Storm Kirk rammer Sverige med blæsevejr, men uden store konsekvenser! Læs hvad der skete i Danmark og læs sjove facts!
Storm Kirk har været genstand for meget opmærksomhed i de seneste dage, især efter dens kraftige ankomst til Spanien, hvor den har forårsaget betydelig uro. Mens Spanien forbereder sig på at møde stormens vrede med vind og regn, ser Sverige ud til at være skånet for de mest alvorlige konsekvenser. De seneste prognoser indikerer, at Storm Kirk vil bringe lidt regn og blæsevejr til den svenske kyst, men intet, der kræver større alarmsignaler. For svenskerne handler det nu mere om en almindelig efterårsdag end en hurrikan.
Selvom Kirk har fået folks hjerter til at banke hurtigere i Spanien, er den nordeuropæiske del af stormens rute kun en skygge af sin tidligere styrke. De svenske meteorologer venter, at stormens indvirkning vil være minimal, hvilket giver svenskerne mulighed for at nyde efteråret uden at bekymre sig om kraftige stormskader. Dette er særligt glædeligt, da Sverige har været heldig med vejret de seneste uger og haft solrige dage og mild temperatur.
Mens Kirk svinder ind til en blot kraftig blæsende dag i Sverige, er det i Spanien, at det for alvor bliver dramatiskt. Lokale beboere i Spanien har fået advarsler om vinden, der kan nå op til 120 km/t, og opfordres til at tage deres forholdsregler. Det er ikke ualmindeligt, at storme kan forandre sig undervejs, og det ser nu ud til, at de værste konsekvenser desværre bliver set længere mod syd.
På trods af at Storm Kirk ikke tilbyder nogen større trussel i Sverige, så hviler øjnene på de ovennævnte dele af verden. Det mindes om, hvordan vejr kan ændre sig drastisk, og hvordan man aldrig kan tage for givet, at man er ude af fare.
Fun fact: Vidste du, at hurrikaner og storme faktisk spiller en vigtig rolle i naturens cyklus ved at fordele varme og fugt over jorden? Derudover har Sverige i årenes løb oplevet betydelige storme, men heldigvis har de lært af fortiden og er nu godt rustet til at håndtere deres efterårsvejrfænomener!
“The latest forecasts for Storm Kirk indicate that there will be a bit of rain and wind when it reaches Sweden, but far from the levels of warnings, according ...
STORM Kirk is rapidly approaching Spain and is expected to wreak havoc across large parts of the country within hours. Satellite images (pictured above)
LARGE parts of Spain woke up to dramatic scenes on Wednesday as the worst of Storm Kirk arrived to the Iberian Peninsula. Almost the entire country has.
French authorities warned the public of a high risk of flooding in more than 30 areas. State weather forecaster Meteo France warned of gusts hitting 75-93 mph ( ...
Euronews Green spoke to Chartered Meteorologist Lars Lowinski to find out the likely impact of the storm.
France, Belgium, the Netherlands, and northern Germany are expected to experience the strongest winds and heaviest rainfall. If the system shifts slightly north ...
As a result of the bad weather, particularly super strong winds (we're talking 'peak gusts of up to 140-150km/h' in some places), the National Emergency and ...
Hurricane Kirk over the Atlantic as seen by the European Sentinel–3 satellite on 3 October 2024. Credit: European Union, Copernicus Sentinel–3 imagery.
In other parts of northern Spain, several roads have been blocked by falling branches and debris. The wind will be the most concerning weather anomaly ...
Spain's weather agency has warned of high winds for mainland Spain on Wednesday as the remnants of Hurricane Kirk arrive in Europe.
Before 9am, several flights had to be diverted from Bilbao airport, unable to land due to the driving winds. One flight from Alicante had to turn around and ...
The remnants of Hurricane Kirk swept into western Europe Wednesday, tearing up trees in Portugal and Spain before dumping heavy rains on France that left at ...
The storm was a major hurricane as it moved between Bermuda in the Caribbean and the Azores in the mid-Atlantic over the weekend, peaking at a category four ...
The remnants of Hurricane Kirk swept into western Europe Wednesday, tearing up trees in Portugal and Spain before dumping heavy rains on France that left at ...
Amber and yellow weather alerts have been issued across several regions of Spain, with the northwest expected to face the worst of the storm's wrath.
The remnants of Hurricane Kirk churned across western Europe on Wednesday, ripping up trees in Spain and Portugal and drenching France.
The remnants of Hurricane Kirk swept into western Europe Wednesday, tearing up trees in Portugal and Spain before dumping heavy rains on France that left at ...
The remnants of Hurricane Kirk swept into western Europe Wednesday, tearing up trees in Portugal and Spain before dumping heavy rains on France that left at ...
With parts of Florida now bracing for the impact of Hurricane Milton, major storms have dominated headlines over the past week. The huge Category 5 storm ...
After leaving power cuts and uprooted trees in its wake throughout Western Europe, Hurricane Kirk reached Southern France, producing torrential rain that ...
Kirk, which has weakened to a post-tropical cyclone, has triggered orange rain and flood warnings for Oise, Aisne and Mayenne in the north, according to Météo- ...
Gusts off the port city of Sete, in southern France, overturned three boats, killing one person and leaving another in critical condition, the Herault ...
Gusts off the port city of Sete, in southern France, overturned three boats, killing one person and leaving another in critical condition.