Disability-aktivister er bekymrede for, at brugen af 'retard' er på vej tilbage! Hvordan kan vi så ændre sproget?
I over et årti har disability-aktivister kæmpet en hård kamp for at udrydde brugen af ordet "retard". Efter et væld af oplysningskampagner, offentlige demonstrationer og pædagogiske indsatser, hvor de understregede den skadelige virkning af dette ord, ser det ud til, at sprogbrugen tager et skridt tilbage. Flere steder i medierne og blandt unge mennesker, er ordet begyndt at dukke op igen, hvilket har rejst bekymringer blandt dem, der har kæmpet for inklusion og respekt for personer med handicap.
Debatten om ordvalg i samfundet er ikke ny, men nu ser det ud til, at den gamle udtryk, som mange troede var blevet begravet, er kommet tilbage for fuld styrke. Disability-aktivister mener, at dette ikke blot er et spørgsmål om ord, men om manner, opdragelse og den respekt, samfundet har for mennesker med handicap. Ordet "retard" har i lang tid været forbundet med stigmatisering og diskrimination, og dets genoplivning får mange til at føle, at vi overskrider grænserne for, hvad der er acceptabelt at sige.
Samtidig har platforme som sociale medier skabt en ny arena for kommunikationen, hvor unge mennesker måske bruger ordet uden at forstå dets fulde betydning og konsekvenser. Mange oplever, at der er en form for 'rebel attitude' forbundet med at bruge termer som dette, der historisk set har været tabu. Det er her, at oplysning og diskussioner om inklusion bliver ekstra vigtige. Aktivister opfordrer til en ændring i den måde, vi taler på, og til en bevægelse mod sprog, der inkluderer fremfor at ekskludere.
For at stoppe dette tilbageskridt kræver det at alle, fra forældre til lærere og samfundsmedlemmer, indgår i kampen for respektfuld kommunikation. Det er på tide, at vi ikke kun ser på de ord, vi bruger, men også på den indflydelse, de har. Det gælder ikke kun for 'R-ordet', men for alle ord, der kan skade. Et ord kan både såre og hele, alt afhængig af hvordan, hvornår og af hvem det bruges.
Vidste du, at i 2010 vedtog USA's kongres 'Rosa's Law', som officielt udskiftede termen 'mentally retarded' med 'intellectual disability'? Dette er et skridt i den rigtige retning, men det viser også, at kampen for at ændre sproget er langvarig. I en undersøgelse fra 2018 viste det sig, at over 80% af mennesker med handicap foretrækker sprog, der er positivt og styrkende, fremfor nedladende termer. Det er tid til at lytte til deres stemmer!
For a decade, disability advocates led a concerted effort to stomp out use of the word "retard." Now they're concerned that the language appears to be ...
School districts across the country have adopted monitoring platforms which raise concerns about student data, privacy and free speech.
Listen to the pronunciation. Powered by Vocabulary.com. The word exodus has appeared in 281 articles on NYTimes.com in the past year ...
That would be stupid—I opined correctly that cell phones are “utterly pernicious.” The comment box, also pernicious, absorbed nearly seventy comments. That ...
Gunalchéesh to X̱'unei Lance Twitchell, Goldbelt Heritage Foundation and the University of Alaska Southeast for sharing the recorded audio for this series. This ...
Shannon Evans, spirituality and culture editor at the National Catholic Reporter, was feeling disillusioned with contemporary Christian thinkers.
Some schools are using data systems to flag students' computer activity that might signal a risk of self-harm or threats to others.
Free speech activists decry 'insidious form of language policing' as software tries to be more inclusive.
emphasizing the organic or functional relation between parts and the whole. Listen to the pronunciation. Powered by Vocabulary.com. Listen · 1 sec.
Read the latest from Mullet Wrapper to stay up-to-date on Gnathia jimmybuffetti is word's newest crustacean in Gulf Shores and Orange Beach.
Fiona McPherson shares how the role of the lexicographer has changed over the years, and her perspective on Oxford Word of the Year.
TODAY'S WORD — ALBEITALBEIT: all-BEE-it: Even though; although.Average mark 17 wordsTime limit 25 minutesCan you find 21 or more words in ALBEIT?
Fiona McPherson shares how the role of the lexicographer has changed over the years, and her perspective on Oxford Word of the Year.
The tool, which can suggest alternatives to improve writing such as synonyms and grammatic corrections, now appears to have expanded to detecting when a ...
NEW ORLEANS (AP) — Two owners of a counseling service in Louisiana have filed a federal lawsuit accusing the state of unconstitutionally stopping them from ...
Randolph's attorney Nicole Blank Becker, who works in Macomb County, sought to make the motion request Tuesday in Midland County Circuit Court before Judge ...
Ready to honk and be heard? Want to squawk about positive mental health?Members from the IC Mental Health flock will be tabling outside of the Center for ...
Before he abused beautiful Latrobe, and specifically the airport named for an American icon, for a weekend soliloquy in admiration of Arnold Palmer's ...
In leadership training in Saratoga Springs, Utah, President Jeffrey R. Holland invites local Church leaders to increase their own faith in Jesus Christ in order ...
NEW ORLEANS (AP) — Two owners of a counseling service in Louisiana have filed a federal lawsuit accusing the state of unconstitutionally stopping them from ...
The practice is the integration of fruit, nut, and timber trees with animal or crop farming systems.
In “TED Tumblewords,” which was announced out of TEDNext 2024 in Atlanta Tuesday, “TEDplayers will slide rows of scrambled letters on a grid to create words, ...
Slide rows of scrambled letters to spell words in this thought-provoking word puzzle game from TED,” according to the App Store description for the new game ...
Ready to honk and be heard? Want to squawk about positive mental health?Members from the IC Mental Health flock will be tabling outside of the Center for ...
A person raises the Union Jack flag between the German and European Union flags in front of the Brandenburg Gate at the eve of the visit of King Charles III at ...