Jimmy Fallon afslører en sjov historie om Matthew McConaughey, der er både blødende og kritisk overfor fodboldfans!
I en sprudlende episode af The Tonight Show med Jimmy Fallon kom skuespilleren Matthew McConaughey under lup, da Fallon afslørede en skør hændelse fra et memorabelt sketch-nummer kaldet "Tight Pants". Ifølge Fallon blæste McConaughey så meget liv i sketchens energiske udførelse, at han endte med at bløde! Det er ikke hver dag, man hører om en skuespiller, der får en så dramatisk oplevelse midt i en morsom skitse - det lyder nærmest som noget fra en actionfilm!
Jimmy Fallon said Matthew McConaughey started bleeding during the iconic "Tight Pants" sketch.
Matthew McConaughey called out Oklahoma fans for leaving early during a blowout loss to Texas. See his viral tweet.
Jimmy Fallon reveled that he and Matthew McConaughey had to redo the famous “Tight Pants” bit during an episode of The Tonight Show, after the Oscar-winning ...
Jimmy Fallon reveled that he and Matthew McConaughey had to redo the famous “Tight Pants” bit during an episode of The Tonight Show, after the Oscar-winning ...
"And he turns around there's blood all over his white pants, handprints and blood," Fallon recalled of McConaughey's Tight Pants sketch on The Tonight Show.