Senator JD Vance kombinerer oliepriser, transgender debatter og 'normal gay guy' stemmer i ny interview. Hold fast!
I en nylig episode af Joe Rogan Experience, tog senator JD Vance alles opmærksomhed med sine kontroversielle og ofte overraskende udsagn omkring LGBTQ+ samfundet og energipolitik. Vance påstod, at han og Donald Trump kan vinde 'normal gay guy' stemmen i 2024, hvilket har fået mange til at rynke på næsen. I diskussionen berørte han temaer som, hvorfor unge transpersoner vælger at skifte køn for at komme ind på Ivy League universiteter og gik så langt som til at kritisere liberal kvinder, der "fejrer" deres aborter. Det lyder måske som en line-up til stand-up comedy, men Vance tager tydeligvis sin rolle som potentiel vicepræsident meget seriøst.
Vance tilføjede også en bemærkning om, at mere olie skulle føre til flere boliger, men økonomer er ikke så sikre på, at det er den vej at gå. Ifølge dem, vil lempede regler, billigere byggematerialer og flere arbejdere have en mere direkte indflydelse på boligmarkedet end energipriser. Uanset hvad meningen er, så er det tydeligt, at Vance prøver at skrabe stemmer fra alle hjørner af den politiske arena.
Og som om debatten ikke kunne blive mere komplekst, tog han fat på Big Pharma, hvor han advarede mod, at store medicinalfirmaer profiterer på kirurgier relateret til kønsskifte. Han understregede, at det er et område, der kræver mere overvågning og undersøgelse. Vance ser ud til at have fundet et nyt kampefelt, og i hans øjne er dette en krig, der skal vindes for de "normale" amerikanere.
Afslutningsvis kan det nævnes, at Vance ikke kun taler om politiske emner; han udfordrer også de åndelige og sociale normer i dagens amerikanske kultur. Usha Vance, hans kone og Yale-uddannede advokat, er en stærk kraft ved hans side. Derudover, med hans drastiske forslag og modige udsagn, kan vi forvente, at Vance vil være en central figur på den politiske scene i de kommende år, uanset hvor polariserede hans kommentarer måtte være. Det ville være interessant at se, hvordan denne udfordrende politik udvikler sig, især med hans dalende popularitet inden for LGBT-samfundet!
Republican vice presidential candidate JD Vance suggested in an interview with podcast host Joe Rogan that White upper-and middle-class children are ...
In an interview with popular podcaster Joe Rogan, Sen. JD Vance suggested he and Donald Trump can win the "normal gay guy vote."
Appearing on Joe Rogan's podcast, Senator JD Vance also said that liberal women celebrate their abortions and that Donald Trump would win the “normal gay ...
As the Human Rights Campaign said, “JD, no. Not even close.”
Economists say when it comes to home building, looser rules, cheaper building materials, and more workers are more important than energy costs.
Usha Vance, who is married to vice presidential nominee JD Vance, is a lawyer originally from California. Learn about her ethnicity, religion, kids, ...
J.D. Vance laughs while on Joe Rogan's podcast. The Joe Rogan Experience. J.D. Vance had plenty of bizarre takes to spew about transgender people as part ...
WASHINGTON (TNND) — Sen. JD Vance, R-Ohio, noted on a Thursday episode of the Joe Rogan Experience podcast that major pharmaceutical companies are earning ...
J.D. Vance, who has targeted LGBTQ+ rights as a senator, believes that he and Donald Trump can win the 'normal gay guy vote' in the 2024 presidential ...
The revelation aired during Vance's interview on Joe Rogan's podcast episode with the potential next vice president.
JD Vance, former President Trump's running mate, has come a long way from his hardscrabble childhood of "Hillbilly Elegy."
If Donald Trump wins a second term, he will enter the White House at 78 years old, making him the oldest person ever elected president. Anything can happen over ...
The Ohio senator still gives voters the creeps, but someone even more awkward and obnoxious has taken his place: Elon Musk.
PORTAGE, Mich. (WOOD) — Republican vice presidential nominee JD Vance is campaigning in Portage. The Ohio senator is speaking at a rally at RAI Jets — an ...
Sen. JD Vance (R-Ohio) is in Michigan on Friday, gives his final pitch to voters in the battleground state. In his remarks, the GOP vice presidential ...
Republican nominee for Vice President JD Vance is set to rally in Portage Friday,Vance was last in West Michigan on Oct. 29 in Holland.
Republican vice presidential nominee claims being in 'poor health and overweight' makes you more 'politically liberal'
PORTAGE, MI (WKZO AM/FM) - Republican Vice Presidential nominee JD Vance held a campaign rally in Portage Frid...
Republican vice presidential nominee JD Vance held a campaign rally in Portage Friday, working to encourage former President Donald Trump's supporter base ...
Vice presidential nominee JD Vance made a stop in Portage on Friday, his second trip to the state this week.
Vance suggested white wealthy parents might coerce their children into transitioning in order to get them into Ivy League colleges.
We listened to the three-hour 'Joe Rogan Experience' podcast so you don't have to.
Vance's most heated points about gender dwelled not on hormones but on LGBTQ+ issues. He guessed, for example, that Trump would win the “normal gay guy vote” ...
Republican vice presidential nominee JD Vance sat down for a wide-ranging conversation with podcaster Joe Rogan on Wednesday.
Vance purported to be unaware about laws subjecting women to arrest if they traveled out of state for an abortion.
Republican nominee for Vice President, Sen. JD Vance (Ohio) rallied in Portage Friday afternoon.
Americans have a complicated relationship with social class. JD Vance supports a president whose policies harmed the working class.
Recent comments from both JD Vance and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. could signal how a Trump administration erodes public confidence in vaccines.
JD Vance said Friday that Donald Trump would be “the president for all of us,” not just supporters. But Trump's violent rhetoric distracted from that focus.
Before he became former President Donald Trump's running mate, a venture capitalist or a best-selling author, Ohio Sen. J.D. Vance was a San Francisco ...
LA CROSSE, Wis. (WEAU) ...
Ohio Senator JD Vance ...
LA CROSSE, Wis. -- Republican Vice Presidential nominee JD Vance will hold a rally in La Crosse on Monday the day before Election Day.Vance is scheduled to ...
The Trump-Vance ticket will keep an emphasis on Wisconsin, the day before the election.