Mpox virus

2024 - 8 - 15

Mpox-virus på banen igen: Er det tid til at panikke eller danse?

Mpox -- monkey pox -- mpox vaccine clade 1b - Disease containment - global health emergency - health authorities - Mpox virus - Pakistan - Sweden - WHO - Mpox - monkey pox - mpox vaccine

Pakistan har opdaget mpox-viruset! Hvad betyder det for os? Kom med på en sjov rejse gennem sundhedens forunderlige verden!

Mpox-virusset, som mange troede var fortid, har genfundet sin vej ind i nyhederne. Pakistan har netop rapporteret om en bekræftet infektion, tilbageført til en person, som kom tilbage fra et Golf-land. Sundhedsmyndighederne arbejder i øjeblikket på at sequere virusset for at finde ud af, hvilken variant der er tale om. Spørgsmålet er, hvorfor denne virus pludselig er tilbage på radaren, og hvordan den potentielt kan påvirke os mundre danskere.

Verdenssundhedsorganisationen (WHO) har for nylig erklæret, at et udbrud af mpox, som spreder sig gennem tæt kontakt, udgør en global sundhedstrussel. Nye former for virusset, som den frygtede clade 1b, spreder sig hurtigt i dele af Afrika og har allerede resulteret i over 500 dødsfald i år. Det er værd at bemærke, at de her hurtigt muterende virustyper stiller sundhedsinstitutioner op imod markante udfordringer for containment. I takt med at mpox-viruset tilpasser sig, er det vigtigt, at vi holder os informeret om udviklingen.

Videre til Europa, hvor det nu er "højst sandsynligt" at mpox-viruset vil blive importeret efter, at WHO har erklæret en global sundhedsnødsituation. Dette har fået europæiske sundhedsmyndigheder til at advare om rejser til områder, hvor udbruddet er i gang. Det kan godt være, at din rejse til det varme Sydeuropa nu skal tages med lidt ekstra omtanke.

Som vi fortsætter med at følge med i udviklingen af mpox, er det også interessant at bemærke, at de sundhedsmæssige foranstaltninger, der blev iværksat i takt med COVID-19, på mange måder kan hjælpe med at kontrollere mpox-spredningen. Det handler om at holde afstanden og hygiejnen i hævd! Og hvem ved? Kanskje får vi en ny danse-epidemi med mpox-viruset som den sjove ubehagelige invitation til at holde vores danske fest-sikkerhed i top!

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Image courtesy of ""

Pakistan says at least one case of mpox virus detected (

Sequencing of confirmed case under way to determine whether virus is same deadly Clade 1 variant discovered by Sweden.

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Image courtesy of "Reuters"

Why is mpox an emergency again, and how worried should I be? (Reuters)

The World Health Organization has declared that an outbreak of mpox, a viral infection that spreads through close contact, represents a global health ...

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Image courtesy of "Insurance Journal"

Mutating Mpox Virus Poses Challenges to Containment Efforts (Insurance Journal)

Changes in the mpox virus are just the latest challenge facing disease trackers trying to contain an outbreak of the virus that's become a global health ...

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Image courtesy of "Voice of America"

Mpox virus now in Pakistan, health authorities say (Voice of America)

A health ministry spokesperson said the sequencing of the confirmed case was under way, and that it would not be clear which variant of mpox the patient had ...

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Image courtesy of "The Washington Post"

What to know about mpox after WHO declared it a global health ... (The Washington Post)

A new form of the mpox virus is spreading rapidly in parts of Africa, known as clade 1b. More than 500 mpox deaths have been reported to the WHO this year.

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Image courtesy of "Reuters"

Mpox virus detected in Pakistan, health authorities say (Reuters)

Pakistan's health ministry has confirmed at least one case of the mpox virus in a patient who had returned from a Gulf country, it said on Friday, ...

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Image courtesy of ""

Sweden reports first case of more dangerous mpox virus outside Africa (

The news comes a day after the World Health Organization declared this mpox outbreak a global emergency.

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Image courtesy of "Fox News"

Sweden reports first case of highly infectious mpox virus outside ... (Fox News)

Sweden's public health agency on Thursday said that the country had recorded a first known case of the newer mpox variant that originated in the Congo.

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Image courtesy of "Newsweek"

Mpox detected in California wastewater (Newsweek)

A surge of the virus in Africa is being driven by a new variant, which is thought to cause more severe disease than previous variants.

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Image courtesy of "The Hindu"

Mpox Virus: After WHO declares mpox outbreak, Chennai airport ... (The Hindu)

Mpox Outbreak: WHO declared mpox as a Public Health Emergency of International Concern for the second time in two years following an outbreak in the ...

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Image courtesy of "The Hindu"

Pakistan reports three mpox cases, health authorities say (The Hindu)

Pakistan detects mpox virus in three patients, WHO declares global public health emergency due to new variant outbreak.

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Image courtesy of "Euronews"

Mpox 'highly likely' to be imported to Europe after outbreak declared ... (Euronews)

EU countries should issue travel advice for areas impacted by mpox, European health authorities said, after the virus outbreak was declared a global ...

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Image courtesy of "Hindustan Times"

Mpox virus detected in Pakistan, days after WHO declared it a global ... (Hindustan Times)

This comes two days after the World Health Organization (WHO) declared a global health emergency amid increasing cases of the disease in Africa.

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Image courtesy of "Reuters"

Countries with confirmed cases of new mpox variant (Reuters)

The World Health Organization declared mpox a global public health emergency for the second time in two years, following an outbreak of the viral infection ...

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Image courtesy of "Scientific American"

The WHO Declared Mpox a Global Health Emergency. Here's ... (Scientific American)

A new type of mpox has infected thousands in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and other African countries, but vaccines and treatments are hard to come ...

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