Denzel Washington afslører, hvorfor hans scener med mandekys ikke nåede frem i Gladiator II – og det involverer en royal håndtryk-fail!
Denzel Washington har haft sin del af opmærksomhed i forbindelse med den ventede premiere på "Gladiator II". I en nylig interview afslørede han, at en vigtig scene med et mandekys, som han filmede for Ridley Scott, aldrig kom med i den endelige version af filmen. Washington, der spiller den snu mand Macrinus i filmen, sagde åbent: "Jeg kyssede en fyr direkte på læberne – jeg gætter på, at de ikke var klar til det endnu." Dette udtryk for skuespillerens åbenhed om homoseksualitet i den romerske tidsalder har vakt interesse, idet publikum spekulerer i, hvor meget af den romerske kultur, der var præget af LGBTQ+-forhold.
På den storslåede premiere i London opstod der dog også sjove øjeblikke, da Washington havde en akavet håndtrykssituation med selveste Kong Charles III. "Jeg vidste ikke, om jeg skulle tage fat i dig eller ej," udtalte Denzel, mens superstjernen mødte monarchen. Dette klip af billeder fra den røde løber smeltede hjerter over hele verden og mindede os om, at selv de mest erfarne skuespillere kan have deres akavede øjeblikke.
Washington bemærkede også, at ikke kun hans kærkomne mandekys blev klippet fra filmen, men også scenerne mellem Paul Mescal og Pedro Pascal. Filmmagerne, ifølge Washington, var "for kyllinget til at lade det komme med". Det rejser spørgsmålet om repræsentation i moderne film om fortiden. Hvordan kan vi forstå den romerske kultur uden at anerkende dens kompleksitet, herunder intime forhold imellem mænd?
Samtidig har filmen fået megen omtale, og Denzel Washington er allerede i spil til en Oscar-nominering for sin præstation. Det bliver spændende at se, hvordan tilskuerne reagerer på de nye elementer i denne film, der lover både glorværdighed og dramatik fra den romerske æra. For fansen er det også værd at nævne, at Washingtons dygtighed som skuespiller ikke kun har fået ham til tops i Hollywood, men også i hjerterne på публика.
Visste du, at Gladiator, den første film i serien, vandt hele fem Oscars? Hvad angår homoseksualitet i antikken, så er der historiske dokumenter, der underbygger, at relationer mellem mænd var almindelige i det romerske imperium. Så måske har Denzel Washington haft ret i at pande over de "kønnede" dyder i sin rolle. Dette giver filmens repræsentation et nyt perspektiv, som fans bestemt vil finde engagerende og tankevækkende!
Gladiator II” is set to release next week, bringing audiences the glory and gore of the Roman Empire: swords will be unsheathed, heroes will rise —and in ...
Denzel Washington experienced an awkward encounter with King Charles III during the London premiere of "Gladiator II."
The actor who stars in Ridley Scott's sequel said: 'I kissed a guy full on the lips – I guess they weren't ready for that yet'
Speaking in a new interview, Washington, who plays the ruthless businessman Macrinus in the Ridley Scott film, was asked, “How gay is the Roman empire?” He ...
In attendance at the glamorous red carpet event were director Ridley Scott and the film's stars, including Paul Mescal, Pedro Pascal, Connie Nielsen, and Denzel ...
Denzel Washington said he 'kissed a guy full on the lips' for a scene in 'Gladiator II' that was ultimately cut from the final film.
A kiss between Paul Mescal and Pedro Pascal also didn't make the final cut.
In an interview to promote “Gladiator II” with Gayety, the Oscar-winning actor talked about playing Roman emperor Macrinus. Washington was asked about “how gay” ...
I didn't know if I was supposed to grab you or not,” the Gladiator II actor said as he greeted the monarch at a Wednesday night premiere.
"I actually kissed a man in the film but they took it out," says Denzel Washington, who is already garnering Oscar buzz for "Gladiator 2."
Denzel Washington revealed filmmakers "cut" his gay kissing scene in "Gladiator II" because they were too "chicken" to keep it in.
Both Washington and Nederlander will receive the Entertainment Community Fund Medal of Honor. The Medal of Honor was inaugurated May 9, 1910, when it was first ...
“I actually kissed a man in the film but they took it out, they cut it, I think they got chicken,” Washington said. “I kissed a guy full on the lips and I guess ...
It's standard for the film's stars lined up on the red carpet to greet the king before heading into the theater.
Legendary actor Denzel Washington recently shared that he shared a kiss with a man in a scene for his upcoming “Gladiator II” film, though the moment was ...
It's standard for the film's stars lined up on the red carpet to greet the king before heading into the theater.
'I may have used the word 'retire'... but I look at life in three sections – you learn, you earn and you return,' said the Gladiator 2 star.
I'd say it's a rare thing for King Charles to meet and greet non-royals, but that would be a total lie. The man is often out and about, shaking hands with ...
I'd say it's a rare thing for King Charles to meet and greet non-royals, but that would be a total lie. The man is often out and about, shaking hands with ...
The 'Gladiator II' star recently discussed his audition-free career, future roles, and more.
In an interview with BuzzFeed on Wednesday (Nov.13), Washington clarified what he meant by his statement that stunned his fans. “I didn't say I was going to go ...
(KTLA) – An Oscar-winning actor is making his way to Wakanda. While Marvel hasn't officially confirmed another “Black Panther” movie, Denzel Washington ...
The other actor in Scott's entire filmography to emerge victorious at the Academy Awards for one of his movies was Russell Crowe.