Find ud af, hvordan Associated Press kan erklære vinderne af valg, før alle stemmer er talt! Er det tryllekunst eller genial statistik?
Når det kommer til valgresultater, er Associated Press (AP) en betroet kilde, der har givet resultater i mere end 170 år. Men hvordan formår de at erklære vindere i flere tusinde racer, når valgene stadig er i gang? AP bruger en kombination af stemmetotaler, historiske data og survey data for at få et præcist billede af, hvem der kan forventes at vinde. Det er en proces, der ligner et skakspil, hvor man skal forudse modstanderens træk – og det er her, hvor AP virkelig skinner.
APs metoder kan virke en smule analoge i en digital tidsalder. Med sit fokus på forventede stemmer frem for blot at vente på, at alle valgsteder rapporterer, kan de ofte fastslå vinderen allerede, når valglokalerne lukker. Det kræver en dybdegående analyse af tidligere valg, registreringsmønstre og selvfølgelig natten før stemmeoptællingen – ja, det kræver lidt magi!
Men hvordan uddeler AP tailer til vinderne, selv når det ser ud til, at alt er oppe i luften? Man kan få en vinder erklæret i ikke-konkurrerende valgsteder, hvor den politiske overvægt er så stor, at det simpelthen ikke vil give mening at vente på de sidste stemmer. Det er ligesom at bekende farverne fra en quiz; er det klart, så er det bare at give pointene ud!
Så næste gang du ser valgresultaterne strømme ind, husk at det ikke kun handler om, hvem der stemmer, men også hvordan vi forstår og tolker de data vi har. Associated Press jonglerer med komplekse statistikker for at give denne værdifulde information. Det er en ekspertise, der viser sig at være uundgåelig i en tid, hvor hvert enkelt stemme tæller.
Visste du forresten, at AP har været en betroet kilde for valgresultaterne i, ja, næsten to århundreder? Og at de har annonceret vindere for både pressevalget i USA og dets stater? Det er ikke bare et job for dem, det er en passion at bringe sandheden til folket.
Nov. 5, 2024, 11:53 a.m.. Ten years ago, when the Associated Press declared the winners of the 2014 midterm elections, the alerts it sent out ...
The Associated Press will answer that question for nearly 5,000 contested races across the United States and up and down the ballot, from president and state ...
The Associated Press has declared winners in some states where polls had just closed, and in some cases before any votes had been released.
The Associated Press, a trusted nonpartisan source for nearly two centuries, will monitor the vote counts and declare the winners on Tuesday's Election Day.
FOX Television Stations relies on the Associated Press' race-calling for election results as the polls close. The AP has delivered the results of U.S. elections ...
AP's David Scott talks about how the newsroom predicts who won, the 'red mirage' and one county's whiteboard.
Using a combination of vote totals, AP VoteCast survey data, historic voting and registration patterns, journalists at the AP will declare a winner in more than ...
Sometimes it's possible to declare winners at poll closing time in noncompetitive races with multiple candidates in areas where one political party has an ...
It's usually possible to determine who won an election before the vote counting is 100% complete. But doing so requires determining how many ballots still ...
On election night, the AP will count the vote in nearly 7,000 races, delivering the results up and down the ballot from president, governor and Congress to ...
Here at NPR, we rely on the Associated Press for our election results. The news agency doesn't make projections, but rather declarations based on math.
On election night, the AP will count the vote in nearly 7,000 races, delivering the results up and down the ballot from president, governor and Congress to ...
As results come in throughout the night (and possibly beyond), it's important to remember that NPR is not calling any races. We rely on race calls from the ...