Spænding om von der Leyens fremtid som EU-præsident! Vil hun blive genvalgt? Læs mere her.
Ursula von der Leyen står over for en skæbnesvanger afstemning for at sikre sin genvalg som præsident for EU-Kommissionen. Efter uger med intens lobbyarbejde forsøger hun at overbevise medlemmer af EU-Parlamentet om at støtte hende til endnu en periode. Trods kritik og manglende tillid ser det ud til, at von der Leyen stadig har en chance for at komme igennem afstemningen og sikre sig endnu fem år som EC-præsident.
På trods af tabt tillid og dårlig opbakning har von der Leyen stadig en mulighed for at bevare sit embede. En afstemning med 361 MEP'ere, der støtter hende, vil sikre hende genvalg. Samtidig har hun stået over for retslige nederlag og kritik for mangel på gennemsigtighed i forbindelse med vaccinekontrakter, hvilket kaster skygger over hendes kandidatur. Trods modstand ser det ud til, at von der Leyen har en rimelig chance for at klare sig igennem afstemningen.
Von der Leyen har i en turbulent uge kæmpet for at fastholde sin position som præsident for EU-Kommissionen. Med presset fra forskellige fronter, herunder Domstolen, er det en afgørende tid for hendes politiske fremtid. EU-Parlamentet står på spring til at afgøre hendes skæbne, og spændingen er til at tage og føle på, da verden venter på resultatet af den afgørende afstemning.
Ursula von der Leyen has spent weeks trying to convince European Union lawmakers to back her for a second term as president of the European Commission.
The commission president can no longer command a convincing majority. Rejecting her would be good for European democracy, says Alberto Alemanno, ...
If 361 MEPs back Ursula von der Leyen, she'll secure a second term as president of the European Commission.
On Thursday afternoon, Brussels time, the EU parliament will vote to confirm Ursula von der Leyen for a second term as EU president.
Simon Usherwood explores the vote in the European Parliament this week on a second term as Commission President for Ursula von der Leyen.
Ursula von der Leyen is likely to encounter some opposition as she seeks her reelection as President of the European Commission, but she will probably ...
The European Parliament will vote on July 18 to determine if Ursula von Der Leyen will secure a second five-year term as EC president.
European Commission president criticized in vaccine transparency judgment a day before she faces crucial vote on her future.
Von der Leyen's Commission has lost a controversial vaccines contracts transparency case on the eve of a crucial vote in the European Parliament to confirm ...
EU court rules that European Commission unlawfully withheld information about procurement.
Europe's second-highest court on Wednesday criticised the European Commission for a lack of transparency over COVID-19 vaccine contracts four years ago, ...
Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) decide on Thursday whether to hand Ursula von der Leyen a second term as European Commission president.
European lawmakers have one secret ballot to decide the future of Commission president.
On paper the European Commission president has much support – but the bloc could fall into crisis if she loses.
EU chief Ursula von der Leyen will face a make-or-break vote on Thursday when the European Parliament will decide whether to hand her another term helming ...
Good morning from Strasbourg, where Ursula von der Leyen is quietly confident of winning a parliamentary majority for a second term as European Commission ...
Ursula von der Leyen is making her final leadership pitch in a speech to lawmakers at the European Parliament ahead of a vote on whether to grant her a ...
Ursula von der Leyen's political fate will be decided on Thursday, when the European Parliament chooses whether to elect or reject her for another five-year ...
The Capitals brings you the latest news from across Europe, through on-the-ground reporting by Euractiv's media network. You can subscribe to the newsletter ...
“Europe's competitiveness is hamstrung by its lower productivity compared to its direct global competitors,” wrote the EU Commission president candidate, ...
Pledges by EU's most powerful official include tackling migration and cutting red tape ahead of European parliament vote.
Ursula von der Leyen is making her final leadership pitch in a speech to lawmakers at the European Parliament ahead of a vote on whether to grant her a ...
In her bid to win support for a second term, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen on Thursday handed out a wide range of policy gifts to the ...
The US warned of Beijing's readiness to invade by 2027, which would be during the five-year mandate the Commission president is seeking.
Two motions to postpone the vote on Ursula von der Leyen's presidency were filed last night - one from non-attached leftist Germany's Sahra Wagenknecht ...
Ursula von der Leyen vowed on Thursday to not weaken Europe's efforts to tackle climate change, if she wins a second five-year term as President of the ...
Lawmakers at the European Parliament have re-elected Ursula von der Leyen to a second 5-year term as president of the European Union's executive commission.
Seeking re-election, Ursula von der Leyen has set out her manifesto for the next five years before the European Parliament.
Lawmakers at the European Parliament have re-elected Ursula von der Leyen to a second 5-year term as president of the European Union's executive commission.
Von der Leyen, who hails from the centre-right European People's Party, won 401 votes in a secret ballot, well above the 361 votes she needed to be elected.
Ursula von der Leyen has been reelected to a second five-year term as president of the European Commission after a vote by EU lawmakers.
Compromise was likely the key to winning her votes across the political spectrum.
Ursula von der Leyen is re-elected as European Commission president after a secret ballot among MEPs.
Ursula von der Leyen has been reelected to a second five-year term as president of the European Commission after a vote by EU lawmakers.
European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen has a second term, but it will be different from her first in several important ways.
The German conservative, a steadfast U.S. ally, gained European Parliament approval to lead the European Commission for another five years.
Re-election ensures leadership continuity as bloc wrestles with crises ranging from war in Ukraine to climate change, migration and housing shortages.
Mainstream groups unite to grant her an emphatic victory and defeat anti-EU and extreme-right forces.