ene dag roser de hinanden, den næste dag er de i skudlinjen. Kan Marco Rubio få balancen til at hænge sammen, eller vil han træde ind i en æra med mere spænding?

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Image courtesy of "NBC News"

Marco Rubio orders halt to almost all U.S. foreign aid (NBC News)

The directive follows President Donald Trump's executive order Monday pausing new obligations and disbursements of foreign aid pending review.

Secretary Rubio's Call with China's Director of the CCP Central ... (Department of State)

The below is attributable to Spokesperson Tammy Bruce: Secretary of State Marco Rubio spoke today with China's Director of the CCP Central Foreign Affairs ...

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Image courtesy of "Financial Times"

Marco Rubio demands immediate halt to virtually all US foreign aid (Financial Times)

Secretary of state freezes contracts around the world, fulfilling executive order from Donald Trump.

Wang Yi Has a Phone Call with U.S. Secretary of State Marco ... (MFA China)

On 24 January, 2025, Member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Minister of Foreign Affairs Wang Yi had a phone call with U.S. ...

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Image courtesy of "Fox News"

Marco Rubio to Chinese foreign minister: Trump will put 'American ... (Fox News)

New Secretary of State Marco Rubio told China's foreign minister on Friday that the U.S. would put the American people first and promote U.S. interests in ...

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Image courtesy of "CBS News"

Rubio orders freeze of new funding for nearly all U.S. foreign aid ... (CBS News)

Secretary of State Marco Rubio has sent an order to all U.S. diplomatic and consular posts instructing a pause on "all new obligations of funding, ...

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Image courtesy of "Politico"

State Department issues immediate, widespread pause on foreign ... (Politico)

Secretary of State Marco Rubio halted spending Friday on most existing foreign aid grants for 90 days. The order, which shocked State Department officials, ...

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Image courtesy of "Reuters"

Wang tells Rubio leaders have set tone and direction of US-China ties (Reuters)

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi spoke with new U.S. Secretary of State Marco Rubio on Friday and Beijing said he told the known China hawk that the ...

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Image courtesy of "South China Morning Post"

What did Rubio say about Taiwan independence? US, China at odds (South China Morning Post)

US Secretary of State Marco Rubio held a phone call with his Chinese counterpart Wang Yi on Friday, affirming Washington does not back Taiwan independence, ...

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Image courtesy of "Newsweek"

Marco Rubio's 'Concerns' in first call with China: what to know (Newsweek)

Secretary of State Rubio spoke with China's Director of the CCP Central Foreign Affairs Commission and Foreign Minister Wang Yi.

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Image courtesy of "Yahoo! Voices"

Marco Rubio Orders Suspension of Passport Applications From ... (Yahoo! Voices)

It is one of the first directives to be implemented after Trump signed a sweeping anti-trans executive order declaring only two sexes, male and female as ...

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Image courtesy of "Hong Kong Free Press"

China's Wang Yi and new US top diplomat Marco Rubio clash over ... (Hong Kong Free Press)

US Secretary of State Marco Rubio clashed with his Chinese counterpart Wang Yi over Taiwan on Friday.

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Image courtesy of "The Hill"

House Democrats urge Rubio to lift foreign assistance freeze (The Hill)

House Democrats urged President Trump's Secretary of State Marco Rubio to lift the foreign assistance freeze mandated by an executive order from earlier ...

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Image courtesy of "The Associated Press"

China warns Rubio to behave himself (The Associated Press)

China's foreign minister conveyed the message in a phone call, their first conversation since Marco Rubio's confirmation as Trump's top diplomat.

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Image courtesy of "Hindustan Times"

Chinese foreign minister's veiled warning to US state secretary ... (Hindustan Times)

Wang Yi conveyed the message as he spoke with Rubio for the first time since his confirmation as US President Donald Trump's top diplomat. | World News.

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Image courtesy of "ABC News"

China tells Rubio to behave himself in veiled warning (ABC News)

China's veteran foreign minister has issued a veiled warning to America's new secretary of state: Behave yourself.

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Image courtesy of "BBC News"

US issues pause on foreign aid, leaked memo says (BBC News)

The State Department notice appears to affect everything from development assistance to military aid.

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Image courtesy of "CBS News"

U.S. has not halted military aid to Ukraine, Zelenskyy says, after ... (CBS News)

U.S. Secretary of State Marco Rubio announced he would pause foreign aid grants for 90 days.

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Image courtesy of "Florida Politics"

Lost in translation? China warns Marco Rubio to 'behave' (Florida Politics)

China's veteran foreign minister has issued a veiled warning to America's new Secretary of State: Behave yourself. Foreign Minister Wang Yi conveyed the ...

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Image courtesy of "Voice of America"

Rubio threatens bounties on Taliban leaders over detained Americans (Voice of America)

Threat comes days after the Afghan Taliban government and the US swapped prisoners.

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Image courtesy of "The Hindu"

Marco Rubio: Secretary of faith (The Hindu)

Marco Rubio, the new U.S. Secretary of State has not been a typical acolyte of Donald Trump. The fact that the entire Senate voted for this confirmation is ...

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Image courtesy of "New York Post"

Secretary of State Marco Rubio threatens Taliban leadership with ... (New York Post)

Rubio took to X to threaten the Taliban after finding out the group is holding more Americans than previously known.

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