Linkin Park har undret fans med deres mystiske nedtælling. Hvad skete der egentlig? Gå ikke glip af denne sjove opdatering!
I denne uge skabte Linkin Park enorm opmærksomhed blandt fans ved at lancere en mystisk nedtælling på deres officielle YouTube-side, som startede fra 100 timer. Fansecuriteten var høj, og mange spekulerede på, hvad der forude ventede. Nedtællingen nåede sin ende, og i stedet for at afsløre en stor nyhed, begyndte klokken at tælle opad igen. Det var en bizarre vending, der fik alle til at undre sig over, hvad der mon skulle ske.
Særligt forvirrende blev det, da flere medier rapporterede om muligheden for, at Sum 41’s Deryck Whibley ville slutte sig til Linkin Park. Whibley selv måtte hurtigt afvise rygterne og bekræfte, at han ikke ville medvirke i nogen form for samarbejde. "Jeg er ikke med i Oasis eller Linkin Park eller andre bands, for den sags skyld," uddybede han. Det ser altså ud til, at fans af både Linkin Park og Sum 41 måtte skuffes.
Nedtællingen endte med en kort video, hvor klokken tæller ned til nul, hvorefter den pludselig begynder at glitch’e og tæller op igen. Dette trak kommentarer og spekulationer blandt fans, der desperat prøvede at finde en skjult betydning. Nogle mente, at det kunne være en teaser for et nyt album eller en kommende tour. Men indtil videre er det kun spekulationer.
Mens mange var ivrige efter at finde ud af, hvad der egentlig foregik, blev det til en masse sjov og forvirring. Det ser ud til, at det kun er en mindre teaser til noget større, og hvad det måtte være, er endnu ikke afsløret. Fans over hele verden venter tålmodigt, mens klokken fortsætter med sin uventede rytme.
Vidste du, at Linkin Park sidste album "One More Light", der blev udgivet i 2017, fik blandede anmeldelser, men stadig har opnået stor kommerciel succes? Og for at gøre tingene mere interessante: Deryck Whibley fra Sum 41 spillede i sin tid også med punkbandet "S.E.T.H.", før han dannede Sum 41! Hvem sagde, at musikverdenen ikke er fuld af overraskelser?
It looks like we'll have to wait awhile more for a Linkin Park announcement.On Saturday, the "Numb" rockers launched a countdown clock that began at 100 ...
We've waited 100 hours… but Linkin Park's countdown is now going upwards after hitting zero, and no-one knows what's going on anymore!
"Despite popular belief, I am not joining Oasis… or Linkin Park. Or any other band for that matter," writes the frontman of the Canadian pop-punk band, ...
Fans are freaking out now that Linkin Park's mysterious countdown ended, but there's a potential clue people may have missed during it.
More than 50,000 people sat waiting, watching a countdown that had been ticking from 100 hours on Linkin Park's official YouTube page, thinking the ...
At the conclusion of the 100-hour countdown, Linkin Park shared a video showing the final seconds counting down. The clock then glitches and begins counting ...
The countdown that Linkin Park launched over the weekend is now counting back up.On Saturday (August 24), the nu metal stars began a 100-hour countdown on ...
The Sum 41 frontman and Linkin Park teased big announcements on the same day. | iHeart.
Warner Bros. 35. Linkin Park, "Invisible". Album: One More Light. Chart History: No. 32 Hot Rock and Alternative Songs; ...
Sum 41 frontman Deryck Whibley has made his announcement, which has nothing to do with Linkin Park.As previously reported, the "Fat Lip" rockers teased that ...
Sum 41 frontman Deryck Whibley has made his announcement, which has nothing to do with Linkin Park.As previously reported, the "Fat Lip" rockers teased that ...
Fans of a popular 2000s rock band are freaking out after a countdown to a big announcement ended with a mysterious message.
Their big announcement just so happened to coincide with Sum 41 singer Deryck Whibley's planned announcement, leading to speculation that the two announcements ...
On August 24, the band posted a mysterious countdown clock of 100 hours leading up to an announcement, fuelling fan speculation that they were about to make ...
The big Linkin Park announcement is happening on September 5 – along with a fan event in LA!
Linkin Park announced an exclusive event for members of the LP Underground fan club that's set to happen in Los Angeles on Sept. 5.
A botched press stunt? A new singer? Something to do with Sum 41's Deryck Whibley? Massive troll campaign? Whatever Linkin Park have been up to since ...
Linkin Park's 100 hour countdown may have been a prank, but the band has revealed plans for a live event taking place next Thursday, September 5th.
After diving deep into the vault offering up new Linkin Park material with late singer Chester Bennington, the band seems to be making their highly ...
See what the Sum 41 singer said about the rumors he's joining Linkin Park (and Oasis).
Linkin Park recently shared a countdown clock that was set to expire today (August 28), and somehow, that speculation still remains.
Linkin Park recently shared a countdown clock that was set to expire today (August 28), and somehow, that speculation still remains.
Amid all the counting down and counting up drama, Linkin Park has now shared another teaser, this time with a concrete date.In a Facebook post on Thursday, ...