Ashley Biden

2024 - 8 - 20

Ashley Biden: Fra Malerier til Moral – En Datter der Dyrker sin Far!

Ashley Biden - Democratic National Convention - Family Dynamics - Fashion in Politics - Joe Biden - Political Activism - Social Justice - Women's Rights

Oplev Ashley Bidens hjertevarmende fortællinger om sin far, de politiske vinde og lidt om kærligheden!

Ashley Biden, den yngste datter af præsident Joe Biden, har kastet lys over sit liv som datter af en mand, der konstant er under offentlig kontrol. I takt med at hun malede et mere personligt billede af sin far, delte hun dybtgående historier, der fremhæver både hans rolle som far og hans politiske liv. Hun skildrer f.eks. hvordan Joe Biden altid har været der for hendes familie – ikke bare som præsident, men som far, ved at støtte hende igennem livets op- og nedture.

I forbindelse med det kommende præsidentvalg har Ashley også taget et boldspil i politik. Hun introducerede sin far på den Demokratiske Nationale Konvention (DNC) med en betagende tale, hvori hun understregede vigtigheden af, at demokrati og individuelle rettigheder er på spil. Hun nævnte, at valgkampen i 2024 vil blive "kampen for vores liv", og at valgresultatet vil ane konsekvenserne for fremtidige generationer. Denne passion for sin familie og nationen blander sig smukt i hendes personlige og politiske engagement.

Ashley har tidligere arbejdet for Delaware Department of Services for Children, Youth and Their Families og leder i dag Delaware Center for Justice. Hendes erfaring med at arbejde med udsatte grupper har styrket hendes engagement i retten til et værdigt liv for alle, og hendes stemme er stadig mere hørbar i de politiske kredse. Mens hun introducerede sin far, gav hun publikum et indblik i hans dedikation både til familien og til de sociale retioner, hans arbejde har medført.

Det er ikke kun politik og familie, der fylder Ashleys liv. Hendes ægtemand, Dr. Howard Krein, står ved hendes side gennem livets op- og nedture – også i Det Hvide Hus. Deres bånd styrkes af fælles værdier og mål for en bedre verden. Som Ashley siger det, er familie ikke bare et ord, det er en livsrejse, der hele tiden skaber nye minder og oplevelser.

Vidste du forresten, at Ashley Biden ikke kun er en politisk figur, men også en talentfuld kunstner? Hendes malerier er inspireret af oplevelser i hendes liv, og hun bruger dem til at være en stemme for dem, der ikke bliver hørt. Desuden har hun en stærk passion for at arbejde med udsatte børn, hvilket klart afspejles i hendes tidligere arbejdserfaring og dens indflydelse på hendes livsvalg.

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Image courtesy of "NPR"

Ashley Biden, the president's daughter, paints a personal picture of ... (NPR)

Ashley Biden, the youngest child of President Biden, painted a more personal picture of her father, sharing stories of him as a parent and as a political ...

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Image courtesy of "Milwaukee Journal Sentinel"

What to know about Ashley Biden, President Biden's daughter who ... (Milwaukee Journal Sentinel)

She worked for the Delaware Department of Services for Children, Youth and Their Families before stepping in to head the Delaware Center for Justice, a ...

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Image courtesy of "ABC News"

Ashley Biden in the spotlight ahead of president's DNC speech (ABC News)

When President Joe Biden bids the Democratic National Convention a bittersweet farewell Monday night, he will be introduced by one of his closest champions, his ...

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Image courtesy of "The Washington Post"

Who is Ashley Biden? President's daughter introduces him at DNC. (The Washington Post)

The 2024 presidential election will be “the fight of our lifetime,” in which democracy, freedom and reproductive rights will all be on the ballot, she said in ...

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Image courtesy of " KTHV"

Ashley Biden introduces President Joe Biden at opening night of DNC ( KTHV)

President Joe Biden is the headline speaker for the first evening of the Democratic National Convention. Author: TEGNA Digital, Associated Press. Published: 11: ...

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Image courtesy of ""

Who Is Ashley Biden's Husband Dr. Howard Krein? (

He was by Ashley Biden's side in the Oval Office as President Biden addressed the nation over his decision to drop out of the presidential race.

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Image courtesy of ""

Who is Ashley Biden? She'll introduce the president at the DNC (

The speech, which will follow remarks by first lady Jill Biden, is expected to serve as a sort of political farewell for the president, who abandoned his bid ...

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Image courtesy of "The Independent"

Ashley and Jill Biden pay emotional tribute to Joe on first night of ... (The Independent)

First lady says Joe Biden dug 'deep into his soul' when he chose not to run again in 2024.

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Image courtesy of "MSNBC"

Ashley Biden describes in DNC remarks how her father embodies ... (MSNBC)

Joe Biden's daughter, Ashley Biden, introduced him in deeply personal remarks that honored his career, as well as his family life.

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Image courtesy of "Jagran Josh"

Who is Ashley Biden? Daughter Honors Her Father as 'OG Girl Dad ... (Jagran Josh)

Learn about Ashley Biden, her career in social work and activism, and her emotional tribute to her father, Joe Biden, at the 2024 DNC.

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Image courtesy of "The Wall Street Journal"

Watch DNC 2024 Live: President Joe Biden Addresses Convention ... (The Wall Street Journal)

Ashley Biden introduced her father President Joe Biden on Monday as a longtime supporter of women's rights, moments before the president took the stage to ...

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Image courtesy of "USA TODAY"

Who is Ashley Biden? What to know about the president's youngest ... (USA TODAY)

Who is Ashley Biden? President Joe Biden's youngest daughter introduced her father at the Democratic National Convention.

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Image courtesy of "CBS News"

Ashley Biden's introduction of her father at DNC as the "OG girl dad ... (CBS News)

"We don't tell you enough that you are the love of our lives and the life of our love," Ashley Biden said of her father at the first night of the DNC.

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Image courtesy of "WWD"

Ashley Biden Wears Sleek Gabriela Hearst Suit on Night One of the ... (WWD)

Ashley Biden spoke during the opening night of the 2024 Democratic National Convention, where she wore a white Gabriela Hearst suit with flared pants.

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Image courtesy of "WATN - Local 24"

How is Ashley Biden related to President Joe Biden? (WATN - Local 24)

President Joe Biden is the headline speaker for the first evening of the Democratic National Convention. Author: TEGNA Digital, Associated Press. Published: 11: ...

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Image courtesy of "Palm Beach Post"

Which Biden family members attended DNC? List of Trump family ... (Palm Beach Post)

President Biden, first lady Jill Biden and Ashley Biden supported Kamala Harris at 2024 DNC. Melania Trump appeared at RNC. Barron was notably absent.

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