Er du klar til at tænde det første lys i adventskransen? Få glæden ved disse dage med skridtene mod jul – og lidt humor!
Advent er en fantastisk tid på året, hvor vi venter og forbereder os på Jesu komme. Det handler ikke kun om at tænde lys i adventskransen, men også om at finde tid til refleksion, håb og glæde. Når folk deltager i lørdagsmesserne forud for søndagen, fejrer de, hvad der er på vej; denne weekend venter vi nu på søndagens skæbne. For mange giver advent en følelse af forventning, hvor vi kan fokusere på, hvad der virkelig betyder noget før den hedder jul. Imens sangen 'Holly Jolly Christmas' begynder at spilles i radioen, husk at det er mere end bare det kommercielle kaos – det handler også om indre fred.
Christina Rossetti er en af de mest kendte digtere, og hendes 'Advent Sunday' får os til at overveje, hvordan lygterne i vores liv kan skinne lidt stærkere i denne tid. Når vi tænder lysene i adventskransen, kan vi reflektere over de dybere aspekter ved at være til stede nu. Det er ikke kun en countdown til jul, men også en invitation til at dele kærligheden og gæstfriheden i vores samfund. En god måde at praktisere dette på er ved at invitere venner og familie til en adventssammenkomst og dele de små sjove stunder, som tænder glæden i vores hjerter.
For mange er advent en tid fyldt med tidlige juleforberedelser, som kan være sjove, men også hektiske. Har du nogensinde overvejet, hvordan dit yndlingsadventskalendervalg kunne se ud? Lige fra chokolade til små gaver, ønsker og drømme bor bag hver låge – det handler om forventningen. Den årlige refleksion over adventsskrifterne minder os også om, at vi ikke er alene, og at vi kommer sammen som pilgrimske håb. På denne måde bygger vi fællesskaber og skaber dybere forbindelser, både med Gud og hinanden.
Når første søndag i advent nærmer sig d. 1. december 2024, så tænk over de magiske øjeblikke, du kan skabe med din adventskalender. Det er også blevet betragtet som starten på det liturgiske år i den katolske kirke, så lad os tage et skridt tilbage og huske på, hvad det betyder at fejre advent. Vidste du, at advent traditionelt set varer i fire uger? Det gør det til en ideel tid til refleksion over håb og muligheden for fornyelse, så kom i gang med at skrue lidt op for den festlige stemning allerede nu!
“Anticipation” essentially means “celebrating now”. Saturday evening Masses anticipating Sunday celebrate Sunday now, at 5 pm Saturdays (the generally most ...
EWTN Priests from four parishes and priories in Ireland offer meditations about, in turn, waiting for Jesus, putting on the glory of the Lord, transformation of ...
Most people will know Christina Rossetti's beautiful poem "In the Bleak Midwinter," now set as a Christmas hymn. She was one of the great poets of her time ...
Archbishop Lori's Advent Message - And in the darkness, God's love shines all the more brightly through the grace of the Holy Spirit.
I'm thinking about finals because I've just heard Burl Ives' rendition of “Holly Jolly Christmas” for the first of what promises to be a gazillion and one times ...
A period of quiet preperation. For one, it is the beginning of the liturgical year in the Catholic Church. · Other days celebrated within the Advent season · The ...
Candace and her husband, Bruce, received an Advent Calendar in the form of a. Last Sunday my church met at the Mysterious Waters neighborhood park on the ...
Candy filled Advent calendars are fun, but a traditional Advent practice before and after Christmas can deepen the experience of the holiday season.
Bondings 2.0's annual Advent scripture reflections begin today. This year, we feature reflections from four Hispanic LGBTQ+ and ally Catholic theologians ...
Like Saint John the Baptist, the priest points at someone greater than himself, the Lord Jesus, asking the faithful to direct all loyalties not to him but to ...
December means doors opening daily on Advent calendars. Behind each, a tiny vision of festive joy (or, more likely these days, a chocolate).
As we light our first Advent candle this weekend, we are invited to reflect on the theme of hope ahead of our Pilgrims of Hope Jubilee.
Bridgettine Sisters (Order of the Most Holy Savior of St. Brigid of Sweden) convent, 40 N. Grubb St., Columbus) – Tuesdays and Fridays, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.; ...
A small town in Germany turns its town hall into the 'world's largest' advent calendar each December. It started as a way to boost businesses in the winter, ...
Every day until Wednesday, December 25, this page will present a new, incredible image of our universe from one of two space telescopes.
Today's advent calendar window has an entire cult inside of it. Also, an alcoholic knight speaking in plummy prose between mouthfuls of booze and porridge.
Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, 301 N. Main St., Jenera, will hold special Advent services on the first three Wednesdays in December, each beginning at ...
The Church of Scotland has presented a special Advent wreath to the Scottish Parliament for the first time to encourage members and staff to reflect on the.
The liturgical calendar has a three-year cycle, repeating every three years, which determines the biblical readings for Sunday Masses.
Each day the Church gives us scripture readings to ponder by arranging the Liturgy of the Word at Mass to draw us into the feast and seasons of the year. Advent ...
We chose a panel from more than 65 applicants from around the world who reflect a diversity of ages, nationalities, religious congregations, ministries and ...
With December underway, many are kicking off the holiday season by counting down to Christmas with advent calendars. Glacier Chocolate, located in Utica ...
White guilt,” Gene Schlesinger writes, is a distraction, as if feeling bad for the past has any effect on the present or the future.
I am of the firm conviction that any parent who has attempted to bring several small children to Sunday Mass should get an automatic pass to heaven upon the ...
MILLIGAN, Tenn. (Dec. 2, 2024) – Milligan University invites the community to shop with local vendors this Christmas season at the university's annual.
Prepare for the coming of the newborn king by attending one of these faith-filled events featuring carols and Christmas classics.
As we light the first candle of Advent, our hearts are drawn to the little town of Bethlehem, the birthplace of our Lord Jesus Christ, where hope and peace ...
This Monday, December 9, at 12:00 PM AZ/MST, Spirit in the Desert Retreat Center invites you to the second session of Restore Our Hope: Advent Centering ...
The Advent season is unique in the sense that it anticipates something we have already experienced. The Christ-child whose birth we celebrate at Christmas is ...