
2024 - 10 - 14

Krigsspil eller farlig leg? Kinesiske øvelser omringede Taiwan!

geopolitik - Joint Sword-2024B - Kina - militære øvelser - propaganda - Taiwan

Kina viser musklerne med rekordstore militære øvelser omkring Taiwan – men hvad betyder det egentlig?

Taiwan oplever i øjeblikket fornyet spænding med nabolandet Kina, der har samlet sine militære styrker som en del af de største øvelser i regionen til dato – Joint Sword-2024B. Disse massive øvelser involverer alt fra krigsskibe og fly til den frygtede Liaoning hangarskib, som nu kredser rundt om øens kyster. Beijing har allerede indrømmet, at disse øvelser skal fungere som et klokkeklart signal til det, de betegner som "separatistiske kræfter" i Taiwan. Den kinesiske regering har varmet op til disse manøvrer med udtalelser om, at de vil skabe en "altomfattende beskyttelse" mod en potentiel stræben efter uafhængighed blandt taiwaneserne.

Taiwan's præsident, Lai Ching-te, reagerede dog resolut på de kinesiske provokationer; i sin tale fastslog han, at Taiwan nægter at underkaste sig Kinas krav og har ret til at forsvare sig selv. Denne markante udmelding ser ud til at have affejet en del af Kinas trusler, men det tætte militære pres fra Beijing sætter nye standarder for, hvad der kan forventes i Asien. Med hele 125 fly indsat på én enkelt dag, blev der sat rekord, og taiwanske myndigheder kalder dette for en uforholdsmæssig provokation.

Det er tydeligt, at denne optrapning kan ses som et taktisk spil mellem de to naboer. Kina har tidligere haft øvelser som en del af sine strategier for at skræmme Taiwan, og denne gang er det kun blevet intensiveret. De militære manøvrer indbefatter modsvar til eventuelle uafhængighedsbestræbelser, mens Taiwan fortsat prøver at balancere sin internationale position. I takt med at situationen spidser til, er det vigtigt at følge udviklingen og de diplomatiske tiltag, der også kan være på spil.

I et sjovt twist kan vi sige, at de kinesiske militære øvelser kunne være en god audition til en actionfilm, hvor hovedrollen spilles af den overlegne Liaoning. Men hvad er egentlig det næste skridt? Hvis vi kigger på det bredere billede fejrer Taiwan i øjeblikket et væld af international støtte, og jo mere opmærksomhed, der er på deres situation, desto mindre vil Kina sandsynligvis have held til sine trusler. Det er som om, at Taiwan er den søde dessert, som ikke kan fås så let – vil Kina lære at dele, eller vil de fortsat bebrejde enhver, der rækker ud for at snuppe en bid?

Vidste du, at Taiwan har ry for at være verdens mest innovative computerchip-producent? Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) leverer størstedelen af de chips, der driver moderne teknologi i dag. Og her er en sjov kendsgerning om Kina: Det anslås, at der blev brugt masser på sit militær for at understøtte disse øvelser, noget, der kunne have sikret endnu flere badetidsbølger i en af de enorme nye kinesiske svømmehaller!

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Image courtesy of "NPR"

China holds large military exercises surrounding Taiwan to warn ... (NPR)

TAIPEI, Taiwan — China deployed an aircraft carrier, other ships and warplanes in large-scale military exercises surrounding Taiwan and its outlying islands ...

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Image courtesy of "Aljazeera.com"

China starts new round of war games around Taiwan (Aljazeera.com)

The exercises, dubbed Joint Sword-2024B, began early on Monday and were a “stern warning to the separatist acts of 'Taiwan Independence' forces”, said Beijing, ...

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Image courtesy of "NBC News"

China holds military drills around Taiwan to warn against ... (NBC News)

The joint exercises come after Beijing criticized a speech in which Taiwan President Lai Ching-te said China had no right to represent the self-ruling ...

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Image courtesy of "The Associated Press"

China sends 125 military aircraft in exercises in single-day record ... (The Associated Press)

TAIPEI, Taiwan (AP) — China employed a record 125 aircraft, as well as its Liaoning aircraft carrier and ships, in large-scale military exercises ...

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Image courtesy of "CNN"

Taiwan condemns Chinese military drills around island as ... (CNN)

Taiwan has condemned the latest round of Chinese military drills around the self-governing island as an “unreasonable provocation” after Beijing deployed ...

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Image courtesy of "BBC News"

China holds fresh drills around Taiwan to warn against 'independence' (BBC News)

The Joint Sword-2024B comes after Taiwanese President William Lai vowed to resist "annexation" by Beijing.

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Image courtesy of "BBC News"

China launches military drills surrounding Taiwan (BBC News)

Beijing says the exercise involved all parts of the military and simulates a full-scale attack on its neighbour.

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Image courtesy of "ABC News"

China deploys record 125 warplanes in large scale military drill in ... (ABC News)

Taiwan's defense ministry says China used 125 military aircraft in exercises aimed at Taiwan, a record for a single day.

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Image courtesy of "The New York Times"

China Holds War Games Encircling Taiwan in Warning to Island's ... (The New York Times)

Scores of Chinese aircraft and dozens of ships surrounded Taiwan, after President Lai Ching-te rejected Beijing's claim over the island.

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Image courtesy of "Reuters"

China ends war games around Taiwan, but leaves door open to more (Reuters)

China said it was a warning to the "separatist acts of Taiwan independence forces."

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Image courtesy of "The Wall Street Journal"

China Launches Sea and Air Drills Around Taiwan (The Wall Street Journal)

One-day-long military exercises follow speech from Taiwan's president that reaffirmed the island's sovereignty.

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Image courtesy of "Kyodo News Plus"

China conducts large-scale drills around Taiwan after Lai speech (Kyodo News Plus)

The exercise in the Taiwan Strait and areas to the north, south and east of Taiwan Island involved the Chinese army, navy, air and rocket forces, with the ...

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Image courtesy of "USNI News"

China Targets Taiwan in Major Military Exercise, Pentagon ... (USNI News)

The exercise, code-named “Joint Sword – 2024B,” involved the People's Liberation Army Navy, PLA Air Force, PLA Rocket Force and China Coast Guard. The drill was ...

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Image courtesy of "Reuters"

Pentagon slams 'destabilizing' Chinese war games around Taiwan (Reuters)

The Chinese military's Eastern Theater Command said the "Joint Sword-2024B" drills took place in the Taiwan Strait and areas to the north, south and east of ...

Statement From Pentagon Press Secretary Maj. Gen. Pat Ryder on ... (Department of Defense)

DOD has closely monitored the People's Liberation Army exercise, Joint Sword 2024B, around Taiwan.,

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Image courtesy of "Reuters"

Taiwan details record surge in planes in China's war games, flags ... (Reuters)

Taiwan's defence ministry said on Tuesday it had detected a record number of 153 Chinese military aircraft participating in China's war games around the ...

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Image courtesy of "PBS NewsHour"

China sends warning to Taiwan with record 125 warplanes in large ... (PBS NewsHour)

Taiwan's defense ministry says China used 125 military aircraft in exercises aimed at Taiwan, a record for a single day. It says 90 of the aircraft, ...

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Image courtesy of "CNN"

A record number of Chinese warplanes flew close to Taiwan during ... (CNN)

China flew a record number of fighter jets and other warplanes around Taiwan during its large-scale military drills on Monday, Taiwan's Defense Ministry ...

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Image courtesy of "NBC News"

Taiwan says Chinese military sent a record 153 planes toward ... (NBC News)

Taiwan's defense ministry said Tuesday it had detected a record 153 Chinese military aircraft during war games around the island the previous day.

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Image courtesy of "The Washington Post"

Let's compare how the world treats the Taliban vs. Taiwan (The Washington Post)

As democratic Taiwan grows more isolated, the brutal Taliban regime in Afghanistan gains acceptance.

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Image courtesy of "Aljazeera.com"

Taiwan reports surrounded by 153 Chinese military aircraft during ... (Aljazeera.com)

Exercises raise regional tension warns Taipei; US slams war games as it launches drills with Philippines.

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Image courtesy of "The Guardian"

'Hi my sweetheart': China's love-heart propaganda labelled creepy ... (The Guardian)

Image dispersed during Monday's military drills likened to sexual harassment or abusive partner.

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Image courtesy of "Business Insider"

China sends record number of warplanes to fly around Taiwan (Business Insider)

China's "Joint Sword-2024B" war games came on the heels of Taiwan's National Day and were meant as a "stern warning," China's military said.

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Image courtesy of "Focus Taiwan News Channel"

U.S. seasoning rejected at Taiwan's border after carcinogen ... (Focus Taiwan News Channel)

Two types of seasoning imported from the United State have been seized at the border after they were found to contain a banned carcinogen, the Taiwan Food ...

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Image courtesy of "Focus Taiwan News Channel"

Government quiet on reports of Peru blocking Taiwan's APEC envoy ... (Focus Taiwan News Channel)

Taiwanese officials have declined to comment on media reports that Peru, host of the upcoming Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit, ...

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Image courtesy of "Breaking Defense"

China's military maneuvers around Taiwan meant to send signal ... (Breaking Defense)

China "likely sent higher numbers of military aircraft and ships to ensure that Lai gets the message that Beijing strongly opposes what they view as his ...

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