Sørg for at få dig et tæppe, for vi mindes den fantastiske James Earl Jones, der bragte Mufasa og Darth Vader til live!
James Earl Jones, den legendariske skuespiller kendt for sin umiskendelige baryton, er død i en alder af 93 år. Han efterlader sig et uvurderligt arv inden for film, tv og teater, og hans stemme vil vække minder hos generationer af fans. Mange husker ham som den mægtige Darth Vader fra "Star Wars" og den majestætiske Mufasa fra "Løvernes Konge". Jones' evne til at bringe dybde og intensitet til de karakterer, han portrætterede, har gjort ham til en uforglemmelig skikkelse i underholdningsbranchen.
James Earl Jones blev født i Arkabutla, Mississippi, og overvandt en barndom med stammeproblemer for at udvikle sin ikoniske dybe stemme, der kunne både true og trøste. Han vandt mange prestigefyldte priser, herunder to Tony Awards, to Emmy Awards, en Grammy og endda en æres-Oscar. Jones arbejdede ind i sine 80'ere og fortsatte med at inspirere de nye generationer af skuespillere og skuespillerinder, der så op til ham og hans talent.
Skuespillerens død er ikke kun et tab for film- og teaterverdenen, men også for alle dem, der har oplevet hans kraftfulde præstationer på scenen og skærmen. Fra hans uforglemmelige replikker som Darth Vader til hans rørende øjeblikke som Mufasa, har han formået at berøre hjerterne hos millioner. Jones var mere end bare en stemme; han var en kulturel ikon og en inspirationskilde for mange.
I denne svære tid er det vigtigt at huske de utallige minder, som James Earl Jones har givet os. Vidste du, at Jones ikke kun var kendt for sine film, men også for sine involveringer i tv-nyheder på CNN, hvor hans stemme tilføjede tyngde til vigtige nyhedshistorier? Derudover blev han også tildelt National Medal of Arts og Kennedy Center Honors for sit uvurderlige bidrag til kunsten, hvilket beviser hans alsidighed og dygtighed på mange fronter.
The actor who earned Tony Awards, two Emmy Awards, an honorary Academy Award and a Grammy, whose inimitable voice gave life to Mustafa and Darth Vader, ...
Everything about Jones was big: his stage presence, the intensity of his glance and the brilliance of his craft. From Star Wars to The Lion King to CNN, ...
James Earl Jones, the distinguished and prolific actor in films, TV and theater known for providing the voice of Darth Vader in "Star Wars," has died.
Disney Legend James Earl Jones, the voice behind the iconic characters Darth Vader and Mufasa, passed away Monday, September 9, at his home in Dutchess ...
American actor James Earl Jones, an imposing stage and screen presence who overcame a childhood stutter to develop a stentorian voice recognized the world ...
Working deep into his 80s, he won two Emmys, a Golden Globe, two Tony Awards, a Grammy, the National Medal of Arts, the Kennedy Center Honors and was given ...
Legendary actor James Earl Jones, best known for voicing the character of Darth Vader in the "Star Wars" franchise, has died.
The one constant through all the years, Ray, has been baseball.” James Earl Jones spoke those words in one of the most memorable scenes from 1989's “Field ...
He gave life to characters like Darth Vader in “Star Wars” and Mufasa in “The Lion King,” and went on to collect Tonys, Golden Globes, Emmys and an honorary ...
Actor James Earl Jones, who voiced "Darth Vader" and starred in an array of several other successful movies, has died according to reports.
Legendary actor James Earl Jones, known for his work in "Star Wars" and "Field of Dreams," has died at the age of 93.
His agent, Barry McPherson, confirmed Jones died Monday morning at home. The cause was not immediately clear. Jones was born January 17, 1931, in Arkabutla ...
The Hollywood actor died on Monday morning surrounded by his family.
His agent, Barry McPherson, confirmed Jones died Monday morning at home in New York's Hudson Valley region. The cause was not immediately clear. The pioneering ...
Everyone at Lucasfilm was deeply saddened to learn of the passing of James Earl Jones at the age of 93.
James Earl Jones was a successful actor who became known for voicing Star Wars villain Darth Vader.
Jones created such ...
Everything about Jones was big: his stage presence, the intensity of his glance and the brilliance of his craft. From Star Wars to The Lion King to CNN, ...
Everything about Jones was big: his stage presence, the intensity of his glance and the brilliance of his craft. From Star Wars to The Lion King to CNN, ...
Jones won two Emmys, a Golden Globe, two Tony Awards, a Grammy and the National Medal of Arts.
Everything about Jones was big: his stage presence, the intensity of his glance and the brilliance of his craft. From Star Wars to The Lion King to CNN, ...
Stars line up to pay tribute to James Earl Jones, the voice of Darth Vadar, who has died at 93.
Jones also appeared in classics like 'Conan the Barbarian,' 'Coming to America,' and 'The Sandlot.'
NEW YORK — James Earl Jones, who overcame racial prejudice and a severe stutter to become a celebrated icon of stage and screen — eventually lending his ...
James Earl Jones died Monday at the age of 93. But long before he did, he gave Lucasfilm permission to recreate his iconic Darth Vader voice for shows like ...
Jones died yesterday at his home in Dutchess County, N.Y. He was 93. In May of 2006, the actor graced the Playhouse stage in the stunning world premiere of the ...
I remember Mr. Jones for his wondrous, boyish grin, which from the moment I met him, made me want to grin, too.
NPR's Mandalit del Barco offers this tribute to the multi-faceted actor James Earl Jones. (Story aired on All Things Considered on Sept. 9, 2024.)
(OSV News) -- James Earl Jones, a distinguished actor known for his resonant voice and a Black Catholic, died Sept. 9 in Dutchess County, New York, at age 93.
One of the last times I was with James Earl Jones was at Ford's Theatre ten years ago in Washington. He was being honored with the Lincoln Medal for his.
James Earl Jones was one of America's most distinguished stage actors and recognizable film actors. His voice seemed to be everywhere, from Star Wars' Darth ...
James Earl Jones, 93, voice of CNN, Darth Vader, Chrysler — TV, movie, stage star, my great friend — he came to my home, my parties. I loved him.
James Earl Jones, the ...
Everything about Jones was big: his stage presence, the intensity of his glance and the brilliance of his craft. From Star Wars to The Lion King to CNN, ...
Over the course of an acting career that spanned more than six decades, James Earl Jones' voice became an indelible piece of his work as a performer.
James Earl Jones visited the Museum in 2004 in celebration of the 15th anniversary of the film Field of Dreams. (Milo Stewart Jr./National Baseball Hall of ...