
2024 - 8 - 22

Supreme Court: Er du en ægte amerikaner? Bevis det!

Abortrettigheder - Arkansas lovgivning - GOP Arizona lovgivning - Højesteret - Stemmerettigheder

Den amerikanske højesteret tager indbyggerne i Arizona under mikroskopet med krav om statsborgerskabsbevis - og abortrettigheder? De er også på spil i Arkansas!

Den amerikanske højesteret, med sin nyeste beslutning, har nu sat fokus på, hvor vigtigt det er for vælgere i Arizona at dokumentere deres statsborgerskab for at kunne deltage i valget. En lov fra 2022, der kræver bevis for amerikansk statsborgerskab før registrering, ser nu dagens lys efter et pres fra den republikanske nationalkomité. Selvom dette initiativ har været planlagt længe, kan det ende med at påvirke tusindvis af vælgere, der nu må finde frem til deres dokumentation midt i valgkampens jagt på rategodkendte stemmesedler.

Samtidig plejer Arkansas’ højesteret sine egne stridigheder, efter at de har afvist et borgerforslag om abortrettigheder. Det lokale abortrettighedsinitiativ, som har til formål at oprette undtagelser til delstatens strenge abortlovgivning, blev blokeret på grund af fejl i indsendelsen af de nødvendige papirer. Dette har sendt chokbølger blandt aktivister, der nu må finde nye måder at kæmpe for deres sag - og nogle kalder det en forlængelse af det politiske spil, der pågår i landet.

Men hvad betyder allesammen dette for det amerikanske demokrati? En opfattelse er, at det at kræve dokumentation kan føre til disenfranchisement, hvilket skaber barrierer for mange vælgere. Vil dette skridt hjælpe med at bibeholde integriteten af vælgerne, eller fører det blot til færre stemmer ved de kommende valg? Diskussionerne kører - men det er klart, at højesterettens udtalelser sammenfletter samfundet på måder, som mange ikke havde forestillet sig.

I mellemtiden vågner de retssystemet i Missouri op til nyheder om en uskyldig mand, Marcellus Williams, der er blevet hjulpet ud af sin straffesag, hvilket skaber et stærkt fokus på retfærdighed og systemets fejl. Skæbnesvangert ser det ud til, at spørgsmålet om, hvem der virkelig har kontrol over vores rettigheder og friheder, er mere relevant end nogensinde.

Visste du, at Arizona er en stat, der ofte vælges som testområde for nye valglover? Flere gange har det været centrum for kontroverser, der vedrører vælgerens retter. Og når det kommer til abortlovgivning, har Arkansas været i nyhederne gentagne gange med bannere, der har tiltrukket både støtte og modstand mod deres strenge love. Denne kamp om rettigheder og dokumentation er langt fra over!

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Image courtesy of "NPR"

Supreme Court grants GOP bid to require citizenship proof for some ... (NPR)

The U.S. Supreme Court has for now granted a Republican request to require Arizona voters to submit proof of their U.S. citizenship when using the state's ...

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Image courtesy of "NBC News"

Supreme Court partly grants GOP request to enforce Arizona's proof ... (NBC News)

The Arizona measure, enacted in 2022 but never enforced, would impose new requirements on people registering to vote and could affect thousands of voters.

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Image courtesy of "ABC News"

Arkansas Supreme Court upholds rejection of abortion rights petitions (ABC News)

The Arkansas Supreme Court has upheld the state's rejection of signature petitions in favor putting an abortion rights initiative on the November ballot.

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Image courtesy of "The New York Times"

Arkansas Supreme Court Denies Bid to Get Abortion Measure on ... (The New York Times)

A majority on the state Supreme Court sided with the secretary of state, who had rejected a citizen group's petition for failing to submit some of the ...

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Image courtesy of "Reuters"

US Supreme Court partly revives Arizona's proof of citizenship voter ... (Reuters)

The U.S. Supreme Court on Thursday revived part of an Arizona voter law requiring documented proof of U.S. citizenship to register to vote, in response to a ...

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Image courtesy of "CBS News"

Supreme Court partially revives Arizona voter proof-of-citizenship ... (CBS News)

The Republican National Committee and GOP state legislative leaders in Arizona asked the Supreme Court to put on hold a federal district court's order that ...

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Image courtesy of "NBC News"

Arkansas Supreme Court upholds rejection of abortion-rights ballot ... (NBC News)

A majority of justices agreed with the secretary of state's decision last month to block the proposed constitutional amendment over issues with the ...

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Image courtesy of "The Hill"

Supreme Court partially reinstates Arizona voting law at RNC's request (The Hill)

The Supreme Court on Thursday partially agreed to the Republican National Committee's (RNC) request to revive an Arizona law that strengthens ...

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Image courtesy of "Arkansas Advocate"

Arkansas Supreme Court: Paperwork errors will keep proposed ... (Arkansas Advocate)

The amendment would not have allowed government entities to “prohibit, penalize, delay or restrict abortion services within 18 weeks of fertilization.”

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Image courtesy of "CBS News"

Arkansas Supreme Court rejects petitions to put abortion rights ... (CBS News)

The proposed amendment would have created exceptions to Arkansas' strict abortion law.

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Image courtesy of "Vox"

The Supreme Court decides not to disenfranchise thousands of ... (Vox)

The Court's decision in RNC v. Mi Familia Vota could have been much worse for democracy, even if it's not all good.

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Image courtesy of "Bloomberg Law"

Supreme Court Partly Restores Voter Proof-of-Citizenship Law (1) (Bloomberg Law)

The US Supreme Court will let Arizona partially enforce a state law that requires residents to provide proof of US citizenship to register to vote ahead of ...

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Image courtesy of "KUAR"

Arkansas Supreme Court effectively rejects abortion amendment (KUAR)

In a 4-3 decision, the court ruled that an abortion rights group failed to satisfy statutory requirements.

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Image courtesy of "Innocence Project"

MO Supreme Court Blocks Agreement Between Prosecutor and ... (Innocence Project)

(August 22, 2024) Yesterday, Marcellus Williams, an innocent man scheduled to be executed in Missouri on September 24, entered an Alford plea in exchange ...

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Image courtesy of "PBS NewsHour"

Supreme Court rejects Republican effort to block over 40000 ... (PBS NewsHour)

The justices on Thursday acted on an emergency appeal filed by state and national Republicans that sought to give full effect to voting measures enacted in ...

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Image courtesy of "The New York Times"

Supreme Court Allows Arizona to Enforce, for Now, Law Tightening ... (The New York Times)

But the justices kept blocking a provision that bars already-registered residents from voting by mail or for president until they prove their citizenship.

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Image courtesy of "PBS NewsHour"

Arkansas Supreme Court upholds rejection of abortion ballot measure (PBS NewsHour)

The ruling dashed the hopes of organizers, who submitted the petitions, of getting the constitutional amendment measure on the ballot in the predominantly ...

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Image courtesy of "Roll Call"

Supreme Court allows Arizona to enforce part of voting law - Roll Call (Roll Call)

The Supreme Court on Thursday allowed Arizona officials to require proof of citizenship when using a state form to register to vote.

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Image courtesy of "BBC News"

Supreme Court limits Arizona voting without citizenship proof (BBC News)

The ruling raises the stakes for November's election in a state where Democrats eked out a narrow victory last time.

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Image courtesy of ""

Burlington cathedral demolition case heads to Vermont Supreme ... (

A local historic preservation group seeking to prevent the demolition of the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in downtown Burlington has appealed its ...

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Image courtesy of "Reason"

My recent Georgia Supreme Court oral argument (Reason)

A pair of related cases raising important First Amendment content-discrimination issues in the context of adult entertainment.

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Image courtesy of "National Constitution Center"

Supreme Court to consider gender affirming care laws for minors ... (National Constitution Center)

One of the highest profile cases in the Supreme Court's upcoming term could set a precedent over the ability of several states to define laws that provide ...

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Image courtesy of "Arizona Capitol Times"

U.S. Supreme Court gives Republicans partial victory (Arizona Capitol Times)

A divided U.S. Supreme Court agreed Aug. 22 to let Arizona block some, but not all, people who don't provide proof of citizenship when registering from this ...

On the ruling of Venezuela's Supreme Tribunal of Justice - United ... (Department of State)

Venezuela's Supreme Tribunal of Justice ruled yesterday that Nicolas Maduro won the July 28 presidential election against democratic opposition candidate ...

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Image courtesy of "The Seattle Times"

WA Supreme Court disbars former state auditor Troy Kelley (The Seattle Times)

Troy Kelley came under investigation by the IRS and the FBI after his successful campaign for state auditor in 2018.

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Image courtesy of "SpaceNews"

Supreme Court case could affect orbital debris mitigation rules (SpaceNews)

A recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling could upend efforts by the FCC to enforce more stringent orbital debris regulations.

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Image courtesy of "Alaska Public Media News"

Alaska Supreme Court upholds ranked choice repeal initiative, now ... (Alaska Public Media News)

Ballot Measure 2 would end ranked choice voting and the state's open primary election system.

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Image courtesy of "Notes From Poland"

Polish church turns to Supreme Court over changes to school ... (Notes From Poland)

The changes in question allow schools and preschools to organise religion classes – which in Poland usually involve the teaching of Catholic catechism – in ...

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Image courtesy of "Nebraska Examiner"

NE Supreme Court rules in government-assisted 'home equity theft ... (Nebraska Examiner)

The Nebraska Supreme Court on Friday ruled in two government-assisted "home equity theft" cases, drawing praise from Legal Aid of Nebraska.

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Image courtesy of "ABC News"

Illinois Supreme Court upholds unconstitutionality of Democrats' law ... (ABC News)

The Illinois Supreme Court has upheld a lower court ruling that tossed out a law barring political parties from choosing candidates for the General Assembly ...

Voter choice wins in slating case before Illinois Supreme Court (Illinois Policy)

Illinois lawmakers changed the rules about placing candidates on the ballot in the middle of an election cycle. A judge said they can't do that and the ...

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Image courtesy of "Alaska Beacon"

Alaska Supreme Court upholds ranked choice repeal initiative, now ... (Alaska Beacon)

Ballot Measure 2 would end ranked choice voting and the state's open primary election system, if approved by voters in November.

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Image courtesy of "KTVF"

Alaska Supreme Court affirms Ranked-Choice decision made by ... (KTVF)

The Alaska Supreme ...

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Image courtesy of "Liberty Justice Center"

Victory for Voters' Rights Upheld: Illinois Supreme Court Ruling ... (Liberty Justice Center)

On May 3, Governor Pritzker signed new “anti-slating” legislation into law, changing the rules for ballot access in the middle of an election cycle. P.A. 103- ...

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Image courtesy of "CatholicVote org"

Supreme Court tightens AZ voter requirements to provide proof of ... (CatholicVote org)

The US Supreme Court granted an emergency stay, limiting voter registration to those who can provide proof of citizenship in Arizona ahead of the November ...

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Image courtesy of "Russia Matters"

A Conversation With Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR ... (Russia Matters)

This is a summary of a transcript of an event hosted by the Council on Foreign Affairs on Aug. 15, 2024. Gen. Cavoli discusses the Euro-Atlantic Partnership ...

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Image courtesy of "AZ Luminaria"

Supreme Court rejects GOP push to block 41000 Arizona voters, but ... (AZ Luminaria)

The 5-4 order came after emergency appeal filed by state and national Republicans. It sought to give full effect to voting measures that were enacted after ...

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Image courtesy of "Arkansas Money & Politics"

Arkansas Supreme Court Upholds Block of Abortion Ballot Measure (Arkansas Money & Politics)

Arkansas Abortion Amendment - The Arkansas Supreme Court on Thursday voted 4-3 to uphold Arkansas Attorney Gen. Tim Griffin's rejection.

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Image courtesy of "JURIST"

US Supreme Court allows Arizona election law requiring proof of ... (JURIST)

However, the court kept two lower court blocks on related laws that prevent those with unverified citizenship status from voting in presidential elections or ...

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