En skræmmende historie om en kvinde, der blot ville have hjælp, men i stedet fandt sin skæbne med tragiske konsekvenser. Læs mere om det chokerende politivoldtilfælde!
I en forrygende situation, der blottede en tragisk fejl i politiets respons, blev Sonya Massey, en 36-årig sort kvinde fra Illinois, skudt og dræbt i sit eget hjem. Massey havde ringet til politiet for at få hjælp, men tragisk nok endte hun med at blive offer for det, der skulle have været det modsatte - beskyttelse. Videoen fra en kropskamera, der er blevet offentliggjort, viser den kaotiske scene, hvor deputy Sean Grayson åbnede ild mod hende, mens hun stod med en gryde kogende vand i hånden.
I videoen kan man se, hvordan situationen, der udspillede sig i hendes hjem, forvandlede sig til et skræmmende øjeblik af vold, i stedet for den hjælp, hun bad om. Som reaktionen på sagen fra borgere til politiske ledere har været forbavsende, kom det også klart frem, at mange spørger: "Hvor er menneskeligheden?" Med dette tragiske forløb har Sonya Masseys død ikke blot lært os noget om befolkningen, men også om det nuværende politisystem i USA, som for mange betrages som problematisk.
Vicepræsident Kamala Harris og præsident Biden har udtrykt deres chok over hændelsen og understreget, at ingen, som søger hjælp, skulle frygte for sit liv. Reaktionerne stammer ikke kun fra det nationale niveau; akademikere, herunder en kriminolog ved University of Illinois Springfield, har kritiseret videoen som værende "en af de værste" de har set. Der er opfordringer til efterforskning og reformer i politiet for at forhindre, at sådanne tragedier finder sted igen.
Det chokerende tilfælde af Sonya Massey belyser en dybtliggende problematik i det amerikanske system, hvor sorte kvinder er særligt udsatte for politivold. Ifølge nyere statistikker er risikoen for hjerteproblemer, der påvirker afroamerikanske kvinder, steget markant, hvilket understreger, hvordan sociale og helbredsmæssige uretfærdigheder ofte går hånd i hånd. Derfor er diskussionen om nødvendigheden af politireformer vigtigere end nogensinde. I takt med at vi kaster lys over sådanne hændelser, er det essentielt, at vi står sammen som samfund for at kræve retfærdighed, ikke bare for Sonya Massey, men for alle, der har lidt under systemets brudte løfter.
Sonya Massey was shot at her home after police told her to put down a pot of boiling water.
Illinois officials released bodycam video that shows ex-Sangamon County Sheriff's Deputy Sean Grayson fatally shot Sonya Massey in her home.
Sonya Massey deserved to be safe. After she called the police for help, she was tragically killed in her own home at the hands of a responding officer.
Officials, including prosecutors, lawmakers and President Biden said they were shocked and devastated by the killing of Sonya Massey.
A criminal justice professor at University of Illinois Springfield called the Sonya Massey body camera footage "one of the worst" he's seen.
Body-camera footage showing the fatal police shooting of Sonya Massey, a 36-year-old Black woman who had called 911 for help, was released Monday in a case ...
Prosecutors in Illinois have released body camera footage showing law enforcement officers opening fire on an unarmed Black woman who called them for help.
Bodycam video of the fatal shooting of Sonya Massey was released Monday afternoon. The video shows the chaotic scene after a sheriff's deputy shot Massey, ...
Deputy Sean Grayson is charged with the murder of Sonya Massey after shooting at her three times.
Illinois State Police have released body camera footage from the deputies who responded to the residence of Sonya Massey, a Black woman who was shot and ...
Sean Grayson, an Illinois sheriff's deputy, is facing murder charges after newly released bodycam video showed the fatal police shooting of Sonya Massey, a.
The 36-minute video showed Deputy Sean P. Grayson, who has been charged with Massey's murder, as saying "I can't take hot boiling water to the f***ing face" ...
Vice-president says Black woman who was shot in her home by an Illinois sheriff's deputy 'deserved to be safe'
Attorney Ben Crump also indicated the family will seek justice, which could include a civil lawsuit.
In this image taken from body camera video released by Illinois State Police, Sonya Massey, left, talks with former Sangamon County Sheriff's Deputy Sean ...
Sangamon County deputy who fired the fatal shot worked for 6 central Illinois departments.
Body camera footage released from the shooting of the Black woman and mother by a sheriff's deputy in Illinois has reignited calls to #SayHerName.
Attorney Benjamin Crump, the renowned civil rights lawyer who is representing the family of Sonya Massey, speaks at a news conference Tuesday alongside ...
Sean Grayson—the former deputy involved with the case—was fired and indicted last week of first-degree murder, aggravated battery with a firearm and ...
The Justice Department opened an investigation into the killing of a Black woman by an Illinois sheriff's deputy who shot her inside her home earlier this ...
The DOJ confirms it's "assessing the circumstances" of Sonya Massey's shooting at the hands of ex-Sangamon County cop Sean Grayson in Springfield, IL.
The fatal shooting of Sonya Massey has prompted questions regarding body camera usage, guidelines and more in Illinois.
Deputy Sean Grayson, left, spoke calmly with Sonya Massey in her home just a minute before fatally shooting her, video shows. Sangamon County State's Attorney's ...
Feds to investigate the fatal shooting of a Black woman in her home. Here is the news to know Wednesday.
SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (WCIA) — James Wilburn spent days not knowing how his daughter Sonya Massey died. On July 6, Massey was shot by Sangamon County Sheriff's ...
The former sheriff's deputy charged with murder in the fatal shooting of Sonya Massey had been employed by six agencies since 2020, Illinois law enforcement ...
Sean Grayson, who has been charged with murder, had short stints as a part-time officer at three small police departments and a full-time job at a fourth...
Body camera footage from Illinois shows the fatal shooting of 36-year-old Sonya Massey.
The Illinois deputy charged with fatally shooting Sonya Massey, a 36-year-old Black woman who had called 911 for help, in her home earlier this month, ...
With help from law enforcement analysts and 36 minutes of body-camera footage released Monday, CNN took a closer look at what the deputies did and what they ...
Sean Grayson, the former Sangamon County Sheriff's deputy now charged with murder in the fatal shooting of Sonya Massey, was previously discharged from the ...
Illinois Law Enforcement Training and Standards Board records show that Sean Grayson worked three full-time and three part-time jobs over the past four ...
The former sheriff's deputy charged in the fatal shooting of Sonya Massey had been employed by a half-dozen police agencies since 2020, according to state ...
Authorities say Massey had called 911 to report a suspected prowler, and Sangamon County Sheriff's Deputy Sean Grayson, who is white, and another deputy arrived ...
James Wilburn fought back tears as he recalled the last voicemail he got from his 36-year-daughter, who was shot and killed in her home by an Illinois sheriff's ...