
2024 - 9 - 11

Fracking og Uldfærgen: Hvor Politik Møder Klimagevinster!

Donald Trump - Energi - Fracking - Kamala Harris - Klima - Miljøpåvirkning - Præsidentvalg

Kamala Harris og Donald Trump omfavner fracking i jagten på bæredygtige energier – men hvad tænder egentlig den politiske debat?

Fracking er et emne, der har delte meninger blandt politiske debattører og vælgere i USA. Under den seneste præsidentdebat mellem vicepræsident Kamala Harris og tidligere præsident Donald Trump kom det tydeligt frem, at begge kandidater er meget tilbøjelige til at støtte fracking. Harris stod fast og erklærede, "Jeg vil ikke forbyde fracking," hvilket undertoner med den krise, som klimaændringer medfører, men det påstår også, at hun vil finde en vej fremad i energipolitikken.

Harris' udtalelser skabte bølger, da hun samtidig henviste til den lovgivning om klimaændringer, hun har undgået at tale om i offentligheden. Kritikere påpegede, at hendes og Trumps positioner om fossil energi kunne bringe USA længere væk fra bæredygtige energimål. Fracking, der involverer hydraulisk sprøjtning af vand og kemikalier for at udvinde gas og olie, er blevet en central del af den amerikanske energiforsyning, men det har også ført til alvorlige bekymringer om miljø og sundhed.

En særlig interessant vinkel i debatten var, hvordan Harris forsøgte at manøvrere sig ind i midten af energi-diskussionen. Hun kunne nævne de klimaændringer, der svæver over alle – noget, Trump forsøgte at undgå ved i stedet at fremhæve fordelene ved fossil energi. Harris' strategisk valg kan ses som et forsøg på at drage både klimaaktivister og den almindelige vælger ind i hendes mærkevarer, i håbet om at være det bedre valg i kampen om Det Hvide Hus.

Debatten om fracking er ikke kun politisk; den er også en kompleks labyrint af energi, biodiversitet og menneskers tauende liv. Både Harris og Trump kan mestre det retoriske spil, men den virkelige test vil være i den politiske handling, der følger efter valget. Fælles for dem er ønsket om økonomisk vækst, men hvordan det harmonerer er i høj grad spørgsmålet.

Vidste du, at fracking blev første gang anvendt tilbage i 1947, men at teknikken først blev taget bredt i brug i de tidlige 2000'ere? Det anslås, at fracking står for næsten 60% af den amerikanske naturgasproduktion i dag, hvilket i høj grad har ændret energimarkedet og betydningen af indenlandsk produktion.

For enhver, der ønsker at forstå det moderne politiske landskab, er fracking en nøglekomponent, der knytter energipolitik og klimaindsats sammen i en koncentreret konflikt, fyldt med komplikationer og stærke meninger. Hvem vil tage ansvaret for at balancere disse kræfter?

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Image courtesy of "Newsweek"

What is fracking? Controversial topic from Trump–Harris debate ... (Newsweek)

"I will not ban fracking," U.S. Vice PresidentKamala Harris said during the September 10 presidential debate.

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Image courtesy of "USA TODAY"

Harris said she won't ban fracking during presidential debate with ... (USA TODAY)

Kamala Harris said during the debate with Donald Trump she won't ban fracking as president. But what does that mean?

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Image courtesy of "ABC7 Los Angeles"

Trump, Harris drilling home their positions on fracking during ABC ... (ABC7 Los Angeles)

Both Harris and Trump claim they will not ban fracking. PHILADELPHIA -- Both former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris drilled home their ...

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Image courtesy of "Sustainable Views"

Editor's note: Harris and Trump give climate little fracking attention (Sustainable Views)

“Both candidates bragged about their support for fracking and record fossil fuel production — dangerous positions that will keep us on the path towards ...

Harris touts climate law to highlight fracking (E&E News)

Vice President Kamala Harris finally mentioned the climate law she has pointedly avoided on the campaign trail — to prove she won't ban fracking.

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Image courtesy of "Bloomberg"

Kamala Harris: I Will Not Ban Fracking (Bloomberg)

Energy was a hot topic during the ABC News Presidential Debate. Democratic nominee Kamala Harris says she would not ban fracking if elected president, ...

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Image courtesy of "Axios"

Harris aims for center on energy in fractious debate with Trump (Axios)

She embraced the U.S. oil boom in her latest pivot from her 2019 call for a fracking ban.

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Image courtesy of "Semafor"

Harris finds a new way to outflank Trump on fossil fuels | Semafor (Semafor)

With climate voters in the bag, Harris is drumming up the Biden administration's track record on drilling.

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Image courtesy of "WLS-TV"

Trump, Harris drilling home their positions on fracking during ABC ... (WLS-TV)

Both Harris and Trump claim they will not ban fracking. PHILADELPHIA -- Both former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris drilled home their ...

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Image courtesy of "Washington Examiner"

What is fracking and why does it matter in the election? (Washington Examiner)

During the debate between Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump, fracking took center stage. But what exactly is the drilling ...

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Image courtesy of "The Guardian"

Climate experts lament Harris's vow to keep fracking in debate with ... (The Guardian)

Kamala Harris stridently backed new fracking and expanded US gas production in comments that raised eyebrows among some environmentalists as, yet again, the ...

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Image courtesy of ""

What is fracking? Where do Donald Trump and Kamala Harris stand ... (

Vice President Kamala Harris said she would not ban fracking during Tuesday's presidential debate, but what is it, and when did she say she'd ban it?

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Image courtesy of ""

Fracking is big in Kentucky. Here's what Kamala Harris, Donald ... (

During the Presidential debate on Tuesday, Vice President Kamala Harris said she would not ban fracking nationally. Here is what Harris and Donald Trump say ...

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Image courtesy of "Scientific American"

Presidential Debate Features Fracking while Climate Change Is ... (Scientific American)

Donald Trump all but ignored climate change at Tuesday's presidential debate while Kamala Harris voiced support of both fossil fuels and increased clean ...

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Image courtesy of "The Desert Sun"

Kamala Harris said she would not ban fracking during debate ... (The Desert Sun)

What is fracking? Here's why the method used in the process of oil and gas production is controversial as California pivots from oil extraction.

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Image courtesy of "FOX 29 Philadelphia"

What is fracking? How controversial debate topic impacts ... (FOX 29 Philadelphia)

Fracking sparked a heated exchange between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris during Tuesday night's presidential debate, but many voters still have questions ...

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Image courtesy of "WHYY"

Fact check: A president can't ban fracking in Pennsylvania (WHYY)

Former President Donald Trump claimed that Vice President Kamala Harris would ban fracking if she is elected president, which she wouldn't have the power to ...

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Image courtesy of ""

Fact check: A president can't ban fracking in Pennsylvania - The ... (

Former President Donald Trump claimed that Vice President Kamala Harris would ban fracking if elected president, which she wouldn't have the power to do.

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Image courtesy of "The Guardian"

Fracking explained: the controversial extraction process that Harris ... (The Guardian)

Thanks to hydraulic fracturing, record amounts of oil and gas have been produced in the US in the past six years.

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Image courtesy of "The Wall Street Journal"

Opinion | Harris Tells a Fracking Howler (The Wall Street Journal)

“I was the tie-breaking vote on the Inflation Reduction Act, which opened new leases for fracking,” she boasted. West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin must be laughing ...

Fracking Loopholes Remain, with More Sick Families in Communities (Natural Resources Defense Council)

The science is clear that oil and gas production harms both the environment and human health.

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Image courtesy of "CleanTechnica"

Why Is “Fracking” Such A Swear Word In The US Presidential Race? (CleanTechnica)

Politics is such a nasty game. While the two major US Presidential candidates had many topics about which to debate on Tuesday night, the climate crisis was ...

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Image courtesy of "BNN"

Why Fracking Remains a Lightning Rod for Controversy (BNN)

Hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, has been thrust back into the public spotlight as Vice President Kamala Harris' change of position on it comes under ...

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Image courtesy of "Bloomberg Law"

Why Fracking Remains a Lightning Rod for Controversy: QuickTake (Bloomberg Law)

Hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, has been thrust back into the public spotlight as Vice President Kamala Harris' change of position on it comes under ...

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Image courtesy of "The Nation"

Kamala Harris Doesn't Need to Backtrack on Fracking (The Nation)

In 2019, Harris said that there was “no question” that she would pursue a federal ban on fracking. In 2024, she's taken a different—and unnecessary—stance.

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Image courtesy of "WTAJ -"

Can the president ban fracking in Pennsylvania? (WTAJ -

First, what exactly is fracking? During the debate both candidates, Former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris, said that the issue of ...

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Image courtesy of "Energy In Depth"

No Matter How You Spin It, Candidates Agree: Fracking is Critical (Energy In Depth)

Vice President and current Democratic nominee Kamala Harris said: “I will not ban fracking. I have not banned fracking as Vice President of the United States, ...

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Image courtesy of "ABC27"

Can the president ban fracking in Pennsylvania? (ABC27)

First, what exactly is fracking? During the debate both candidates, Former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris, said that the issue of ...

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Image courtesy of ""

Fact check: A president can't ban fracking in Pennsylvania | WITF (

FILE - Work continues at a shale gas well drilling site in St. Mary's, Pa., March 12, 2020. Facing the need to win Pennsylvania, Vice President Kamala ...

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Image courtesy of "Newsweek"

Kamala Harris "needs fracking," ex-Obama adviser says (Newsweek)

Harris currently supports fracking but called for a ban on the practice as recently as late 2019.

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Image courtesy of "The Daily Princetonian"

Turning the tide on “human fracking” (The Daily Princetonian)

Guest contributors Professor D. Graham Burnett '93 and Peter Schmidt '20, argue in light of increased “human fracking” Princeton students should double down ...

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