Sri Lanka

2024 - 6 - 14

Sri Lanka hædres med innovationspris for energiprogram støttet af USAID

Energiprojekter - IMF - ISIS - Sri Lanka - USAID - Ytringsfrihed

SLEP-projektet i Sri Lanka vinder topprisen for innovation på 2024-konferencen. Spændende nyt til energisektoren!

I en spændende udvikling har USA's ambassade meddelt, at Sri Lankas USAID-finansierede energiprojekt (SLEP) har modtaget højeste anerkendelse ved årets konference i 2024. Projektet, kendt som Sri Lanka Energy Project, blev tildelt innovationsprisen for sit banebrydende arbejde med at forbedre energisektoren i landet. SLEP har været en afgørende faktor i at stimulere innovation og bæredygtig udvikling inden for energi i Sri Lanka.

Det prisvindende projekt har revolutioneret energiforsyningen og skubbet grænserne for, hvad der er muligt i Sri Lankas energisektor. Med støtte fra USAID har SLEP implementeret innovative løsninger og teknologier, der har en enorm indvirkning på landets energilandskab. Denne anerkendelse som vinder af innovationsprisen cementerer SLEP's position som en førende aktør inden for bæredygtig energiproduktion.

Sri Lankas SLEP-projekt har ikke kun fokuseret på at forbedre energisektoren lokalt, men har også sat standarden for innovative energiprojekter globalt. Gennem partnerskabet med USAID har projektet inspireret til lignende initiativer i andre lande og fungerer som et eksempel på vellykket samarbejde mellem nationer for at tackle spørgsmål om energieffektivitet.

Dette imponerende projekt viser, at Sri Lanka er i front, når det kommer til innovativ energiproduktion. Med den seneste anerkendelse som vinder af innovationsprisen bekræftes det, at SLEP-projektet har haft en dybtgående indvirkning på landets energisektor og tjener som et lysende eksempel på, hvad der kan opnås gennem effektivt samarbejde og teknologisk fremskridt.

USAID-Funded Sri Lanka Energy Program Wins Innovation Award at ... (USAID)

The U.S. Embassy is pleased to announce Sri Lanka's USAID-funded Sri Lanka Energy Project (SLEP) has received top honors at the 2024 annual conference for ...

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Image courtesy of "The Indian Express"

No evidence Sri Lankans arrested in India linked to ISIS: Foreign ... (The Indian Express)

The Gujarat Anti-Terrorist Squad had claimed last month that they arrested four Sri Lankans with links to ISIS at Ahmedabad airport.

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Image courtesy of "NDTV"

No Evidence Sri Lankans Arrested In India Have ISIS Link: Foreign ... (NDTV)

Foreign Minister Ali Sabry on Friday said there is no evidence to back claims that the four Sri Lankans arrested in India last month are linked to ISIS.

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Image courtesy of "The"

USAID-funded Sri Lanka Energy Programme wins Innovation Award ... (The

U.S. Ambassador Julie Chung witnesses the innovative solar-powered battery swapping station at the Centre for Women's Research in Colombo.

Press Briefing on Sri Lanka's 2024 Article IV Consultation and the ... (International Monetary Fund)

Good morning, everyone. I think we can start now. Good morning to those who are joining us from Sri Lanka and Asia. And good afternoon, good evening to ...

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Image courtesy of "Business Standard"

Sri Lanka economic recovery hinges on sustaining ongoing reforms ... (Business Standard)

The IMF on Thursday noted that Sri Lanka's economy has started recovering, inflation remained low, revenue collection was improving, and reserves continued ...

'Procedural issues' delaying Sri Lanka debt deal: IMF | Macau ... (Macau Business)

International, MNA | Sri Lanka's planned foreign debt restructure after an unprecedented economic crisis has been delayed by "procedural issues" in ...

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Image courtesy of "Sri Lanka Guardian"

Sri Lanka: Chamber Applauds IMF Review, Urges Ongoing Reforms ... (Sri Lanka Guardian)

The Ceylon Chamber of Commerce congratulates the Government of Sri Lanka for securing a board-level agreement on the second review of Sri Lanka's Extended ...

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Image courtesy of ""

US encourages Sri Lanka's leaders to stay committed to reforms (

The US Ambassador in Colombo Julie Chung says that the United States welcomes the International Monetary Fund's (IMF) approval of Sri Lanka's second review ...

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Image courtesy of "PGurus"

IMF Releases $336 Mn Tranche to Sri Lanka (PGurus)

IMF has disbursed the third tranche of USD 336 million from its USD 2.9 billion bailout package to Sri Lanka.

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Image courtesy of "NewsWire"

US welcomes IMF approval of Sri Lanka's second review - Newswire (NewsWire)

The Executive Board of the IMF on Thursday completed the second review under the 48-month Extended Fund Facility (EFF) Arrangement, allowing the authorities to ...

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Image courtesy of "Sri Lanka Mirror"

IMF acknowledges progress in Sri Lanka's debt restructuring (Sri Lanka Mirror)

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) says that there is sufficient progress for Sri Lanka's Debt Restructuring process to move forward.

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Image courtesy of "IFEX"

Sri Lanka's civic space and the battle for free speech - IFEX (IFEX)

The Sri Lankan government has exploited existing laws to target freedoms of expression, speech, and assembly.

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