Greta Thunberg

2024 - 9 - 4

Greta Thunberg: Fra Klimakæmper til Demonstrant i København!

Israeli-Palestinian conflict - climate activism - Copenhagen University - Denmark - Gaza war - Greta Thunberg - pro-Palestinian protest

Greta Thunberg blev anholdt under en protest mod Gaza i København. Få de sjove detaljer om det vilde optrin!

I en dramatisk episode onsdag blev klimaaktivisten Greta Thunberg anholdt af dansk politi under en stærk protest mod krigen i Gaza i København. Protesten, som fandt sted ved Københavns Universitet, samlede en række studerende og aktivister, der ønskede at råbe politikerne op til at tage handling. Thunberg, der havde iklædt sig en symbolsk keffiyeh, blokerede indgangen til en bygning sammen med andre demonstranter. Det skulle dog vise sig, at situationen hurtigt eskalerede, da politiet måtte intervenere.

Ifølge en talsmand for politiet blev seks personer, herunder Thunberg, anholdt, efter at demonstranterne havde barricaderet sig ind i bygningen. De var tydeligvis ikke bange for at tage deres protest til det yderste, selvom det medførte en dramatisk konfrontation med politiet, der kom med rygende rams. Det vakte stor medieopmærksomhed, og mange af de tilstedeværende tilskuere fangede scenen på deres mobiltelefoner, hvilket resulterede i en række virale videoer.

Greta er ikke fremmed for kontroverser, men denne episode har helt klart sat fokus på den international opmærksomhed, der er rettet mod konflikten i Gaza. Aktivister verden over refererer ofte til den svenske klimahelding som en frontfigur i kampen for både miljøet og menneskerettigheder. Det er interessant at bemærke, at Thunberg, som elleve år gammel først blev kendt for sine klimaaktioner, nu også engagerer sig i andre sociale emner.

Hun har tidligere talt om vigtigheden af at lytte til alles stemmer i kampene for retfærdighed. Det kan dog opfattes som ironisk, når man overvejer, at nogle kritikere af Thunberg mener, hun er mere fokuseret på at generere medieopmærksomhed end på at forene aktivismen for klimaet og sociale retfærdighed. Uanset hvad, så viser denne protest endnu engang, hvor modig og engageret Thunberg er i sin fortsatte kamp for både klimaet og menneskerettighederne.

Vidste du, at Greta Thunberg også blev nomineret til Nobels Fredspris i 2019? Hendes indsats for at bekæmpe klimaforandringerne har fået globale ledere til at overveje deres ansvar i forhold til miljøet. Samtidig er det bemærkelsesværdigt, at Thunberg har en fantastisk evne til at samle folk og sætte fokus på vigtige internationale emner, uanset om det handler om klima eller sociale spørgsmål!

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Image courtesy of "Reuters"

Danish police detain activist Greta Thunberg during Gaza war protest (Reuters)

Danish police on Wednesday apprehended activist Greta Thunberg at a Copenhagen protest against the war in Gaza, a spokesperson for the student group ...

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Image courtesy of ""

Greta Thunberg arrested at pro-Palestinian protest (

Police have been called, violently entered the building with a ram wearing assault rifles,” said Swedish activist before being detained.

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Image courtesy of "News.Az"

Police detain activist Greta Thunberg at Gaza war protest in ... (News.Az)

Six people were detained at the scene at the Copenhagen University after some 20 people had blocked the entrance to a building and three entered, a po...

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Image courtesy of "U.S. News & World Report"

Danish Police Detain Activist Greta Thunberg During Gaza War Protest (U.S. News & World Report)

US News is a recognized leader in college, grad school, hospital, mutual fund, and car rankings. Track elected officials, research health conditions, ...

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Image courtesy of "The Local Sweden"

Swedish activist Greta Thunberg arrested at student protest in ... (The Local Sweden)

Climate activist Greta Thunberg has reportedly been arrested in Copenhagen in connection with the occupation of a Copenhagen University building alongside ...

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Image courtesy of "The Local Denmark"

Swedish activist Greta Thunberg arrested at student protest in ... (The Local Denmark)

Climate activist Greta Thunberg has reportedly been arrested in Copenhagen in connection with the occupation of a Copenhagen University building alongside ...

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Image courtesy of "The Guardian"

Greta Thunberg arrested at Gaza war protest in Copenhagen (The Guardian)

Climate activist one of six detained by police after students block university building in Danish capital.

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Image courtesy of "Ynetnews"

Greta Thunberg arrested at pro-Palestinian demonstration in Denmark (Ynetnews)

The climate activist, wearing a keffiyeh, is led away in handcuffs after barricading herself with anti-Israel demonstrators at the entrance to the ...

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Image courtesy of "i24NEWS"

Activist Greta Thunberg arrested at Danish pro-Palestinian protest (i24NEWS)

The Swedish climate activist was arrested in Copenhagen while participating in a demonstration against the war in Gaza, along with the pro-Palestinian ...

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Image courtesy of "The New Arab"

Greta Thunberg arrested at pro-Palestine Gaza protest in Denmark (The New Arab)

Activist Greta Thunberg was arrested on Wednesday at a Copenhagen protest against Israel's war on Gaza.

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Image courtesy of "Jewish Chronicle"

Greta Thunberg arrested at pro-Palestinian protest in Copenhagen (Jewish Chronicle)

The climate activist was also detained in May after demonstrating at an anti-Israel protest at the Eurovision Song Contest.

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Image courtesy of "Algemeiner"

Greta Thunberg Detained by Danish Police at Anti-Israel Protest (Algemeiner)

Danish police detained activist Greta Thunberg at a Copenhagen protest against the war in Gaza and Israel's presence in the West Bank on Wednesday, ...

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Image courtesy of "FRANCE 24"

Greta Thunberg arrested at pro-Palestinian protest in Denmark (FRANCE 24)

Police on Wednesday arrested a group of pro-Palestinian students including the 21-year-old activist Greta Thunberg who had occupied a building at the ...

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Image courtesy of "The Guardian"

Greta Thunberg arrested during Gaza war protest in Copenhagen ... (The Guardian)

Climate activist one of six detained by police after students block university building in Danish capital.

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Image courtesy of ""

Danish police arrest Greta Thunberg during pro-Hamas protest ... (

Danish police on Wednesday detained the anti-Israel Swedish activist Greta Thunberg at a demonstration at the University of Copenhagen against the war on ...

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Image courtesy of "Timmins Press"

Greta Thunberg detained at anti-Israel demonstration in Denmark (Timmins Press)

Police spokesperson refused to comment on individual detainees but said students were "suspected of forcing their way into the building"

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Image courtesy of "Fox News"

Greta Thunberg among 6 arrested at anti-Israel protest in Denmark (Fox News)

Climate activist Greta Thunberg was arrested at yet another anti-Israel protest on Wednesday, this one at Copenhagen University in Denmark.

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Image courtesy of "Daily Signal"

Greta Thunberg Nabbed by Cops During Anti-Israel Protest (Daily Signal)

Climate change activist Greta Thunberg was arrested by Danish Police in Copenhagen, Denmark, during a pro-Palestine protest.

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Image courtesy of ""

Greta Thunberg arrested during pro-Palestine protest at Danish ... (

Climate activist Greta Thunberg was among several pro-Palestinian demonstrators arrested during a protest in Denmark Wednesday.

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Image courtesy of "KPIC News"

Greta Thunberg arrested during pro-Palestine protest at Danish ... (KPIC News)

Climate activist Greta Thunberg was among several pro-Palestinian demonstrators arrested during a protest in Denmark Wednesday.

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Image courtesy of "KEPR 19"

Greta Thunberg arrested during pro-Palestine protest at Danish ... (KEPR 19)

Climate activist Greta Thunberg was among several pro-Palestinian demonstrators arrested during a protest in Denmark Wednesday.

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Image courtesy of "The Beacon Herald"

Greta Thunberg detained at anti-Israel demonstration in Denmark (The Beacon Herald)

Police spokesperson refused to comment on individual detainees but said students were "suspected of forcing their way into the building"

Greta Thunberg among 6 arrested at anti-Israel protest in Denmark (1330 WFIN)

Activist Greta Thunberg was among six people arrested at Copenhagen University as they protested the institution's connections to Israel on Wednesday.

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