Donald Trump vender tilbage til præsidentposten, og Bitcoin ser ud til at følge trop! Her er hvad det hele handler om!
Bitcoin prisen er steget kraftigt efter nyheden om, at Donald Trump er på vej tilbage til Det Hvide Hus som USAs præsident. Det ser ud til, at hans comeback også har givet en ny energi til kryptovalutaerne, som investorerne har satset stort på. Trump, der tidligere har været skeptisk over for kryptovalutaer, har nu ændret tone og givet udtryk for en mere positiv holdning, hvilket har sendt Bitcoin på en episk opadgående rejse mod nye højder.
En analyse viser, at i de seks måneder, der fulgte efter de tre seneste præsidentvalg, har Bitcoin haft muligheden for at præstere med trecifrede afkast. Specielt under Trumps første præsidentperiode oplevede Bitcoin en stigning på 1900%, og mange investorer spekulerer nu i, om prisen vil ramme svimlende $1 million under hans næste periode. Det vil uden tvivl ændre spillerækkefølgen i både kryptovaluta- og finansverdenen helt grundlæggende.
Kryptovaluta-industrien har også kastet stor finansiel støtte bag Trump, da mange ser hans politik som gunstig for kriptomarkedet. Investorerne tror på, at Trumps sejr vil føre til tjenester og tiltag, der kan booste kryptovalutaernes status endnu mere, hvilket skaber store forventninger blandt Bitcoin-entusiaster. Og når vi taler om entusiasme, er der næsten som en uskreven regel, at når Trump er i spil, så er Bitcoin sjældent langt bagefter!
Er vi på vej mod et nyt bullish marked? Det ser ud til, at mange investorer har lagt deres penge på Trump-vognen, og det ser ud til at betale sig. Bitcoin har ikke blot sat rekorder i pris, men også vakt opmærksomhed fra nye investorer, der søger at få del i denne spøjse rejse.
Vidste du, at Bitcoin i starten kun havde en værdi af 0,08 dollar for én mønt? Det er ingen tvivl om, at vi har set en bemærkelsesværdig rejse! Og mens vi ser mod fremtiden, er det interessant at bemærke, at kryptovalutaer nu er blevet en vigtig del af den globale økonomi, og den regulering og politiske støtte, som ledere som Trump kan frembringe, kan virkelig ændre spillet på dette marked. Hold øje med udviklingen, for Bitcoin rejsen er langt fra slut!
Donald Trump is returning to the White House as US President even as Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies prices are going up.
"In the six months that followed the last three presidential elections, Bitcoin has had triple digit returns," one analyst noted.
The crypto industry has thrown massive financial support behind Donald Trump, betting that his election would lead to more favorable policy.
Donald Trump was previously a crypto skeptic but changed his mind and took a favorable view of cryptocurrencies ahead of the election.
Some analysts and traders believe Bitcoin price could hit $1 million during Donald Trump's second presidential term.
The United States had a presidential election where Donald Trump was elected. Bitcoin price performed positive during the election day, making a new ATH on ...
For weeks, former President Donald Trump defeating VP Kamala Harris in this year's election appeared to be bullish for bitcoin.
Bitcoin is the original cryptocurrency and remains the most popular crypto coin on the market, with a market capitalization of over $1.1 trillion.
Bitcoin price makes a new all-time high, and data suggests that the bullish momentum will continue.
The Bitcoin market continues to look bullish, despite the fact that we pulled back early Thursday. This is a situation where we have broken out, ...
Bitcoin rallied to a fresh all-time high of $76,400 on Wednesday as crypto-friendly candidate Donald Trump won the US presidential election.
BTC ETFs have record inflows, and the Bitcoin price is holding steady ahead of today's expected rate cute.
Much of the activity surrounding the US elections has been centered on the Bitcoin price, although spilling over into other cryptocurrencies.
Fed Chair Jerome Powell's speech later today could shake up markets as he will face questions about the central bank's outlook on monetary policy and ...
Bitcoin rose nearly 8.5 percent from 7 p.m. Tuesday to 2 a.m Wednesday, moving almost in lockstep with prospects of a Trump presidential election win.
The Fed is set to lower interest rates on Thursday, which could boost bitcoin prices further. Spot bitcoin ETFs saw $621.9 million of inflows on Wednesday, the ...
Fed Chair Jerome Powell's speech later today could shake up markets as he will face questions about the central bank's outlook on monetary policy and ...