
2024 - 8 - 13

Mpox: Afrikas Nyeste Sundhedsnedbrud - Kender Du Det?

Afrika CDC - Folkesundhed - Mpox - Sygdomsudbrud - Vaccination - Virusmutation

Mød den besværlige Mpox, der nu har berettiget os til at kalde den en offentlig sundhedsnødsituation i Afrika! Kan den nye stamme knuses?

Mpox, den smitsomme virussygdom tidligere kendt som monkeypox, har fået den triste ære at blive erklæret en offentlig sundhedsnødsituation i Afrika. Denne erklæring kommer fra kontinentets top sundhedsorgan, Africa CDC, der reagerer på det fortsatte og hastige udbrud af sygdommen. Siden januar 2022 er der reporteret 38.465 tilfælde og 1.456 dødsfald i afrikanske lande, og det er især de omkringliggende nationer som Burundi, Uganda og Kenya, der er hårdt ramte. Med sådan en stigning i antallet af tilfælde råber forskerne på Afrika CDC i et forsøg på at vække alarmen om situationens alvor.

Sygdommen, der først opstod i Den Demokratiske Republik Congo, er nu blevet en bekymring i flere afrikanske lande. De smittede lande inkluderer også Cameroon, Nigeria og Ghana, og myndighederne er nødt til at tage hurtig handling for at inddæmme de smitsomme udbrud. De ansvarlige instanser presser på for vaccinationer og oplysningskampagner for at informere offentligheden om, hvordan man kan beskytte sig mod smitte. Det er afgørende at forstå, at sygdommen ikke er begrænset til én enkelt region, men i stedet breder sig på tværs af grænser, hvilket gør den til en continental krise.

På den internationale scene har alarmen også lydt. FNs sundhedsorganisation betoner, at Mpox stadig spredes i verden og anerkender de stærke forbindelser mellem globale rejser, handel og sundhedsmæssige udfordringer. Den muterede stamme, som har brændt sig fast i flere afrikanske lande, illustrerer, hvordan vira hele tiden tilpasser sig og finder nye måder at overleve og sprede sig på. Det er netop derfor, at forskellige sundhedsorganisationer arbejder på at udvikle effektive strategier for at begrænse sygdommens rækkevidde.

I takt med at det bliver mere og mere vitalt at overvåge sundhedsbilledet, er det også vigtigt at nævne, at bedsteforældre i mange afrikanske samfund spiller en central rolle i at sørge for informationsspredning. De fungerer som bindeled mellem sundhedsvæsenet og lokalsamfundene, og deres indsigt kan ofte være afgørende for, hvordan information om Mpox bliver accepteret og implementeret.

Som en sjov og tankevækkende tilføjelse, så husk, at Mpox også stadig er relateret til et gammelt sundhedsrædsler fra de såkaldte "monkeypox" dage - men uden at sætte for meget fokus på aberne, så er det altid sundt at holde sig til facts!

Og vidste du, at Mpox ikke bare er en sygdom blandt mennesker? Forskere har også fundet viruset hos forskellige dyrearter, hvilket gør det endnu mere vigtigt at forstå dyre-sundhedens sammenhæng med menneskelig sundhed?

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Image courtesy of "BBC News"

Mpox in Africa: New strain declared a continental public health ... (BBC News)

Mpox, the high infectious disease that used to be called monkeypox, has been declared a public health emergency in Africa by the continent's top health body ...

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Image courtesy of ""

Africa CDC declares mpox a public health emergency (

Africa's top public health body acts over outbreak of mpox that spread from the DRC to neighbouring countries.

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Image courtesy of "Voice of America"

Africa declares mpox outbreak a public health emergency (Voice of America)

Formerly known as monkeypox, mpox is an infectious viral disease and has spreading at rapid speed, concerning Africa CDC scientists. The disease first began ...

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Image courtesy of "Courthouse News Service"

Africa's CDC declares mpox a public health emergency (Courthouse News Service)

According to CDC Africa data as of Aug. 4, there had been 38,465 cases of mpox and 1,456 deaths in Africa since January 2022.

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Image courtesy of "The Conversation Africa"

Mpox cases are soaring in Africa – what must be done to prevent a ... (The Conversation Africa)

Some of the countries affected are Burundi, Cameroon, Congo, Ghana, Liberia, Nigeria, Rwanda, the Democratic Republic of Congo, South Africa, Uganda and Kenya.

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Image courtesy of "Newsweek"

Mpox Map Shows US States With Virus in Wastewater as Outbreak ... (Newsweek)

Mpox has been declared a public health emergency in Africa as a deadlier strain of the virus spreads across the continent.

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Image courtesy of "Reuters"

Africa public health body declares mpox emergency (Reuters)

Africa's top public health body declared what it termed a "public health emergency of continental security" on Tuesday over an outbreak of mpox that has ...

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Image courtesy of "TIME"

Mpox Is Officially a Health Emergency in Africa (TIME)

A mutated mpox strain has spread to at least six African countries.

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Image courtesy of "UN News"

Mpox is still being transmitted across the world, says UN health ... (UN News)

Mpox has been confirmed in Burundi, one of four countries in Eastern Africa where the disease has surfaced for the first time, the UN World Health ...

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Image courtesy of ""

Africa CDC Declares Mpox A Public Health Emergency of ... (

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 13 Aug 2024 – The Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC) has officially declared the ongoing Mpox outbreak a ...

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Image courtesy of "The Guardian"

Africa CDC declares mpox outbreak a public health emergency (The Guardian)

Democratic Republic of the Congo hard-hit by virus, with death toll on continent above 1450 since 2022.

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Image courtesy of "Vox"

The mpox outbreak never ended in Africa. Now a deadlier strain is ... (Vox)

Other African countries are also facing resurging mpox outbreaks caused by the clade II virus. In May, there were a total of 465 mpox cases documented across ...

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Image courtesy of ""

Speech of the Director General / Africa CDC on the Declaration of ... (

Excellencies, colleagues, members of the media, and my fellow African citizens, Today, I stand before you with a heavy heart but also with an unwavering ...

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Image courtesy of "Reuters"

Mpox vaccines likely months away even as WHO, Africa CDC ... (Reuters)

Vaccines to help curb an escalating mpox outbreak in Democratic Republic of Congo and neighbouring countries may still not reach the central African country ...

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Image courtesy of "ABC News"

Mpox has been declared a public health emergency in Africa. What ... (ABC News)

The Africa Centers for Disease Control and Prevention declared this week that the increasing spread of mpox across the continent is a health emergency, ...

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