
2024 - 8 - 22

Når insekter, uheld og tandhygiejne mødes – Grib morgenkaffen!

Bilulykker - Blueberry eksport - Insektmidler - Køretimer - Malaria - Uddannelse

Fra malariabeskyttelse til bilulykker - en sjov blanding af historier, der får dig til at grine, græde og lære noget nyttigt!

I en bemærkelsesværdig indsats for at bekæmpe malaria, som plager Etiopien, har den amerikanske regering udleveret næsten 85.000 insektspraybehandlede net. Dette skridt blev taget efter en alarmerende stigning i malaria-tilfælde i landet, hvor den amerikanske ambassadør understregede vigtigheden af at beskytte samfundet mod sygdommen. At kunne sove trygt uden skadedyr kan være en game changer for de mange familier i det gamle Afrikas horn.

Samtidig i Salem, USA, opstod der et mere lokalt drama. En bilulykke involverede tre køretøjer, da en 35-årig kvinde, der havde tabt fokus, kørte ind i bagenden af en bremsebil. En person blev behandlet på hospitalet, og man kan kun håbe, at ingen har mistet noget mere end blot humøret – måske er det tid til at tage lidt ekstra køreundervisning?

I Edwardsville og Glen Carbon står chancen for uddannelse i kørsel højt på dagsordenen, og ikke overraskende hver skole underviser på sin egen måde. Uanset om du vælger en offentlig skole eller et privat køreskolekursus, så er målet det samme: At drive sikkert og ansvarligt. Det er lidt ligesom at vælge, om man vil have sin hotdog med ketchup eller sennep – begge veje fører til en god mulighed for at lære!

Og mens børnene i Cross Creek Elementary skolen får en musikalsk oplevelse med en strygermester, får kommunens vandforsyning vedligeholdt sin kvalitet ved at behandles for spor af en harmløs, men ubehagelig lugt. Undersøgelsen af vandkvaliteten resulterer i en forbedret smagsoplevelse, så de lokale borgeres tænder ikke bare får skridtene i deres liv – de får også skridtene i deres drikkevandskvalitet. Det må siges at være en win-win!

Vidste du, at malariainfektioner kan føre til årlige tab af mere end 800.000 liv globalt? Den afrikanske kontinent har været et af de hårdest ramte steder og indsatser som disse nets kan redde liv!

På den mere lokale front er det sjovt at tænke på, at bilulykker ofte sker, når chauffører bliver distraherede af deres smartphones. En enkelt besked kan ændre udfaldet af en hel dag! Så husk, mens du kører: Hold blikket på vejen og tænk på alt det sjove, du kan berette om ved næste sammenkomst!

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Image courtesy of "U.S. Embassy in Ethiopia"

U.S. Government Distributes Nearly 85000 Insecticide-Treated Nets ... (U.S. Embassy in Ethiopia)

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, August 22, 2024: In response to a dramatic spike in malaria cases in Ethiopia over the last eight months, the U.S. Ambassador to ...

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Image courtesy of "WJBD"

One person treated at hospital following three vehicle crash in Salem (WJBD)

Salem Police say the crash occurred when 35-year-old Brittany Hughes of Lamar Drive in Salem struck the rear of a vehicle that had slowed in front of her driven ...

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Image courtesy of "The Edwardsville Intelligencer"

How drivers education is treated in Edwardsville, Glen Carbon (The Edwardsville Intelligencer)

The three high schools in Madison County IL treat teaching students to drive differently and some choose to go to a private driving school in Belleville.

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Image courtesy of "Estes Park Trail-Gazette"

Town water currently treated for trace amounts of harmless, odor ... (Estes Park Trail-Gazette)

Recently the Town's Water Division has received a number of inquiries regarding a musty odor and taste in drinking water. This is an aesthetic issue, only, ...

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Image courtesy of "Times-Enterprise"

Cross Creek Elementary students treated to strings performance (Times-Enterprise)

THOMASVILLE- Cross Creek Elementary students gathered in the gymnasium on Wednesday afternoon as Cross Creek and Thomas County Middle School strings teacher ...

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Image courtesy of "North Country Now"

One injured, firefighter treated for heat exhaustion following propane ... (North Country Now)

WEST POTSDAM – A home was damaged following a propane tank explosion Aug. 19. Potsdam Fire responded to a reported structure fire at 280 Waite Rd. in West ...

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Image courtesy of ""

Southern California whale-watching cruise treated to rare sighting (

Mako sharks, particularly the Shortfin mako, are considered potentially dangerous to humans due to their speed, agility, and powerful jaws.

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Image courtesy of ""

Mosquitos to be Treated in East Hanover on August 24th | East ... (

EAST HANOVER, NJ - The Morris County Mosquito Commission will be treating a portion of East Hanover on August 24th.

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Image courtesy of "Cureus"

A Delayed Presentation of Superior Mesenteric Artery Syndrome ... (Cureus)

Typically, SMA syndrome presents in young females and is associated with an underlying condition such as anorexia nervosa, cachexia, postoperative development ...

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Image courtesy of "TwistedSifter"

Bus Passengers Insisted On Talking Over Them, So They Treated ... (TwistedSifter)

If so, this story from Reddit will SPEAK TO YOUR SOUL. Read on to get all the details about how this person got some petty revenge on annoying bus passengers.

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Image courtesy of "Physician's Weekly"

Prednisolone Broadly Modulates Inflammatory Pathways in Patients ... (Physician's Weekly)

The following is a summary of “Airway proteomics reveals broad residual anti-inflammatory effects of prednisolone in mepolizumab-treated asthma,” published ...

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Image courtesy of "Cureus"

Pseudomyxoma Peritonei Arising From a Mucinous Ovarian ... (Cureus)

Pseudomyxoma peritonei (PMP) is a rare disease caused by primary mucinous neoplasms. Here, we describe a case where a large ovarian tumor was initially ...

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Image courtesy of "Fresh Fruit Portal"

Argentina ships its first batch of cold treatment quarantined ... (Fresh Fruit Portal)

The news mark the start of this year's blueberry season for Argentina, one of the top ten blueberry global producers and Entre Ríos its main exporting ...

Increased Lipids May Not Affect CVD Risk Scores in RA Treated ... (Rheumatology Advisor)

Moderate increases in lipid levels among patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) taking biological disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (bDMARDs) may not ...

Cytomegalovirus Infection in Patients with Lymphoma Treated With ... (Pharmacy Times)

One such study found that bendamustine treatment prior to CAR T-cell therapy results in poorer outcomes in patients with refractory large B-cell lymphoma (LBCL) ...

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Image courtesy of "Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News"

Skin Repaired Faster, with Less Scarring, in Mice Treated with Gut ... (Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News)

Researchers say novel therapy for the treatment of skin wounds favors regenerative wound healing over tissue fibrosis and scarring.

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Image courtesy of "Behavioral Health Business"

'Nobody Is Going to Fight Getting a Child Treated': Payers More ... (Behavioral Health Business)

Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is becoming a more viable option for the treatment of depression in youth and adults, providing hope for those.

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Image courtesy of ""

Former NICU patients reunite with doctors, nurses who treated them (

The reunion for children who were in the NICU in 2021 came with a pajama party.

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Image courtesy of "FOX 13 Tampa Bay"

11.15 million gallons of partially treated wastewater flow into ... (FOX 13 Tampa Bay)

Clearwater public utilities crews said they experienced a reportable exceedance at the Marshal Street Water Reclamation Facility. According to the city, it ...

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Image courtesy of "ABC15 Arizona"

More than 100 people treated for heat exhaustion ahead of Trump ... (ABC15 Arizona)

The Glendale Fire Department says "many" people have been treated for heat-related illnesses waiting to get into Desert Diamond Arena for Friday's rally ...

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Image courtesy of "KJZZ"

Over 100 heat-related patients are treated outside Trump rally in ... (KJZZ)

Triple-digit temperatures have taken a toll on the crowds who lined up for former President Donald Trump's campaign speech in Glendale on Friday.

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Image courtesy of " KPNX"

People treated for medical emergencies outside Trump rally in ... ( KPNX)

At least one person was treated for a medical emergency outside the Desert Diamond Arena while waiting to enter for Trump campaign event.

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Image courtesy of ""


There was an issue during media playback with the content that was playing. The sub-error code will contain additional information about the underlying ...

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