Læs om den chokerende transformation fra glamorøs influencer til fængslet slavehandler!
Kat Torres, en tidligere brasiliansk model og Instagram influencer, er nu bag tremmer for menneskehandel og slaveri. Hendes historie er chokerende - fra at feste med Hollywood-stjerner som Leonardo DiCaprio til at blive dømt til otte års fængsel for udnyttelse af kvinder. Kat Torres, en gang beundret for sit wellnessimage, står nu skrevet i historien som en kontroversiel figur, der manipulerede unge kvinder til at arbejde gratis for hende. Hendes fald fra nåde skildrer en grim virkelighed bag facaden af social medie berømmelse. Kat Torres' respektive dom har sendt chokbølger gennem influencer-verdenen, og viser det mørke underliv af udnyttelse og manipulation, der desværre også kan eksistere bag glittede Instagram-billeder.
Like, Follow, Trafficked: Insta's Fake Guru is a new documentary from award-winning and critically-acclaimed team, BBC Eye Investigations, and BBC News ...
Kat Torres, a wellness influencer, exposed! Unravel the shocking truth behind the social media star. Uncover stories of human trafficking, exploitation, ...
Kat Torres sentenced to eight years in prison for human trafficking and slavery of women.
Brazilian influencer Kat Torres, who once dated the Hollywood star Leonardo DiCaprio, is in the news for something explosive and controversial.
US News: According to Torres' former flatmate in New York, Hollywood friends introduced her to ayahuasca, a hallucinogenic drug.
Katiuscia Torres was deported back to Brazil and arrested in November 2022 as allegations emerged about her life behind closed doors in the United States.
Torres has now been sentenced to eight years in prison for the human trafficking and slavery of one of those women. The BBC World Service has also been told ...
Young women tell BBC how Kat Torres lure dem to her home for US, wia dem dey work for no pay.
Kat Torres got 8 years in prison for human trafficking and slavery, per the BBC. As an influencer, she partied with A-listers like Leonardo DiCaprio.