Timothée Chalamet overrasker fans ved at gatecrashe sit eget lookalike-show, og det fører til en vild tilstand! Se hvad der skete, da dobbeltgængerne mødte den ægte vare!
I en spektakulær optræden, der vil blive husket længe, dukkede Timothée Chalamet op til sin egen lookalike-konkurrence i New York City den 27. oktober. Dette event, der var annonceret igennem flyers rundt om i byen, blev organiseret af YouTuber Anthony Po, som tidligere har stået bag en række sjove lookalike-konkurrencer. Da Chalamet ankom til Washington Square Park, blev han mødt af et kæmpe publikum af både fans og de mange unge mænd, der havde gjort deres bedste for at ligne den populære skuespiller. Det var som at se en levende klon af Hollywoods charmeur midt i en skare af håbefulde 'Timothée-er' med bølgede hår og veltrimmede kæbelinjer.
Men ikke alt gik helt som planlagt. Mens fansene jublede, ramte kaosmetoden eventen, efter at politiet ankom grundet rapporter om uordener. Det blev hurtigt klart, at spændingen var så intens, at det mindede om en scene fra en actionfilm. Flere deltagere blev eskorteret væk – en af dem i håndjern – hvilket fik de tilstedeværende til at udveksle nervøse blik imellem hinanden. Det var imidlertid Chalamets uforklarlige tilstedeværelse, der stjal showet, og fansene glemte hurtigt tumulten, da de så deres idol i kødet.
Som dagen skred frem, viste det sig, at selve konkurrencens atmosfære var præget af en eksplosion af kreativitet! Fans og wannabe-doppelgängere dukkede op i kostumer fra Chalamets mest ikoniske roller, herunder hans skikkelser fra "Wonka" og "Dune". Det copyright beskyttede eventyr blev til en sammensurium af latter, fejring og en meget virkelighedstro oplevelse - der medførte en online meme-hurricane, der bragede igennem sociale medier. Det var som et socialt mediefest, hvor hver deltager var både konkurrent og fan i én.
Timothée Chalamet formåede at omvandle en sjov begivenhed til en dynamisk oplevelse, der selvfølgelig ikke gik ubemærket hen. Men even efter hans ankomst, blev fansene bedt om at finde roen blandt al den opstandelse. Med mange indtryk af klonerne og den virkelige skuespiller, måtte de se, hvad der kunne overgå deres dybe beundring. Hvad mange dog måske ikke ved er, at Timothée Chalamet i virkeligheden begyndte sin karriere som en lookalike af en lille dreng, der ville være skuespiller! Han har tydeligvis i sjov taget et skridt tilbage i sin egen karriere ved at være med til at fejre dem, der drømmer om stjernerne.
Vidste du, at Timothée Chalamet er kendt for sin rolle i filmen "Call Me by Your Name", som opnåede stor kritikerros og mange priser? Han har haft stor indflydelse på nutidens ungdomskultur, hvor hans stil og skuespil har skabt en horde af nye fans. Det ser også ud til, at man i fremtiden kan forvente endnu flere kreative events, nu hvor lookalike-konkurrencer er i rampelyset, takket være Chalamet.
The event had been advertised on flyers around the city and hosted by YouTuber Anthony Po, who has held a variety of look-alike competitions in the past. On the ...
At least one contestant was taken away in handcuffs, though police did not immediately say why. A spokesperson for the NYPD said charges were pending. “It ...
Timothee Chalamet met scores of curly-haired doppelgängers as he crashed his own lookalike contest in New York City on Sunday, 27 October.
Vogue was on the ground in New York at the first annual Timothée Chalamet Lookalike Contest, amidst hundreds of would-be Timothée Chalamets (and some cops).
Around 20 young men, complete with chiseled jawlines and distinctive waves of walnut-colored hair, had gathered along with a massive crowd of spectators in New ...
Timothée Chalamet sent fans into a frenzy with a surprise appearance at the Timothée Chalamet Lookalike Contest, only for the excitement to be cut short ...
Wannabe Chalamets turned up to the event in costumes from the Wonka and Dune films. But when the real actor gatecrashed the competition, officers ordered ...
Video. Dune actor Timothée Chalamet made a surprise appearance at his own look-alike contest in NYC, thrilling fans and causing such a frenzy that police ...
What started as a viral social post about a Timothée Chalamet look-alike contest fractured into mayhem after the actor himself made a surprise cameo.
Actor Timothée Chalamet made a surprise appearance at his own look-alike contest in Lower Manhattan on Sunday.
The actor arrived at the Washington Square Park event in New York on October 27 to the adulation of a large crowd, kicking off an online meme whirlwind.
Actor Timothee Chalamet made a surprise appearance at his own look-alike contest in Lower Manhattan on Sunday, an event that drew hundreds of onlookers, ...
Reed Putnam poses for a photo with onlookers of the Timothée Chalamet lookalike contest in Washington Square Park, New York City. Laura Oliverio/CNN.
The event drew hundreds of onlookers, a dispersal order from police and at least one arrest.
Timothee Chalamet showed up at a wild look-a-like contest in NYC where the best Timmy won a $50 prize and four people were arrested.
The Wonka star stuns fans by turning up to his own lookalike contest and poses for photos with contestants.
Actor Timothée Chalamet made a surprise appearance at his own look-alike contest in Lower Manhattan on Sunday.
No, he didn't enter. But he still caused a stir in Washington Square Park, where four people were arrested.
The event drew hundreds of onlookers, a dispersal order from police and at least one arrest.
At a lookalike competition, Timothée Chalamet dressed up in a mask and baseball cap and mingled with his fans. The crowd reacted enthusiastically.
At Washington Square Park, there were thousands of attendees, plenty of cops, speed dating, and absolute chaos.
Yes, the Chalamet event was a different level. According to Teen Vogue Po's last look alike competition—based on likeness to YouTuber Kai Cenat—garnered about ...
'Cosmo' was on the scene at the viral Timothée Chalamet doppelganger contest-turned-dating game/surprise celeb appearance/slight public safety threat, ...
The actor hugged and posed for selfies with fans before police asked participants to disperse.
YouTuber Anthony Po's lookalike contest in New York Sunday also drew the real Timothée Chalamet, a police response and $50 prizes for all entrants — and he's ...
It all started with a handful of mysterious flyers advertising the details (1 p.m. in Washington Square Park, near NYU's campus; $50 cash prize for the winner) ...
The Timothée Chalamet Lookalike Competition brought swarms of doppelgangers, mega-fans and the Oscar-nominated actor himself to Washington Square Park. Dani ...
24-year-old Matt Mannix talks to Teen Vogue about how looking like Timothée Chalamet led to his arrest at Washington Square Park.
Anthony Po was handed a $500 fine from the Parks Enforcement division for his Timothee Chalamet look-a-like contest in Washington Square Park.
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