2024 - 6 - 9

Far-Right AfD Shakes Up German Politics: What You Need to Know

AfD - EU-valg - højrenationalisme - Tyskland

German far-right party, Alternative for Germany, makes significant gains in recent elections. Find out how this impacts the country's political landscape!

I Tyskland oplever den yderste højrefløj, Alternative for Germany (AfD), en stærk vækst, der ryster det politiske landskab. I søndagens valg viste projekteringer, at Tysklands upopulære regeringspartier er faldet til svage resultater, mens AfD har gjort fremskridt. Trods en række skandaler opnåede AfD andenpladsen i EU-valget og øgede støtten, især blandt vælgerne. De tyske konservative førte an i valget, mens AfD indtog andenpladsen, forbigående socialisterne.

AfD spillede også en rolle i at påføre Kansler Olaf Scholz' Socialdemokrater deres hidtil værste nederlag i et europæisk parlamentsvalg. Med et bredt skift i det tyske partilandskab, hvor populistiske partier forsøger at fylde det tomrum, der er opstået, har AfD styrket sin position. De seneste EU-valg viser, at selvom Tyskland kæmper med interne politiske ændringer, er den politiske midte stadig stærk og står for et fornuftig Europa. Europa-Kommissionens formand, Ursula von der Leyen, understreger vigtigheden af en stærk europæisk midte, mens den yderste højrefløj vinder terræn på tværs af kontinentet.

I betragtning af den øgede opbakning til AfD og den generelle uro på det tyske politiske landskab er det tydeligt, at der sker markante forskydninger i vælgernes præferencer. Med konservative i spidsen og AfD på vej mod en mere magtfuld position tegner fremtiden af tysk politik sig med udfordringer og usikkerhed. Som AfDs indflydelse vokser, vil det være afgørende at følge udviklingen nøje og forstå konsekvenserne for Tysklands politik og Europa som helhed.

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Image courtesy of "The Associated Press"

German far right gains as governing parties decline, but ... (The Associated Press)

Projections show that Germany's unpopular governing parties sank to feeble results and the far-right Alternative for Germany made gains in Sunday's vote for ...

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Image courtesy of "Reuters"

German far-right makes strong gains in EU vote, ruling parties suffer (Reuters)

The far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) shrugged off a string of scandals to take second place in Sunday's EU election, making gains in particular among ...

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Image courtesy of ""

German conservatives first, far-right AfD second in EU election (

Alternative for Germany beats Chancellor Olaf Scholz's Social Democrats, who had their worst result in a national election in the party's history.

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Image courtesy of ""

AfD helps inflict worst-ever EU defeat on Olaf Scholz's party (

Chancellor Olaf Scholz's Social Democrats (SPD) scored their worst result ever in a European parliamentary election, with conservatives saying time had run out ...

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Image courtesy of "MaltaToday"

Far-right gains in Germany: CDU in lead, but AfD in second place at ... (MaltaToday)

The opposition Christian Democratic Union/Christian Social Union (CDU/CSU) polled at 29.5%, while ruling socialists Social Democratic party (SPD) polled at 14%.

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Image courtesy of "Business Day"

Germany's far-right AfD makes strong gains in EU election, early ... (Business Day)

The strong showing comes as Germany's party landscape undergoes its biggest upheaval in decades, with new populist parties vying to take space vacated by the ...

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Image courtesy of "The Guardian"

EU elections 2024 live: Von der Leyen says 'centre is holding' as far ... (The Guardian)

European commission president says 'there remains a majority in the centre for a strong Europe' as far right makes huge gains across continent; ...

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Image courtesy of "The Guardian"

EU elections 2024 live: Von der Leyen says 'centre is holding' as far ... (The Guardian)

European commission president says 'there remains a majority in the centre for a strong Europe' as far right makes huge gains across continent; ...

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Image courtesy of "EURACTIV"

Austrian far-right to court Le Pen to let AfD back into European party (EURACTIV)

Austria's far-right Freedom Party (FPÖ), which has managed to become the largest political force in the Central European country, is pushing its European ...

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Image courtesy of "Yahoo News"

German far-right AfD sees momentum ahead of upcoming state ... (Yahoo News)

Strong gains by the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) in European Parliament elections should provide momentum heading into German state elections in ...

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Image courtesy of "EURACTIV"

AfD's strong showing in German EU elections fuels far-right shift in ... (EURACTIV)

Despite a series of scandals, the far-right AfD party took second place in Germany's EU elections with a record result, which was a main driver behind a ...

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Image courtesy of "Press TV"

Germany's far-right AFD leaders cheer as exit polls published (Press TV)

The far-right Alternative for Germany made solid gains and take second place in EU election.

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Image courtesy of ""

Olaf Scholz's party suffers worst EU election defeat as AfD surges (

The German Chancellor's party won just 13.9 per cent in the European elections – placing them third in the country and behind the AfD.

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Image courtesy of "The Times of Israel"

Germans say far-right AfD lacks legitimacy, even after its European ... (The Times of Israel)

MUNICH, Germany — Few if any of Europe's far-right parties carry as much baggage as Alternative for Germany, an anti-immigration movement that's frequently ...

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Image courtesy of "BBC News"

European elections: German far-right celebrate win over Scholz's party (BBC News)

The AfD party pips Chancellor Olaf Scholz's centre-left SPD to second place in the European elections.

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Image courtesy of ""

Far-right Alternative for Germany ejects Maximilian Krah, seeks way ... (

Newly elected AfD MEPs voted to exclude from their delegation top candidate Krah, who has been embroiled in multiple scandals.

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Image courtesy of "Euronews"

Germany's far-right AfD appoints new European Parliament ... (Euronews)

Political scientist Dr Antonios Souris says part of the AfD's success can be attributed to their successful social media campaign.

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Image courtesy of "The American Conservative"

AfD Gains in European Parliament Elections (The American Conservative)

State of the Union: The populist party placed second, ahead of the governing Social Democrats.

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Image courtesy of "EURACTIV"

German far-right lead candidate excluded from future AfD delegation (EURACTIV)

The newly-formed AfD EU delegation has decided not to include controversial leader Maximilian Krah, implicated in several scandals, in a bid to rejoin the ...

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Image courtesy of "The New York Times"

Germany's AfD Rises to 2nd Place in E.U. Election (The New York Times)

The AfD's gains were a sharp rebuke to Chancellor Olaf Scholz's governing coalition and a sign of the rightward political shift across the continent.

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