Banksy har kastet sig over dyreverdenen med syv nyfunnede værker i London! Mød zoologien i graffiti-form!
Den anonyme street art-ikon, Banksy, har haft en travl uge i London, hvor han har afsløret en række dyreinspirerede kunstværker, der spænder fra en sød ged til en skare af skræmmende piratfisk! Med denne seneste række kunstværker synes kunstneren at have en helt ny tone i sit budskab, der fokuserer på naturen og dens fascinerende væsener, mens han samtidig underholder de forbipasserende med sine skarpe satire. Det hele startede med en ged, der populært sagt satte skub i den dyre-inspirerede fest!
Banksy-galleriet inkluderer nu en sværm af fantastiske værker: to elefanter, treaber, en ulv, pelikaner og til sidst den mindeværdige gruppe piratfisk, der svømmer på en politikasse. Hvem kunne have gættet, at disse malerier, der tilsyneladende kun er en hyldest til dyrelivet, også tjener som en kommentar til samfundet? Den britiske kunstner formår endnu engang at få os til at tænke, mens vi grinende indser, at dyrene måske i virkeligheden er mennesker!
Nogle kunstelskere var begejstrede, da de stødte på en åben billboard, hvor Banksy afslørede et strejkende maleri af en sort kat, mens andre kritiserede handlingen som værende en nedladende gestus, der kom til at skuffe over det ellers forbilledlige arbejde. Selvom der har været en del tumult omkring værket, stråler det alligevel med den typiske Banksy-vibe – en blanding af humor, varme og et skarpt socialt kommentar.
Blandt de syv nye værker er den nyslåede skole af piratfisk ikke bare et billede af disse truende fisk, men måske også en metafor for et samfund, der svømmer i usikkerhed. Som om vi alle er fanget i det ene store akvarium! Banksys kunstværker i London viser endnu engang, at selv på den grå allerne kan man finde farver og liv. Og hvem ved, måske har Banksy lidt flere overraskelser i ærmet i fremtiden? Der er jo altid plads til flere dybuddyder og overraskelser!
Elusive artist Banksy has unveiled a menagerie of animal-themed artwork in London in recent days, starting with a goat and ending with a school of fish.
A police sentry box in the City of London has been transformed into an aquarium artwork by Banksy.
A seventh artwork has been confirmed on the artist's Instagram, this time showing a school of fish – which look like piranhas – painted on a police box in the ...
The shoal of fish on a police box follows works depicting a goat, elephants, monkeys, a wolf, pelicans and a cat.
For a few hours Saturday, the crafty artist known as Banksy made an open billboard of his canvas, with a painting that included a stretching black cat.
It is the seventh Banksy artwork to be unveiled this week in various locations across London, with the anonymous artist reportedly wanting to cheer up the ...
A goat, two elephants, three monkeys and one wolf. Four Banksy murals which have appeared in London this week have left many pondering the meaning behind ...
Elusive artist Banksy has been on a rampage of animal-inspired drawings over the last week in London – with his latest piece of work a group of piranhas on ...
The anonymous artist Banksy has revealed seven new artworks over the past seven days, each one appearing in a different corner of London.
Street artist Banksy has unveiled an eighth new London mural in eight days. It appeared in Charlton, in south-east London, and was confirmed on Banksy's ...
Street artist has revealed new work on his Instagram every day since a goat silhouette appeared last Monday.
His eighth work shows a rhino mounting a silver Nissan Micra with a traffic cone on its hood to mimic another rhinoceros.
After seven Banksy images in seven days across London last week, a new rhino mural shows the anonymous artist isn't finished yet - so the question now is, ...
As the last two animal artworks by Banksy appear across London, the street artist reveals their secret meaning.
Street artist Banksy has unveiled a new mural of a rhinoceros that looks like it is climbing on top of a car in London.
A police box painted with a fish mural. Number seven: Banksy's most recent animal mural in London. AFP via Getty Images. To receive Morning Links ...
For eight straight days, street artist and political activist Banksy has been unveiling a new piece of art on his official Instagram page, including today's ...
First a mountain goat was seen perched precariously on a wall buttress, followed by a pair of elephants, some monkeys, a wolf, two pelicans, a big cat, and fish ...
The street artist has revealed a playfully suggestive work that is bound to get Londoners talking. a graffiti image of a grey rhinosceros appears to be mounting ...
Street artist Banksy has unveiled a new mural of a rhinoceros that looks like it is climbing on top of a car in London.
Street artist Banksy on Monday unveiled a new mural of a rhinoceros that looks like it is climbing on top of a car in London — the eighth animal-themed ...
The work is Banksy's eighth in a series of animals painted on urban infrastructure that recalls scenes from the Terry Gilliam film '12 Monkeys'.
The artwork, depicting the silhouette of a rhino mounting a silver Nissan Micra with a traffic cone on its bonnet, had appeared on Westmoor Street in Charlton, ...
Banksy images of animals have been discovered each morning since August 5, showing elephants, monkeys, a goat, a wolf, pelicans and other creatures.
An artwork appearing on the shutters of London Zoo has been confirmed as the latest and final image in Banksy's surprise animal art trail across the capital. It ...
Man in balaclava filmed spraying tag on work in south-east London, as another piece appears outside London zoo.
"We're quite honored he's chosen to use our front shutters this morning to put one of his incredible artworks," Daniel Simmonds, London Zoo's animal operations ...
The mural in Charlton, south-east London has been spray painted with a tag by a man in a balaclava.
Depicting an ape breaking animals out of an enclosure, it is the ninth piece in the street artist's animal-themed series across the UK capital.
Italy is auctioning its castles, a ninth Banksy mural of a rhino mounting a car has been spotted, and more.
The elusive graffiti artist, who has never confirmed his full identity, has been posting the new work on his Instagram account every day since last Monday.
Street artist Banksy on Tuesday claimed the ninth - and perhaps final - mural of his animal-themed art trail across London, with a painting on the shutters ...
Workers arriving at the London Zoo were surprised to discover an unexpected exhibit that suggested the animals were being set free.
Is a new Banksy mural on the entrance of London Zoo the final instalment of the street artists's series of animal artworks?
The image on the London Zoo's safety shutters shows the gorilla lifting a cloth to allow several animals to escape.
Workers arriving at the London Zoo were surprised to discover an unexpected exhibit that suggested the animals were being set free.
LONDON (AP) — Workers arriving at the London Zoo early Tuesday were surprised to discover an unexpected exhibit that suggested the animals were being set ...
A mural by elusive street artist Banksy showed a gorilla holding up the entrance gate as birds took flight and a sea lion waddled away. Three sets of eyes ...
Banksy's final piece, outside London Zoo in Camden, north London, shows a gorilla lifting the shutter to release a sea lion and birds, while other animals ...