Alex og Jules mødtes som naboer, men en kræftdiagnose ændrede alt. Læs deres rørende historie her.
Alex og Jules, begge 50 år, mødtes som naboer i Leigh-on-Sea. Deres liv ændrede sig drastisk, da Jules fik diagnosen brystkræft i stadie 4. Dette førte til et overraskende årti med sportslige udfordringer og styrkeprøver. Mens de navigerede gennem Jules' sygdom, fandt de styrke i hinanden og støttede hinanden gennem lange og krævende cykelture. Deres historie er et inspirerende eksempel på kærlighed og mod i modgang.
På den anden side af Atlanten kæmper USA med Trumps farlige angreb på retsstatsprincippet. Historisk set er dette ikke nyt i amerikansk politik. Allerede i landets tidlige år stod John Adams, den anden præsident, bag kriminalisering af dissens og forsøg på at undergrave demokratiet. Disse eksempler belyser vigtigheden af at værne om demokratiske værdier og retsstatsprincippet i enhver tid.
Musikverdenen bringer os den fjerde soloudgivelse fra avantgarde-popcellisten Mabe Fratti. Med et album der er fyldt med passion, melodiøsitet og overraskelser viser Fratti sit emotionelle dyb og musikalske dygtighed. Hendes værk er et sandt mesterværk, der formår at røre og overraske lytterne på en unik måde.
Ken Jeong, kendt som komiker, skuespiller og læge, deler sine oplevelser og svarer på spørgsmål om alt fra sine værste publikumsreaktioner til hvorfor Dick Van Dyke fik ham til at græde. Jeong's mangfoldige karriere viser, at talent ikke kender nogen grænser, og at humor kan være et stærkt redskab til at forbinde med andre.
I USA er kampen for retsstatsprincippet fortsat aktuel, mens kunstnere som Mabe Fratti og underholdere som Ken Jeong fortsætter med at inspirere og berige vores liv med deres talent og lidenskab.
Alex and Jules, both 50, met as neighbours in Leigh-on-Sea. Then Jules was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer. It led to a surprising decade of sporting ...
The first example of a presidential threat to democracy came close to the founding. The second US president, John Adams, criminalized dissent and sought to ...
The full-blooded and emotionally driven fourth solo album from the avant garde pop cellist is abundantly melodic, constantly surprising and unequivocally ...
The comedian, actor and physician answers your questions on his worst heckles, playing a chicken and why Dick Van Dyke made him cry.
Rishi Sunak's decision to side with climate deniers isn't just wrongheaded: it's costing our environment and our economy, says former energy minister Chris ...
In the early 90s, the Man in Black was unsigned, uncool and barely out of addiction. Releasing lost songs from those years that rank among Cash's best, ...
Scientists say there is little evidence behind popular theory that fossils from protoceratops played key role in creation of fantastical beast.
Nicholas Hytner has shared details of his forthcoming production, which will give the actor his highest profile Shakespeare role to date.
George Osborne's help to buy cost billions, pushed up prices, did almost nothing for new buyers – but made house builders a lot of money.
The smash hit restaurant drama starring Jeremy Allen White and Ayo Edebiri returns for a third helping – and Rapman's south London superhero show lands at ...
Wedmore, Somerset: Little is known about elvers, but today myself and a group of schoolchildren get to take a close look.
Conservationists hope insects carrying 'birth control' bacteria can save honeycreeper being wiped out by malaria.
My husband joked: 'My wife is pregnant – but it's not mine'
The Scottish author on having his mind changed by Orwell, how Trainspotting was influenced by Ulysses, and his wariness of novels created with AI.
Clean by Alia Trabucco Zerán; Comrade Papa by GauZ'; The Son of Man by Jean-Baptiste Del Amo; Comedy in a Minor Key by Hans Keilson.
You carry a huge burden of guilt, but it was your parents who failed you, not you them. Their damaging expectations meant you never felt loved for who you ...
Plus, they're a relatively straightforward crop so a great way to get children into edible gardening.
From disappointments on Gaza and climate to hope on housing, six 18- to 24-year-olds share their thoughts.
From the threat of Nigel Farage to the virtues of Mickey Mouse degrees, 18- to 24-year-olds have a lot on their minds.