
2024 - 8 - 15

Ørsted: Fra vind til ventetid – hvad skete der lige her?

e-methanol - FlagshipONE - forsinkelser i projekter - grøn energi - Mads Nipper - offshore vindprojekter - vindkraft - Ørsted

Ørsted har droppet sit frontløberprojekt for e-brændstoffer og udskyder samtidig store offshore projekter. Læs hvordan den danske vindmagsgigant klarer skærene!

Ørsted, den danske vindmøllejæger, har haft en opsigtsvækkende uge, hvor den har aflyst sit ambitiøse FlagshipONE-projekt, der skulle producere hele 55.000 ton e-methanol om året. Dette projekt var planlagt til at anvende brint kombineret med kuldioxid, men virksomheden har indgået i en bølge af forhindringer, der viser, at forretningsmodellen eksploderede hurtigere end en ghostbuster i en spøgelseshus. Det er ikke bare et lille tilbageslag; dette markerer en større udfordring for Ørsted i deres bestræbelser på at blive den grønne superhelt, de stræber efter.

Men vent, der er mere! Den danske energijæger har også været tvunget til at udskyde sit mega offshore projekt Revolution Wind, som skulle strække sig langs Rhode Islands kyst. Denne forsinkelse skyldes problemer med konstruktionen og de nødvendige elektricitetsstationer. Det er som at forsøge at samle IKEA-møbler uden manual - meget frustrerende!

Derudover har Ørsted set en skarp nedgang i deres aktier efter offentliggørelsen af deres seneste regnskaber, som viste betydelige afskrivninger og tilbageslag i flere nøgleprojekter. Virksomheden estimater for investering er blevet revideret nedad, og det lader til, at timing er altafgørende, selv for et selskab, der lever af vind og sol. Det ser ud til, at de må finde en ny rute for at navigere gennem denne storm af udfordringer.

På den positive side, på trods af disse udfordringer, rapporterer Ørsted om stærk præstation i offshore vind-segmentet, hvilket har givet anledning til en økonomisk stigning i første halvdel af året. Det er som et lys i en tunellignende mørke af afrapporterede udfordringer. Vidste du forresten, at Ørsted er verdens største udbyder af offshore vindenergi med projekter, der spænder over flere kontinenter? Og hvis du troede, at e-methanol kun var noget, man kunne drømme om, så skal du vide, at det faktisk er blevet kaldt en gamechanger for maritim transport!

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Image courtesy of "Financial Times"

Ørsted scraps flagship European green fuels project (Financial Times)

It was intended to produce about 55,000 tons per year of e-methanol, which is made by combining hydrogen and carbon dioxide. “The business case has deteriorated ...

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Image courtesy of "The Guardian"

Danish wind power giant Ørsted delays major US offshore project (The Guardian)

The Danish company developing the world's largest offshore windfarm in the North Sea has been forced to delay a major project off the north-east coast of ...

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Image courtesy of "EnergyWatch"

Ørsted tanks flagship project, prompting impairments (EnergyWatch)

Bad timing causes the utility to lower gross investment guidance, posting significant Q2 impairments as projects are scuttled or postponed.

Ørsted delays Revolution Wind amid substation difficulties (Windpower Monthly)

Ørsted has pushed back the planned start of commercial operations at its 704MW Revolution Wind project off the coast of Rhode Island due to construction ...

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Image courtesy of "Offshore Energy"

Slow-developing e-fuel market prompts Ørsted to terminate ... (Offshore Energy)

Ørsted decided to cease the development of commercial-scale e-Methanol facility under construction, the FlagshipONE project in Sweden.

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Image courtesy of "4C Offshore"

Ørsted's strong performance in offshore wind drives earnings up (4C Offshore)

Strong performance in offshore wind drove earnings at Ørsted up for the first six months of the year, despite impairments due to project delays and ...

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Image courtesy of "Investing.com"

Ørsted shares down on impairment charges (Investing.com)

Investing.com -- Ørsted (CSE:ORSTED) stock fell on Thursday following its earnings report, which showed significant impairments and delays in several key ...

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Image courtesy of "National Fisherman"

Ørsted delays major project off R.I., Conn. (National Fisherman)

The Danish company developing the world's largest offshore windfarm in the North Sea has been forced to delay a major project off the north-east coast of ...

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Image courtesy of "Windpower Monthly"

Ørsted scraps wind-powered e-fuels project amid 'slow market' (Windpower Monthly)

Ørsted has cancelled its planned FlagshipOne project, which was due to use onshore wind turbines to power an electrolyser to produce e-methanol for shipping ...

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Image courtesy of "Brazil Energy Insight"

Ørsted Delays US Offshore Wind Project as Impairment Losses Hit (Brazil Energy Insight)

(Reuters) Renewable energy group Orsted booked 3.2 billion Danish crowns ($472 million) in impairment losses in the second quarter, due partly to a delay in ...

Orsted scraps Swedish FlagshipONE e-methanol project under ... (S&P Global)

Cites slow market development, lack of offtake Project costs increased significantly since FID De prioritizing liquid e fuels sector, keeps hydrogen focus ...

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Image courtesy of "The Maritime Executive"

Ørsted Pulls Plug on Shipping E-Methanol Fuel Project Citing ... (The Maritime Executive)

Renewable energy giant Ørsted further highlighted the problems in the nascent sustainable fuel market for the shipping industry highlighting that it...

New Delays Face Revolution, Sunrise OSW Projects (RTO Insider)

Ørsted has run into new delays that will push back completion of at least one of the two offshore wind farms it's building in U.S. waters.

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Image courtesy of "MarineLink"

Mads Nipper, Group President and CEO of Ørsted, announced the ... (MarineLink)

Mads Nipper, Group President and CEO of Ørsted, announced the termination of the hydrogen-to-methanol FlagshipONE project…

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Image courtesy of "EnergyWatch"

Ørsted pushes back investment decision on gigawatt farm (EnergyWatch)

Of the highlighted offshore wind projects for the next few years, one has been dropped, while decisions are still pending on two others.

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Image courtesy of "Reuters"

Orsted books new losses, flags delay at US offshore wind project (Reuters)

Renewable energy group Orsted booked 3.9 billion Danish crowns ($575 million) in impairment losses in the second quarter, due partly to a delay in ...

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Image courtesy of "Splash 247"

US offshore wind perils continue for Ørsted with delay of Revolution ... (Splash 247)

After the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities (NJBPU) formally stopped Ørsted's Ocean Wind One and Two projects, the Danish developer has been forced to ...

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Image courtesy of "E&E News"

R.I. offshore project hits snag, forcing $306M Ørsted write-down (E&E News)

The Danish wind developer found contamination on a construction site. It's the latest setback to offshore wind in the U.S..

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Image courtesy of "Power Technology"

Ørsted scraps FlagshipOne hydrogen project despite increased H1 ... (Power Technology)

Ørsted has announced it is scrapping its FlagshipOne hydrogen project despite registering operating profits DKK 14.1bn in H1 of 2024.

Ørsted delays Revolution Wind, reports losses (WorkBoat)

Offshore wind developer Ørsted reported $575 million in impairment losses Aug. 15, partly due to construction delays in its 704-megawatt Revolution Wind project ...

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Image courtesy of "CT News Junkie"

Ørsted Report: Revolution Wind Project's Completion Delayed A Year (CT News Junkie)

The Danish energy company Ørsted announced Thursday that completion of its largest US offshore wind project to date, Revolution Wind, will be delayed a year ...

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Image courtesy of "Straight Arrow News"

Ørsted faces offshore wind delays after prior project cancellations (Straight Arrow News)

The US offshore wind industry is facing another setback as Danish energy company Ørsted encounters delays with its Revolution Wind project.

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