Træd ind i Biden's rørende DNC tale, hvor han hylder Kamala Harris og vedgår sin kærlighed til Amerika!
I en følelsesmæssig tale på den første nat af den demokratiske nationale konvention i Chicago, gjorde præsident Joe Biden et dybt indtryk på både tilhørere og seere. Med hjertet på ærmet reflekterede han over sin lange karriere og de femti år, han har brugt på at tjene sit land. Biden, der blev mødt med en stående ovation, fik chancen for at dele sine tanker om det kommende valg og videreførelsen af sit politiske budskab gennem Kamala Harris, som han officielt gav stafetten videre til. "America, I gave my best to you," udtalte han, hvilket affødte tårer fra både publikum og ham selv.
Biden brugte sin tale ikke kun til at give en hjertevarmende afsked, men også til at styrke båndene mellem ham og hans tilhængere. Emojionelle øjeblikke toneangivede hans tale – ikke mindst da datteren Ashley og konen Jill også talte. Undervejs gjorde Biden det klart, at selvom han har haft modstand fra dele af sit eget parti, er han ikke "sur" på dem, og han opfordrede alle til at samle sig omkring Kamala Harris, som er deres næste præsidentkandidat.
DNCs første aften var dog ikke kun en afsked for Biden. Mange af hans støtter viste deres ubetingede støtte ved at råbe "tak, Joe," mens han tog imod en hyldest som få tidligere. Den atmosfære, der svømmede gennem salen, var fyldt med både nostalgi og håb for fremtiden. Desuden kunne man også se Kamala Harris i et øjeblik, der gik viralt, da hun helt klart fortalte Biden, at hun elsker ham, hvilket bare tilføjede historien til deres politiske partnership.
Som dagen skred frem, blev opmærksomheden også rettet mod Biden's timing; mange seere blev opfordret til at holde sig oppe til efter midnat for at se hans tale. Dette rejser spørgsmål om, hvorvidt det er hensigtsmæssigt for en præsident at tale på så sene tider, især i en tid hvor mange er trætte af politikkens drænende natur.
Til trods for de udfordringer Biden har stået overfor, formåede hans tale at inspirere både hans tilhængere og dem, der måske var på fence i forhold til hans ledelse. Det er vigtigt at bemærke, at Biden får muligheden for at afslutte sin politiske karriere med stil og stolthed. Kamala Harris, som er en stærk fortaler for bæredygtighed og ligestilling, ser ud til at være i stand til at føre arven videre, og med støtte fra Biden kan vi forvente nyt liv i det demokratiske parti.
Visste du i øvrigt, at Joe Biden blev den yngste senator i USA i 1973, kun 29 år gammel? Det er en imponerende præstation, der allerede dengang indikerede hans dygtighed og dedikation til offentlig tjeneste! Og er du klar over, at Kamala Harris er den første kvinde af afrikansk og indisk oprindelse, som er blevet valgt til vicepræsident i USA? Dette viser ikke kun mangfoldigheden i det demokratiske parti, men også den stærke fremtid, som de repræsenterer.
In his final Democratic convention speech, the President reflected on his long legacy—and officially passed the torch to Kamala Harris to carry it forward.
President Joe Biden had more than a few die-hard supporters at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago where he gave a rousing late-night address.
The Democratic National Convention's first night has showcased speeches from the last Democrat to lose to Donald Trump and the last one to beat him.
Viewers hoping to watch the president's speech until the end were forced to stay up until after midnight on the East Coast on Monday.
Joe Biden's address to the Democratic National Convention backing Kamala Harris came after emotional speeches from his daughter Ashley and wife Jill.
After an affectionate opening from the crowd, President Joe Biden spent long stretches of his 50-minute speech on day one of the DNC in Chicago lacing into.
In a speech to Democrat Party members in Illinois, Mr Biden wiped away tears before calling Donald Trump a "loser" and urging people to get behind Kamala ...
President Joe Biden spoke on night one of the Democratic National Convention. Here's exactly what he said.
Night One of the D.N.C. saw an extended ovation for the president and a roster of star speakers.
Thank you, Joe!'' the crowd members chanted to a tearful president for his lifetime of public service. But they were also thanking him for not running ...
Ruth Marcus: This was the speech Biden planned to give as nominee, with a Harris-Walz overlay tacked onto it. That's entirely understandable. Biden wanted to be ...
Joe Biden gave a closing speech on the first night of the DNC in a handover to Vice President Kamala Harris and was met with a standing ovation.
Night one of the Democratic convention showcased a party in transition. Hillary Clinton and President Biden shared the stage with a new generation of ...
President Joe Biden's delivered the keynote on his political career at the Democratic National Convention Monday night.
Democratic presidential nominee Vice President Kamala Harris speaks during the first day of Democratic National Convention, Monday, Aug. 19, 2024, in Chicago.
Vice President Kamala Harris made a surprise appearance at the Democratic National Convention Monday night, where she thanked President Biden for his ...
There were moments of genuine, almost startling emotion Monday night in Chicago. The hitch was that, like Biden's reelection campaign, the first night ...
Rabbi Michael Beals helped deliver the benediction on night one of the Democratic National Convention in Chicago – which had a Biden theme to the evening.
Former President Barack Obama praised his former Vice President Joe Biden during his speech at the Democratic National Convention.
SANTA BARBARA, Calif. - President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden arrived at the Santa Barbara Airport around 2:24 a.m., Tuesday morning. The.
Former President Barack Obama praised President Joe Biden for his leadership during his speech at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago.
Former President Barack Obama called on Democrats to 'fight for the America we believe in' as he endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris.
The torch has been passed. Now it's up to Kamala Harris, as it was to Joe Biden in 2020, to hold up her end of the bargain.
This episode of “The Ezra Klein Show” was produced and hosted by Rollin Hu. Fact-checking by Michelle Harris, with Kate Sinclair and Mary Marge Locker. Our ...
About 20 minutes before President Joe Biden dropped out of the 2024 election, Teresa Saavedra Woorman, a Maryland state legislator and a delegate to the ...
The first night of the 2024 Democratic National Convention began to tell the story of Kamala Harris, but it was also a moment for the party to mark the ...
White House says plan was approved earlier this year and was not a response to a single country or threat.
During her speech at the Democratic National Convention, former first lady Michelle Obama acknowledged her husband's legacy while subtly snubbing Joe Biden.
The highly classified plan for the first time reorients Washington's deterrent strategy on China's expansion of its atomic arsenal.
The president made several misleading or false claims during his 45-minute speech. - Peter Gattuso - Start a free trial today for full access.