Bavarian Nordic

2024 - 8 - 14

Bavarian Nordic: Fra mpox-frygt til aktiehimlen! 🚀

Mpox -- bavarian nordic stock -- monkeypox -- mpox 2024 -- mpox vaccine -- mpox virus afrikanske lande - aktiehandel - Bavarian Nordic - chikungunya - mpox - sundhedsnødsituation - vacciner - WHO - Mpox - bavarian nordic stock - monkeypox - mpox 2024 - mpox vaccine - mpox virus

Aktierne i Bavarian Nordic skyder i vejret efter behovet for mpox-vacciner! Hvad betyder det for fremtiden? 🚀💉

Bavarian Nordic, den danske producent af mpox-vacciner, har for nylig fået en eksplosion i aktiekurserne, hvor de er steget med hele 12% på baggrund af den stigende efterspørgsel efter deres vaccine, Jynneos. Denne udvikling kommer som et resultat af, at Verdenssundhedsorganisationen (WHO) har erklæret mpox-udbruddet som en alvorlig trussel, hvilket presser myndighederne til at søge vacciner hurtigt. I øjeblikket rapporteres der om 38.465 tilfælde af mpox i 16 afrikanske lande, hvilket understreger nødvendigheden af en hurtig og effektiv vaccineudrulning.

Ifølge Bavarian Nordic kan de levere hele 10 millioner doser mpox-vacciner inden slutningen af 2025, hvilket vil være en afgørende faktor for at kontrollere udbruddet. I år planlægger virksomheden at kunne producere 3 millioner doser, hvilket WHO anerkender som et vigtigt skridt i kampen mod denne frygtelige sygdom. Det bliver spændende at se, hvordan aktiemarkedet vil reagere, når disse Vaccinedoser begynder at blive rullet ud til de hårdt ramte lande i Afrika.

Ud over mpox er Bavarian Nordic også i proces med at få en chikungunya-vaccine godkendt af FDA, som forventes at få prioriteret behandling i februar 2025. Chikungunya er også en bekymrende virus, der spreder sig hurtigt. Vaccinen vil beskytte mod sygdomme forårsaget af chikungunya blandt personer over 12 år. Dette kunne potentielt give et ekstra skud i aktiekursen, selvom fokus pt. ligger på mpox-situationen.

Som en sjov afslutning er det værd at nævne, at Bavarian Nordic ikke kun er kendt for deres vacciner, men også for at være en af de få virksomheder, der kan tilbyde løsninger mod både mpox og chikungunya. Med denne dobbelte rolle i kampen mod smitsomme sygdomme stiller de sig i en favorabel position, når sundhedskrisen kalder. Bliv ved med at følge med i, hvordan de håndterer denne udfordring og drive aktierne til nye højder! 🚀

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Image courtesy of "Fortune"

Shares in Danish mpox vaccine maker Bavarian Nordic soar 12% as ... (Fortune)

There have been 38465 cases of mpox across 16 African countries so far, with 1456 deaths.

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Bavarian Nordic says it can supply 10M mpox jabs by end of 2025 (

The Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC) has said it needs 10 million doses to control the outbreak, which has spread from the ...

Bavarian Nordic returns to the spotlight as mpox outbreak reaches ... (Endpoints News)

Bavarian Nordic is capable of supplying around 3 million doses of its mpox vaccine Jynneos this year, the WHO said on the back of its … Endpoints News ...

Bavarian Nordic, other health stocks jump on Mpox concerns (Yahoo Finance)

(Bloomberg) -- Shares of Danish vaccine developer Bavarian Nordic A/S jumped, while other medical product makers also rose, after the World Health ...

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Bavarian Nordic outlays 215000 mpox vaccine dose supply to ... (

Africa CDC's director general Dr. Jean Kaseya stated the number of rising mpox cases in the continent has been “largely ignored”.

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Image courtesy of "Herald Palladium"

Shares soar in mpox vaccine maker Bavarian Nordic (Herald Palladium)

Shares in Danish drugmaker Bavarian Nordic, which manufactures a vaccine targeting mpox, soared Thursday after the World Health Organization (WHO) declared ...

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Image courtesy of "Deccan Herald"

Bavarian Nordic says it can meet Mpox shot demand, shares jump (Deccan Herald)

Bavarian Nordic A/S, one of the few companies with an approved mpox vaccine, says it will be able to meet the immunization needs of African nations in the ...

Nordic Shares Rose Wednesday; Bavarian Nordic Led Increases (

Stocks in the Nordic region increased Wednesday, with the OMX Nordic 40 Index rising 0.2%. Bavarian Nordic A/S was the biggest leader among large stocks during ...

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Image courtesy of "The Times"

Mpox vaccine-maker Bavarian Nordic in demand amid rush for drug (The Times)

Vaccine makers with approved shots for mpox suddenly found themselves in demand from health authorities and investors after the World Health Organisation ...

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Image courtesy of "BNN"

Bavarian Nordic Says It Can Meet Mpox Shot Demand, Awaits Orders (BNN)

Bavarian Nordic A/S, one of the few companies with an approved mpox vaccine, says it will be able to meet the immunization needs of African nations in the ...

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Image courtesy of "Markets Insider"

Bavarian Nordic stock up 17% on mpox emergency as health ... (Markets Insider)

Danish monkeypox-vaccine maker Bavarian Nordic surged as much as 17% on Thursday. The company's two-day gain extended to 31% at highs after the WHO declared ...

FDA to Review Bavarian Nordic's Chikungunya Vaccine Candidate (Monthly Prescribing Reference)

The FDA has accepted for Priority Review the BLA for CHIKV VLP to prevent disease caused by chikungunya virus in those 12 years and older.

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Image courtesy of "MedWatch"

FDA grants Bavarian Nordic vaccine priority review status (MedWatch)

The vaccine offers protection against the chikungunya virus, and will now be approved or rejected by the FDA by February 2025.

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Image courtesy of "Benzinga"

Emergent Biosolutions, Bavarian Nordic, GeoVax And SIGA ... (Benzinga)

Several healthcare stocks associated with mpox are seeing increased attention Thursday after the World Health Organization declared a public health ...

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European Commission coordinates procurement and donation of ... (

In addition, the pharmaceutical company Bavarian Nordic will donate 40 000 doses to HERA. The Africa CDC will distribute the vaccines according to regional ...

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Image courtesy of "Forbes"

Vaccine Maker Shares Soar After WHO Declares Health Emergency ... (Forbes)

Danish firm Bavarian Nordic, which manufactures the preferred vaccine for use against mpox, has said it can meet booming demand for its shot after the WHO ...

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