Laura Loomer

2024 - 9 - 17

Laura Loomer: Sádan en kæde af skandaler og Trump-rygter!

amerikansk politik - Donald Trump - hundefoder - konspirationsteorier - Laura Loomer

Laura Loomer, den kontroversielle aktivist, afviser romantiske rygter og kritiserer 'anti-woke' kaffemærker! Har hun spist hundemad for at bevise sin tro?

Laura Loomer, den velkendte og ofte omdiskuterede aktivist, har været i rampelyset for nylig – ikke kun for sin tætte forbindelse til den tidligere præsident Donald Trump, men også for sin seneste stunt, hvor hun påstår at have spist hundemad for at promovere et mærke, der er besat af "anti-woke" produkter. Ja, du læste rigtigt! Loomer har skabt overskrifter ved at forene kærligheden til hundefoder med en kontroversiel politisk agenda, og det giver et indblik i hendes utraditionelle måde at tiltrække opmærksomhed på.

Loomers forbindelse til Trump er kompleks og fyldt med rygter. Selvom forholdet mellem dem ofte prøves af Trumps personale, insisterer Loomer på, at hun har "intet at miste". Dette udtryk tyder på, at hun er klar til at tage enhver kritik, og hun har hverken her eller andre steder trukket sig tilbage fra at kaste mudder på sine modstandere. Faktisk rammer hun Kamala Harris med sin egen version af aggressiv retorik, hvilket kun binder Loomers skandale-univers endnu mere sammen.

Men hvad med de rygter, der svæver om en mulig affære mellem Loomer og Trump? Selvom hun benægter forholdet, beskriver hun de anklager, som hun kalder "malicious" og "disrespectful", som blot endnu en form for tabloid sensaitonalism. I stedet for at fokusere på sit politiske budskab, ser det ud til, at medierne er mere optaget af at udlevere sladder, hvilket efterlader Loomer med en platform til at angribe sine kritikere.

Det er også spændende at notere, at Loomer ikke kun er en farlig stemme på den politiske arena men også repræsenterer en slags rystelse i det republikanske parti, da mange frygter, at hendes tilstedeværelse kan føre til alvorligere konsekvenser i fremtidige administrationer. Den tidligere Trump-talskvinde, Sarah Matthews, bemærkede, at det vil være "skræmmende" at tænke på, at nogen som Loomer ville være i Donald Trumps øre igen.

Visste du, at Laura Loomer satt på en liste over de mest afskyede personer blandt højrefløjen, og at hendes skandalefyldte metoder ofte bliver set som en beskadigelse af den republikanske brands? Og det bliver sjovt, at Loomers tro på at gennemføre sine politiske mål gennem kontroverser, nu har givet hende hævnet helt andre platforme end hun oprindeligt søgte; fra hundemad til en lukrativ politisk karriere!

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Image courtesy of "Vanity Fair"

Laura Loomer Ate Dog Food for a Company That Is Obsessed With ... (Vanity Fair)

Even your internal organs can be MAGA, Loomer proved, in promoting a company whose brands also peddle “anti-woke” coffee, bison “organ” supplements, ...

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Image courtesy of "Newsweek"

Laura Loomer sends message to "haters"—"I have nothing to lose ... (Newsweek)

The far-right activist has been traveling with former President Donald Trump to various events.

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Image courtesy of "Economic Times"

loomer trump connection: Latest brag: Far-right activist Laura ... (Economic Times)

Activist Laura Loomer of the far right claims that she is close to Donald Trump, even though his staff tries to keep them apart.

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Image courtesy of "Daily Beast"

Laura Loomer Denies Claims of Affair With Donald Trump in Toxic ... (Daily Beast)

The conspiracy theorist launched into an unhinged rant about her rumored romantic entanglement with Trump to repeat salacious and unfounded claims about ...

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Image courtesy of "Hindustan Times"

Laura Loomer denies affair with Trump but attacks Kamala Harris ... (Hindustan Times)

Laura Loomer denies affair rumours with Donald Trump and makes huge claim about Kamala Harris.

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Image courtesy of "HSToday"

Laura Loomer, Far-Right Provocateur Who Spread 9/11 Conspiracy ... (HSToday)

As Donald Trump mingled and posed for pictures with firefighters on Wednesday – one of several stops to observe the anniversary of the September 11, 2001, ...

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Image courtesy of "Times of India"

Laura Loomer is called a 'piece of s**t' as she defames Kamala ... (Times of India)

US News: Right-wing activist Laura Loomer said she is being defamed by media that are suggesting that she has an affair with Donald Trump.

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Image courtesy of "The Atlantic"

Laura Loomer Is Where Republicans Draw the Line (The Atlantic)

The far-right conspiracy theorist is a unique liability for Donald Trump.

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Image courtesy of "The Independent"

Second Trump administration will be filled with the 'Laura Loomers ... (The Independent)

Former Trump spokesperson Sarah Matthews told MSNBC's Jen Psaki it's 'terrifying' to think about the likes of Loomer in the former president's ear.

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Image courtesy of "Irish Star"

Laura Loomer hits out at Donald Trump affair rumors following social ... (Irish Star)

Conspiracy theorist Laura Loomer has denied that she is having an affair with Donald Trump, branding the allegations as 'malicious' and 'disrespectful to ...

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Image courtesy of "OK Magazine"

Laura Loomer Lashes Out at 'Haters' Who 'Took Everything' From Her (OK Magazine)

Laura Loomer Lashes Out at 'Haters' Who 'Took Everything' From Her Amid Donald Trump Affair Rumors: 'I Have Nothing to Lose Anymore'. Split photo of Donald ...

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Image courtesy of "WIRED"

Laura Loomer Is MAGA at Its Most Extreme—and She's Closer to ... (WIRED)

Right-wing agitator and conspiracy theorist Laura Loomer has Donald Trump's ear. And she has for a while.

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Image courtesy of "EDGEOnTheNet"

Laura Loomer Attempts to Out Lindsey Graham in Unhinged Post ... (EDGEOnTheNet)

Extreme right-wing pundit Laura Loomer went on an unhinged, homophobic attack against South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham. In a Sept.

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Image courtesy of "Times of India"

Kamala Harris-hater Laura Loomer says she's not loyal to ... (Times of India)

Far-right activist Laura Loomer said she is not loyal to either of the political parties -- the Republican and the Democratic Party. Her loyalty lies.

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Image courtesy of "The Hill"

Donald Trump's ties to Laura Loomer spell trouble for the ... (The Hill)

Donald Trump has once again reactivated his sizable corps of yes-men and yes-women, to re-inflate his fragile ego.

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Image courtesy of "The Week Magazine"

Why is Laura Loomer making Republicans worried? (The Week Magazine)

Donald Trump says the MAGA influencer is a 'free spirit'

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Image courtesy of "Economic Times"

laura loomer: This is the one thing that far-right activist Laura ... (Economic Times)

Sarah Matthews, a former Trump assistant, expressed worry about Laura Loomer's increasing power because she thought Loomer's extremist viewpoints would ...

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