Michel Barnier

2024 - 9 - 5

Fra Brexit-forhandler til Premierminister: En rejse gennem turbulente tider!

Brexit - Emmanuel Macron - Europæisk Union - Frankrig - Michel Barnier - Politik

Præsident Macron har valgt Michel Barnier som Frankrigs nye premierminister, men hvad betyder det egentlig for landet? Læs med her!

Den franske præsident Emmanuel Macron har netop annonceret sin valg af Michel Barnier som Frankrigs nye premierminister, efter mere end 50 dages caretaker-regering. Barnier, som tidligere har været EU's Brexit-forhandler, er blevet mødt med blandede reaktioner. Mens nogle håber, at hans erfaring vil bringe stabilitet, er der også utilfredshed blandt venstreorienterede lovgivere, der tvivler på, at han kan få næstformandens støtte i Nationalforsamlingen.

Barnier træder nu ind i en kompleks politisk scene, som følger et valg, der har efterladt landet splittet. Mens Macron håber, at Barnier vil kunne danne en regering, er hans opgave bestemt ikke enkel; den opstående højrefløj vil sandsynligvis forsøge at sætte kæbepunkter for hans administration. Det er en storændring fra at forhandle hårde betingelser med britiske embedsmænd til at skulle navigere igennem de indviklede forhold i fransk politik.

Det bliver spændende at se, hvordan Barnier vil anvende sine forhandlingsevner fra Brexit-perioden i sin nye rolle. Hans erfaring med at håndtere komplekse internationale forhandlinger kan vise sig at være nyttig som premierminister. Dog er spørgsmålet, hvorvidt han formår at skabe en fungerende koalition blandt de forskellige politiske strømninger og sikre stabilitet i det franske parlament.

Mens Frankrig står over for store udfordringer, fra økonomisk genopretning til klimakrisen, er det også værd at bemærke Barnier's tidligere arbejde som EU's Brexit-forhandler. Hans indsigt i de britisk-europæiske relationer kan potentielt give ham et forspring, især hvis der opstår nye udfordringer mellem de to parter. Barnier er en erfaren politiker, men den virkelige udfordring venter, når han skal omsætte sin diplomatiske erfaring til indenrigspolitik.

Et interessant faktum om Michel Barnier er, at han faktisk har nogle økonomiske og landbrugsinteresser, som viste sig under hans tid ved EU. Hans dybe forståelse for disse emner kan vise sig at være en vigtig faktor for hans beslutningstagning som premierminister. Barnier har desuden været kendt som en stærk fortaler for europæisk integration, hvilket vil være interessant at observere i hans ledelse af en nation, der i stigende grad er splittet over EU-spørgsmål.

Så snart Barnier træder ind i embedet, vil han stå over for store udfordringer og enormt pres. Kan denne tidligere Brexit-forhandler rent faktisk navigere Frankrig forbi turbulensen og ind i en mere stabil tid? Det må vi vente og se!

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Image courtesy of "NPR"

France's Macron names EU's Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier as ... (NPR)

The appointment of the conservative has already angered left-wing lawmakers, who say Barnier won't get a majority backing in the National Assembly.

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Image courtesy of "ABC News"

Macron names EU's Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier as France's ... (ABC News)

President Emmanuel Macron has named EU's Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier as France's new prime minister after more than 50 days of caretaker government.

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Image courtesy of "Reuters"

Reactions to France's Macron naming Michel Barnier as prime minister (Reuters)

French President Emmanuel Macron appointed Michel Barnier, the European Union's former Brexit negotiator, as his new prime minister on Thursday, ...

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Image courtesy of "The Washington Post"

France's Macron picks Michel Barnier as prime minister, seeking to ... (The Washington Post)

The French president named Michel Barnier, the European Union's former Brexit negotiator, nearly two months after elections that kept the far right from ...

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Image courtesy of "Aljazeera.com"

France's Macron names former Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier as ... (Aljazeera.com)

President hopes his choice will end weeks of deadlock since snap poll, counting on far right not to block appointment.

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Image courtesy of "CNBC"

Former EU Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier named new French ... (CNBC)

Macron charged Barnier with forming a government on Thursday, according to an announcement shared by the Elysee Palace.

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Image courtesy of "Wyoming Public Media"

France's Macron names EU's Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier as ... (Wyoming Public Media)

President Emmanuel Macron named the former EU Brexit negotiator as France's new prime minister on Thursday after more than 50 days of caretaker government.

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Image courtesy of "The Economist"

Turmoil awaits Michel Barnier, France's new prime minister (The Economist)

The left rages that the recent parliamentary election has been stolen | Europe.

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Image courtesy of "Reuters"

Michel Barnier: Key facts about France's new prime minister (Reuters)

French President Emmanuel Macron appointed the European Union's former Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier as his new prime minister on Thursday in a bid to ...

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Image courtesy of "NTD"

Macron Names Michel Barnier as New French Prime Minister (NTD)

President Emmanuel Macron has named the European Union's former Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier as France's next prime minister. Barnier was announced in ...

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Image courtesy of "BBC News"

Michel Barnier's journey from Mr Brexit to French PM (BBC News)

France's new prime minister is best known even in his native France as the EU's chief Brexit negotiator.

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Image courtesy of "Bay to Bay News"

Macron names EU's Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier as France's ... (Bay to Bay News)

New French prime minister Michel Barnier delivers a speech during the handover ceremony, Thursday, Sept. 5, 2024 in Paris. President Emmanuel Macron has ...

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Image courtesy of "KUAR"

France's Macron names EU's Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier as ... (KUAR)

President Emmanuel Macron named the former EU Brexit negotiator as France's new prime minister on Thursday after more than 50 days of caretaker government.

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Image courtesy of "The New York Times"

Macron Names Michel Barnier to Be French Prime Minister ... (The New York Times)

President Emmanuel Macron of France appointed Michel Barnier, a veteran right-wing politician and the European Union's former top negotiator on Brexit, ...

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Image courtesy of "KUAR"

France names conservative Michel Barnier as prime minister, irking ... (KUAR)

President Emmanuel Macron named the former EU Brexit negotiator as France's new prime minister on Thursday after more than 50 days of caretaker government.

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Image courtesy of "Powell River Peak"

Macron names EU's Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier as France's ... (Powell River Peak)

PARIS (AP) — President Emmanuel Macron named Michel Barnier as France's new prime minister on Thursday, hoping the Brexit negotiator and veteran ...

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Image courtesy of "Socialist Worker"

Emmanuel Macron wants racist Michel Barnier as prime minister (Socialist Worker)

After two months of delay, France's neoliberal president Emmanuel Macron has put forward Michel Barnier as his choice for prime minister.

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Image courtesy of "POLITICO.eu"

Far right becomes kingmaker in France following Michel Barnier ... (POLITICO.eu)

PARIS — French President Emmanuel Macron has at last appointed a prime minister to break France's political deadlock. In doing so he has handed the far ...

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Image courtesy of "Delta-Optimist"

Macron names EU's Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier as France's ... (Delta-Optimist)

PARIS (AP) — President Emmanuel Macron named Michel Barnier as France's new prime minister on Thursday, hoping the Brexit negotiator and veteran ...

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Image courtesy of "Euronews"

France's new Prime Minister Michel Barnier promises to respond to ... (Euronews)

President Emmanuel Macron named Michel Barnier as France's new prime minister on Thursday, hoping the Brexit negotiator and veteran conservative can work ...

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Image courtesy of "Financial Times"

Michel Barnier lands to fix 'ungovernable' France (Financial Times)

With parliament bitterly divided, the new French premier faces a daunting challenge to find a working majority.

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Image courtesy of "The Conversation AU"

Michel Barnier named French prime minister: 'Emmanuel Macron ... (The Conversation AU)

The appointment of Michel Barnier as prime minister signals an alliance between Emmanuel Macron and the right-wing Les Républicains party as well as shows ...

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Image courtesy of "FRANCE 24"

France's new PM Michel Barnier tackles challenge of forming a ... (FRANCE 24)

France's new Prime Minister Michel Barnier on Friday got to work on the challenge of forming a cabinet of ministers capable of gaining majority support in ...

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Image courtesy of "The Economist"

Michel Barnier is France's new prime minister. Now the real work ... (The Economist)

Also on the daily podcast: Trump's attack campaign and celebrating stonemason Simon Verity | Podcasts.

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Image courtesy of "Reuters"

New French PM Barnier pledges to defend key Macron policies ... (Reuters)

New French Prime Minister Michel Barnier on Friday pledged he would work independently from President Emmanuel Macron but signalled he would defend some of ...

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Image courtesy of "Worldcrunch"

This Is France's "Brexit Moment" — And Michel Barnier Is Just One ... (Worldcrunch)

French President Emmanuel Macron's choice of new prime minister isn't without irony. Michel Barnier negotiated Brexit's terms with the British, ...

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