
2024 - 6 - 20

Putin og Vietnam: En gammel venskab, der nægter at dø

Nordkorea - Putin - Rusland - Vietnam

Putin styrker båndene med Vietnam på sin East Asian tour. Læs om det spændende partnerskab her!

Den russiske præsident Vladimir Putin er ankommet til den vietnamesiske hovedstad Hanoi som et led i hans East Asian tour. Besøget sker efter en ny strategisk partnerskabsaftale med Nordkorea, der skyldes Moskvas behov for støtte. Putin søger at styrke forbindelserne med Vietnam, der gennem årtier har været en vigtig partner, især i lyset af Ruslands øgede isolation. Den korte afstand mellem de to lande bidrager til et tæt samarbejde, som Vietnam også fremhæver med en 21-kanoners hilsen ved Putins ankomst.

Putin besøger Vietnam midt i en periode med stor geopolitisk betydning, hvor landet har haft besøg af magtfulde ledere som Joe Biden, Xi Jinping og nu Putin. Den indre politiske magtkamp i Vietnam har resulteret i udrulning af den røde løber for verdensledere, hvilket har styrket landets position som en vigtig spiller i regional og global politik. Putins besøg markerer en ny fase i den store magtkonkurrence mellem stormagterne, hvor partnerskabet mellem Rusland og Vietnam får mulighed for at blomstre.

På trods af enkelte kritiske røster fra Vesten, bifalder Vietnam Putins besøg som en anerkendelse af det langvarige forhold mellem de to lande. Den såkaldte 'bamboo diplomacy' har trukket store internationale ledere til Vietnam og positioneret landet som en brobygger mellem geopolitiske rivaler. Putins fokus på styrkelsen af partnerskabet med Vietnam vidner om regionens stigende betydning i global politik, hvor landet spiller en central rolle i at opretholde balance mellem verdensmagterne.

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Image courtesy of "BBC News"

Putin in Vietnam: An old friendship that refuses to die (BBC News)

Russian President Vladimir Putin has arrived in the Vietnamese capital Hanoi on the second stop of an East Asian tour. The trip, which comes on the heels of ...

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Image courtesy of "CNN"

Putin arrives in Vietnam as Russia seeks support in face of Western ... (CNN)

Russian President Vladimir Putin arrived in Hanoi on Wednesday, fresh from agreeing a new strategic partnership with North Korea, driven by Moscow's need ...

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Image courtesy of "The Associated Press"

Putin seeks to strengthen Vietnam ties as Russia's isolation deepens (The Associated Press)

HANOI, Vietnam (AP) — Russian President Vladimir Putin is seeking to strengthen ties with longtime partner Vietnam on a state visit Thursday that comes as ...

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Image courtesy of "Reuters"

Vietnam welcomes Russian leader Putin, vows to boost ties (Reuters)

Russian President Vladimir Putin was welcomed in Vietnam with a 21-gun salute during a military ceremony on Thursday, as one of the Communist-run country's ...

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Image courtesy of ""

Russia's Putin arrives in Vietnam for final stop on two-nation Asia tour (

Russian President Vladimir Putin has arrived in Vietnam for talks with the country's leaders after concluding a defence pact with North Korea, Russian news ...

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Image courtesy of "TIME"

Vietnam Welcomes Putin for State Visit Criticized by U.S. (TIME)

Vietnam welcomed Russian President Vladimir Putin, underlining its decades-old relationship with Moscow in the face of Western criticism over Putin's ...

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Image courtesy of "Financial Times"

Vietnam's 'bamboo diplomacy' triumphs with visits from Biden, Xi ... (Financial Times)

Over the past nine months, Vietnam has hosted Joe Biden, Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin, balancing geopolitical rivalries with an élan that has eluded other ...

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Image courtesy of ""

As Putin visits, Vietnam says will boost ties with Russia for global ... (

Russian president says strengthening strategic partnership with Vietnam is one of his country's priorities. Putin Lam. Russian President Vladimir Putin, left, ...

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Image courtesy of "The Diplomat"

Putin's Trip to Vietnam: The Next Phase of Major Power Competition (The Diplomat)

Russian President Vladimir Putin, second left, shakes hands with Vietnamese officials upon his arrival at Noi Bai International Airport in Hanoi, Thursday, June ...

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Image courtesy of ""

Beware of Vietnam's new authoritarian president (

A rare internal power struggle in Vietnam over the past few months resulted in the ousting of several major leaders for corruption and the appointment of a ...

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Image courtesy of "The Washington Post"

Putin seeks support from old ally Vietnam amid Russia's growing ... (The Washington Post)

Russia and Vietnam have been close allies since the Cold War era, but Hanoi in recent years has cultivated warmer relations with the United States.

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Image courtesy of "ABC News"

Putin signs deals with Vietnam in bid to shore up ties in Asia (ABC News)

Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a series of deals with his Vietnamese counterpart To Lam during a state visit that comes as Moscow is seeking to ...

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Image courtesy of "NPR"

Putin signs numerous deals with Vietnam in a bid to shore up ... (NPR)

Russia's president signed at least a dozen deals with his Vietnamese counterpart and offered to supply fossil fuels to Vietnam, as Moscow is seeking to ...

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Image courtesy of "Reuters"

Rights group accuses Vietnam misleading US on human trafficking (Reuters)

Vietnam instructed its officials to withhold information from Washington to paint the country's efforts to tackle human trafficking in a better light, ...

Putin signs deals with Vietnam in bid to shore up ties in Asia to offset ... (The Washington Post)

Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed a series of deals with his Vietnamese counterpart during a state visit that comes as Moscow is seeking to ...

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Image courtesy of "Reuters"

Yellen says US ties with Vietnam don't require it to sever ties with ... (Reuters)

U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen on Thursday said the United States' upgraded partnership with Vietnam does not require Vietnam to sever ties with ...

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Image courtesy of "Semafor"

Putin arrives in Vietnam in bid to flex Russia's power amid isolation ... (Semafor)

Russia seeks further international support in Vietnam — a potential American ally — after signing a security deal with North Korea.

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Image courtesy of "Voice of America"

US asks Vietnam to support Ukraine's sovereignty, territorial integrity (Voice of America)

Russian President Vladimir Putin arrives at Noi Bai International Airport in Hanoi, Vietnam, June 20, 2024. Following Putin's visit, the United States sought ...

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Image courtesy of "The Guardian"

Russia and Vietnam agree to strengthen ties during Putin state visit (The Guardian)

The Russian president arrived at Hanoi airport in the early hours of Thursday, and was met on a red carpet by the Vietnamese deputy prime minister Tran Hong Ha ...

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Image courtesy of "Nikkei Asia"

Vietnam 'torn' between U.S. and Russia as embattled Putin visits (Nikkei Asia)

HO CHI MINH CITY -- After visiting North Korea, Russian President Vladimir Putin visited Vietnam, making the Southeast Asian nation the only country t.

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Image courtesy of "Verona Press"

Stories from Vietnam (Verona Press)

Core Knowledge Charter School eighth grade teacher Ashley Tarkenton knew that when teaching her students about the Vietnam War, firsthand accounts are a ...

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