Hong Kong

2024 - 10 - 15

Fra pengesager til abe-mysterier: Hongkongs forunderlige nyheder!

alkoholafgift - boligkrise - Hong Kong - John Lee - natteliv - zoologisk have - økonomiske reformer

Opdag hvordan Hongkongs leder John Lee forsøger at redde sit lille Hong Kong med skatteændringer og lidt abe drama!

Hongkongs leder, John Lee, har netop præsenteret sin tredje politiske adresse, og lad os bare sige, at han har travlt med at pifte livet op i byens pulserende hjerte. I et forsøg på at genoplive byens rykte som en livlig rejsemål har Lee annonceret en reduktion af spiritusskatter, alt sammen med håbet om at tiltrække flere turister til Hongkongs natliv. Med et livligt natteliv på spil er det tydeligt, at Lee satser stort. Derudover vil myndighederne også justere boliglånspolitikken for at støtte den svigtende ejendomsektor og skabe et mere stabilt boligmarked for byens beboere.

Men det er ikke kun økonomien, der er i fokus. Hongkongs ældste zoologiske have står midt i et mysterie, da ni aber er døde inden for to dage. Trediveårige beslutninger om natklubber og drinkpriser kan godt være væsentlige, men hvad kan være mere foruroligende end en pludselig og uforklarlig bølge af abedødsfald? Zooen har lukket en sektion af anlægget, mens de prøver at finde ud af, hvad der er sket. Aktivister advarer om potentielle farer og henviser til dyrevelfærd, der er truet, hvilket sætter det vigtigste krav på alles læber!

I mellemtiden er Lee hårdt presset for at tiltrække udenlandske talenter og investeringer til Hongkong, en by der i de seneste år har oplevet udfordringer. Hans forsøg på at skubbe skatterne ned er ét skridt i den retning, mens han også håndterer boligkrisen, som mange lokale lider under. I hans vision for en stærkere fremtid er det ikke kun nattelivet, der står for skud, men også en lang liste af forpligtelser for at forbedre borgernes livskvalitet.

Som et sjovt faktum er Hongkong det første sted i verden, der tilbød fem millioner fribilleder til abonnenter af offentlig transport for at tiltrække flere rejsende til byen. Og mht. minkenheder? Vidste du, at aber faktisk kan være ret kloge? De kan for eksempel lære trick, som involverer problemløsning – måske de skal overveje at forlade zooen og danne en smart natklub af deres egne!

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Image courtesy of "Reuters"

Highlights of Hong Kong leader John Lee's third policy address (Reuters)

Hong Kong leader John Lee delivered his third annual policy address on Wednesday with pledges to reform shortcomings focusing on livelihood issues, ...

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Image courtesy of "ABC News"

Hong Kong cuts liquor tax in effort to reignite its nightlife industry (ABC News)

Hong Kong's leader announced a cut to liquor tax as the Asian financial hub hopes to revive its reputation as a travel destination with a vibrant nightlife ...

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Image courtesy of "Yahoo Finance"

Hong Kong to Relax Housing Rules, Cut Liquor Tax in Growth Push (Yahoo Finance)

(Bloomberg) -- Hong Kong will loosen mortgage rules and cut an alcohol tax in a series of measures seeking to support the flagging real estate sector and ...

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Image courtesy of "ABC News"

A Hong Kong zoo seeks answers after 9 monkeys die in 2 days (ABC News)

Hong Kong's oldest zoo is seeking answers in a monkey medical mystery after nine animals died in two days, including three members of a critically ...

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Image courtesy of "CBS News"

Hong Kong's oldest zoo seeks answers after deaths of 9 monkeys ... (CBS News)

Hong Kong — A section of Hong Kong's oldest zoo was still closed Tuesday after nine monkeys, including three from a critically endangered species, ...

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Image courtesy of "Aljazeera.com"

Activists warn of dangers as Hong Kong zoo probes nine monkey ... (Aljazeera.com)

A zoo in Hong Kong is investigating the death of nine monkeys, including three members of a critically endangered species, in two days.

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Image courtesy of "NBC News"

Nine monkeys die mysteriously at Hong Kong zoo (NBC News)

The mammal section is temporarily closed and animals are being tested after unexplained deaths involving multiple species at Hong Kong's oldest zoological ...

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Image courtesy of "Newsweek"

Hong Kong zoo investigates deaths of 9 monkeys in 2 days (Newsweek)

Hong Kong Zoological and Botanical Gardens is investigating the recent sudden deaths of nine monkeys.

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Image courtesy of "South China Morning Post"

Hong Kong policy address: John Lee woos foreign talent, money ... (South China Morning Post)

Lowering of liquor tax and enforcement of 86 sq ft minimum for subdivided flats also among highlights of city leader's third policy address.

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Image courtesy of "UPI.com"

Hong Kong government launches probe into deaths of nine ... (UPI.com)

Nine dead monkeys so far over the course of a few days at a Hong Kong zoo pushed an investigation to figure out why.

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Image courtesy of "CNBC"

Hong Kong leader announces measures to address housing crisis ... (CNBC)

Hong Kong Chief Executive John Lee announced a series of measures aimed at addressing the city's housing affordability crisis during an annual policy ...

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Image courtesy of "Financial Times"

Hong Kong slashes tax on spirits to boost nightlife (Financial Times)

Chinese territory's chief executive John Lee tries to turn around economy amid fall in tourism and consumption.

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Image courtesy of "Yahoo Finance"

Hong Kong pushes reforms to spark economic growth, cut liquor duties (Yahoo Finance)

HONG KONG (Reuters) -Hong Kong's leader pledged on Wednesday to reform and revive the economy and financial markets including slashing liquor duties, ...

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Image courtesy of "Bloomberg"

Hong Kong Seeks to Defend Economy from China Slowdown (Bloomberg)

Just as China's leaders are under pressure to rejuvenate the world's No. 2 economy, Hong Kong, too is feeling the heat. The Asian financial hub appears to ...

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Image courtesy of "Yahoo News"

Hong Kong to Relax Housing Rules, Cut Liquor Tax in Growth Push (Yahoo News)

(Bloomberg) -- Hong Kong will loosen mortgage rules and cut an alcohol tax in a series of measures seeking to support the flagging real estate sector and ...

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Image courtesy of "Legal Week"

A&O Shearman Capital Markets Partner in Hong Kong Leaves For ... (Legal Week)

The exit comes as part of the ongoing post-merger changes being implemented by A&O Shearman, including plans to cut 10% of its equity partnership.

Hong Kong to Relax Housing Rules, Cut Liquor Tax in Growth Push (Bloomberg Tax)

Hong Kong will loosen mortgage rules and cut an alcohol tax in a series of measures seeking to support the flagging real estate sector and boost spending, ...

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Image courtesy of "UPI.com"

Hong Kong takes new steps to ease affordable housing crisis - UPI ... (UPI.com)

Hong Kong Chief Executive John Lee Wednesday announced new government steps to help ease the city's housing crisis by giving people under 40 more assistance ...

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Image courtesy of "Fortune"

Hong Kong is cutting its liquor tax to revitalize its once-vibrant ... (Fortune)

Pedestrians in the Lan Kwai Fong nightlife area in Hong Kong, on June 25, 2024. Paul Yeung—Bloomberg via Getty Images. Hong Kong's ...

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Image courtesy of "Reuters"

Hong Kong pushes reforms to spark economic growth, cut liquor duties (Reuters)

Hong Kong's leader pledged on Wednesday to reform and revive the economy and financial markets including slashing liquor duties, while seeking to improve ...

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Image courtesy of "Forbes"

China Market Update: US Pessimism Vs. Hong Kong Optimism ... (Forbes)

Asian equities were largely lower, as Taiwan underperformed following ASML's earnings miss yesterday, while Thailand and Indonesia managed to outperform.

International Law in Hong Kong's Court of Final Appeal: Still ... (American Society of International Law)

The National Security Law, which China imposed on Hong Kong in 2020, takes precedence over local law and has profoundly affected civil liberties and the ...

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Image courtesy of "ABC News"

Hong Kong cuts liquor tax in an effort to reignite its nightlife industry (ABC News)

Hong Kong's leader has announced a cut in liquor taxes as the Asian financial hub hopes to revive its reputation as a travel destination with a vibrant ...

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Image courtesy of "South China Morning Post"

Hong Kong's leader unveils economic blueprint focused on reforms (South China Morning Post)

Chief Executive John Lee Ka-chiu announced an economic reform blueprint on Wednesday aimed at transforming Hong Kong's traditional sectors such as finance, ...

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