Donald Trumps bizarre hyldest til golflegenden Arnold Palmer sørgede for forbløffede tilskuere i Pennsylvania!
Donald Trump indledte sit rally i Latrobe, Pennsylvania, på en lidt usædvanlig note ved at omtale golflegenden Arnold Palmer. På den nævnte hændelse kunne man tydeligt mærke, hvordan Trump greb chancen for at mikse nostalgi med sine politiske budskaber. Der blev sendt en række ubekvemme bemærkninger om Palmers personlighed og præstationer, der, lad os sige det som det er, fik publikum til at grine og ryste på hovedet på samme tid. Fordi hvem vidste, at man kunne omtale en golfspiller og involvere så overraskende og, æhm, uventede detaljer om hans 'putter'?
Mens meddelelsen var bestemt underholdende, var det ikke kun prisen på golfstjerner, som Trump talte om. Han forsøgte også at sætte scenen for sine politiske ambitioner, som formentlig omfatter en hel del inspiration fra Arnold Palmers ånd og dedikation i spillet. Men markedede det denne gang længere end blot en sport, eller var det bare endnu et eksempel på Trumps unikke tilgang til at blande det alvorlige med det bizarre? Publikum så dog ud til at tage det med godt humør, om end mavefornemmelserne hos commentariatet var delte.
Derefter sprang han hurtigt til angreb på sine politiske modstandere og gav dem et hurtigt skud af hans suveræne retorik. Trumps retorik var på ingen måde ny, men den dramatiske vending mod Arnold Palmers krop gav hans tale en uventet dimension. Det udløste en bølge af sociale medier-reaktioner, hvor folk, som så rallyet, ikke kunne tro deres ører. Med udtalelser om Palmers anatomi efterlod Trump ikke kun publikum i Latrobe forbløffede, men også nationale medier, der sprang over detaljerne for at fange glimt af den excentriske stil, han er blevet kendt for.
Men uanset hvor forbløffede folk var, skabte Trumps kommentarer en samtale om, hvordan sport og politik kan krydses på de mest bizarre måder. Sport har altid haft en rolle i politik, men det ændrer sig måske, når en tidligere præsident berører emner, der kan have mere med humor end med respekt at gøre. Arnold Palmer, en legende inden for golfverdenen, var mere end bare navn på et flyvested; han var et symbol på sportens dedikation, ligesom politikmaskiner, men i en langt mere anstændig skala – eller er det måske ikke det, vi bør forstå?
LATROBE, Pa. — Donald Trump's campaign suggested he would begin previewing his closing argument Saturday night with Election Day barely two weeks away.
Trump's Latrobe rally on Saturday began with him waxing nostalgic about the late golfer Arnold Palmer and some of his personal attributes.
The GOP presidential nominee spent the first minutes of his Latrobe, Pennsylvania, rally speculating about Arnold Palmer's “putter.”
Donald Trump sparked shock and outrage during his Pennsylvania rally on Saturday with a bizarre 10-minute tribute to golf legend Arnold Palmer.
At a campaign rally in Latrobe, Pennsylvania, Donald Trump delivered a 12-minute tribute to late golf legend Arnold Palmer, but the speech took an ...
Donald Trump opened his rally at the Arnold Palmer Airport in Latrobe, Pa., with a 10-minute monologue about the golfer for which the airport is named and who ...
Increasingly dark rhetoric comes as presidential candidates start their final pitch to voters in run-up to election day.
While kicking off his speech in battleground Pennsylvania, former President Donald Trump spoke at length about the late legendary golfer Arnold Palmer, ...
Donald Trump attacked his rival Vice President Kamala Harris, touted endorsements from steelworkers, and appeared to make surprising remarks about late ...
Donald Trump was in late golfer Arnold Palmer's hometown of Latrobe, Pennsylvania, Saturday night for a campaign rally. His campaign said he'd be honing in on ...
Former President Donald Trump opened a rally in Latrobe, Pennsylvania, on Saturday by talking about late golfer Arnold Palmer—and sharing a story about ...
Golf icon Arnold Palmer was “appalled” by former president Donald Trump, who weirdly started boasting about Palmer's genitals at a campaign rally Saturday, ...
Donald Trump held a rally Saturday in Latrobe, Pa., birthplace of the late Arnold Palmer, and boasted about his relationship with the legendary golfer.
Donald Trump celebrates golf legend Arnold Palmer's 'unbelievable' genitals in bizarre campaign rally rant · With their obsession over people's body parts, ...
Although it is common for political candidates to name-check hometown heroes during their travels, former President Trump's focus on the late golfer Arnold ...
But the former president kicked off his rally with a detailed story about Arnold Palmer, at one point even praising the late, legendary golfer's genitalia.
"Don't say it again. We don't have to say it," House Speaker Mike Johnson said when asked about the comments Trump made on the golfer's penis size.
Trump speech turns bizarre with praise for Arnold Palmer's anatomy and profanity for Harris ... Donald Trump speaks during a campaign rally in Latrobe, Pa., on ...
Mike Johnson was questioned by CNN's Jake Tapper after the former president insinuated the late golfing legend was well-endowed.
Former President Donald Trump said of golfer Arnold Palmer, "this is a guy that was all man."
Wears said that she had only had passing encounters with Trump at functions decades ago but that her father and the GOP presidential nominee, an avid golfer who ...
Wears said that she had only had passing encounters with Trump at functions decades ago but that her father and the GOP presidential nominee, an avid golfer who ...
Donald Trump has pivoted to making his closing argument to voters heading into the final stretch of his race for the White House.
Golf legend Arnold Palmer's daughter said she was “not really upset” by the lewd story former President Donald Trump told about her father at a rally in his ...
Trump opened his speech at the Arnold Palmer Regional Airport by paying tribute to the legendary golfer Arnold Palmer – with an apparent focus on Palmer's ...
Peg Palmer Wears, daughter of the late golf legend, spoke with the Associated Press on Sunday following Trump's rally comments.
Golf legend Arnold Palmer's daughter Peg Palmer Wears calls Donald Trump's references to her father's genitalia “a poor choice of approaches" to honoring ...