Det er thriller tid i det amerikanske politiske landskab! Hvem får kontrol? Følg med, mens det hele udfolder sig!
I takt med at vi nærmer os det amerikanske valg 2024, er spændingen begyndt at tage fart blandt vælgerne. Ifølge de seneste projekter ser det ud til, at Demokraterne står til at vinde mindst 188 pladser, mens Republikanerne får 197 i Husets valg. Årets valg er ekstra vigtigt, da Husets medlemmer søger at vinde de magtpositioner, der kan ændre retningen for landet de kommende år. I år er hver eneste plads i Repræsentanternes Hus oppe til valg. Der er en del at holde øje med – vi kan forvente intense dages politisk drama!
Mens tallene ruller ind, ser det ud til, at Stephen Ross, en Republikaner, har vundet sin plads i North Carolina Hus af Repræsentanterne med 55,13% af stemmerne. Hans modstander, Demokrat Robin Wintringham, kom ind med 44,87%, og det var en tæt kamp, som mange har fulgt tæt. Ross’ sejr er et tegn på, at Republikanerne kan udvide deres tilstedeværelse i Husets rækkevidde og potentielt styrke deres stilling i de kommende uger.
Samtidig kan vi se på senatresultaterne, hvor Republikanerne har vundet kontrol og dermed en del af det ønskede trifecta, som kan sætte fokus på deres politiske prioriteter. Det vil sige, at også Kongressen kan være i likeså problemer efter valget, hvorfor der kan gå dage eller endda uger, før vi er klar over hvem, der har kontrollen i Repræsentanternes Hus. Dette skaber en spændende atmosfære, hvor både vælgere og analytikere holder vejret.
I takt med at resultaterne fortsætter med at rulle ind, kan vi se, at 378 af de 435 pladser i Repræsentanternes Hus allerede har haft indflydelse på stemmeoptællingen. Hvem vinder til sidst? Og kan Republikanerne bevare momentum fra de seneste afgørelser? En ting er sikker – det amerikanske politiske landskab er i konstant forandring. Imens de samlede resultater venter, husk at den 47. præsident, Donald Trump, kan få en hel del indflydelse, hvis Republikanerne beholder kontrollen i Kongressen.
Som en sjov fact, vil næsten hver plads i Repræsentanternes Hus genbesættes, hvilket giver mulighed for friske ansigt og idéer at træde ind. Det ser ud til, at Trump er tilbage på scenen, så man kan spå om, at den politiske spænding ikke bare er tilstedeværende i denne valgcyklus, men også er en del af en større fortælling, der kan dominere de amerikanske nyheder i mange år fremover! En sidste tanke: Hvad hvis vi kunne få en politisk reality show?!
As of Wednesday morning, Democrats were projected to win at least 188 seats and Republicans 197 seats. House Democrats need to flip four Republican-held ...
Republican Stephen Ross won the North Carolina House of Representatives District 63 seat by 55.13% of the votes. Democrat Robin Wintringham received 44.87% ...
Republicans have won control of the U.S. Senate. The U.S. House of Representatives is still up for grabs. Follow live updates from the AP for the latest ...
Update. Source: US media — Partial results as of Nov 6, 1457 GMT. Representatives by state/district (all 435 seats up for election).
The GOP set its sights on the prized trifecta following Donald Trump's landslide election win.
Americans are poised to elect a new Congress as every seat in the House of Representatives and one-third of the Senate is up before voters on Election Day.
According to latest trends, Democrats currently hold 180 seats, while Republicans lead with 198 seats, after a total of 378 out of 435 races have been ...
Republicans won control of the Senate, CNN projects, a victory for the party that has been locked out of the majority in the chamber since 2021.
FILE - Cleveland businessman and Republican U.S. Senate candidate Bernie Moreno speaks at a rally, March 16, 2024, in Vandalia, Ohio. Moreno won his race on Nov ...
With the Senate in Republican hands, Trump could get the sought-after trifecta if House Republicans win — paving the way for Republican legislative priorities ...
Every seat in the lower chamber of Congress is up for grabs this election cycle.
Chittenden residents voted for who they want representing them at the House of Representatives, a group made up of 150 seats, 38 being in the county.
Republicans also won several races that could allow them to expand their 220-212 majority in the House, including a Democratic-held district in Pennsylvania ...
Donald Trump has won his second term in office and will soon be the 47th President of the United States, and he may have a Republican-led Congress backing ...
Republicans win Senate, pad majority in House · Control of House of Representatives still undetermined · Delaware elects first transgender member of Congress.
Currently, the House consists of 220 Republicans and 212 Democrats. The 2024 election was a resounding victory for Republicans. Donald Trump won the presidency ...
President-elect Donald Trump won the presidential race against Vice President Kamala Harris and Republicans flipped Senate control.
Michigan Republicans have reclaimed the state House of Representatives by winning at least 58 seats out of 110.
Workers open ballots to prepare them for counting at King County Elections headquarters on Election Day, Tuesday, Nov. 5, 2024, in Renton, Washington.
Republican incumbents Don Bacon of Nebraska and Scott Perry of Pennsylvania were leading in their respective races Wednesday, with 99% of the vote reporting. In ...
The Majority Leader of the House of Representatives announces bills that will be considered under suspension of the rules in that chamber.
California's 45th: Republican Congresswoman Michelle Steel, the incumbent, is currently leading against Democrat Derek Tran with 66% of votes reported.
Democrats picked up two seats in New York and defended others in Michigan and New Mexico, but Republican gains have narrowed their path, ...
Four Boston University alumnae who were running for reelection to the House of Representatives won their races Tuesday night.